During the Rise of NOED A Unlikely Hero has Risen
NOED has been rampant lately primarily that nice little green emblem that allows a killer to insta down you without much work, lately in the forums people have been telling each other to work on totems. Sometimes that isn't so easy to do without wasting too much time, now this is where my favorite perk which is severely underrated because not many killers ran NOED before but now..... IT IS FANTASTIC.
I get a lot of hate mails from killers for breaking all the totems, the sadness killers experience as that NOED isn't popping up. Small Game is a life saver and a time saver, I'm glad this perk has finally been useful and doesn't feel like a waste of space. I highly suggest you run this perk for those pesky totems.
You get hate mail for doing totems? God what has the world come too
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Thank you. Every team needs it's small game user for doing bones.
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I've recieved over 14 message from seperate killers telling me to ######### off or die in a hole, all because I took the advice of their own which was "Do TOTEMS and you won't get hit with NOED" I'm confused man.
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People need SG more than ever.
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Small Game is love, Small Game is life <3
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NOED has been rampant since they updated it to give the exposed status effect to all tiers of the perk.
Its mostly dominant at Yellow, Green and Purple Ranks. You sometimes see it in Red Ranks but that's only when its on a Killer like Wraith, Trapper, or Freddy 1.0
Its just a throw away perk that taxes on bad Survivors, that's literally it...
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Still not gonna catch me slipping friend
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You can say that again ❤️❤️
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Happens to the best of us.
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Not anymore *NOED flashbacks* not anymore
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It'll be a very good perk if adrenaline, ds, BT and BL don't exist.
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found that funny lol, boed is better (to me) then ruin anyway, i mean a good bunch esp who gen rush just wish to rush out the gated or hatch....hehehe but then when you have noed it's like ohhhh yish! some aren't expecting it, and soem don't care to cleanse bones but as a surv i do like my small game perk
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Small Game is amazing. I’ve been using it since I am back to playing again. The totems are not always so easy to find, it can be a game changer.
If more Survivors equipped SG, Ruin and NOED would fall out of the meta.
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They get cleansed quite a bit even when the survivors don't have Small Game. NOED actually goes off maybe 50% of the time that I run it. Doing 5 dulls seriously isn't hard if everyone cleanses on sight.
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Cleansing is a beautiful thing. Sadly against a toxic killer (and let's be honest this is mostly a "toxic killers love me" perk) who camps hooks, that's a race against time that cleansing will result in you losing.
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Us small game users unite xD always have this perk on same as calm spirit
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My friend runs small game and I didnt for awhile but still did totems but one day I was in a really bad mood and he told me to run small game so I did and hunting totems really calmed me down so now when I'm mad I hunt totems...this has no relevance to this discussion and I'm gonna leave now.
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So annother one who cant comprehend whats wrong with NOED. Yikes
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So as long as the team has a dedicated Bone Breaker, all is well?
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I'm aware of what's wrong with NOED but the devs purposely buffed it and we all know they won't touch it. So I'm willing to break totems and prevent killers from using it and incentive them to use something else. Until they nerf it or killers stop running it what else can we do.
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Tbh NOED is still a cheap route to winning, but if you feel like you need to run it go ahead.
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Every team needs at least one SG user.
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I haven't used NOED in ages because I don't even find it reliable enough to use. The only reason I would run it is if I really did not have any better perks to use because I have hardly unlocked any for a particular Killer. Like, if I had Huntress, and the only perks I had were her base perks, Monstrous Shrine, and NOED, I would absolutely run NOED before any of the other ones.
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I personally prefere more to use a map if I want to totem hunt
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Inner Strenght is gonna be the new hero.
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Be nice if small game had a 'totems still remaining on map' counter buff, then it might actually be useful over just having map familiarity. One thing I know is I hate using it with hag, it is constant ding ding ding.
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I like going in raw and searching them nooks and crannies.
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I use NOED more frequently lately. Why I do this? Because gens take zero skill to complete and with or without ruin they take only minutes to finish all 5. If I had more time on my hands as killer, I probably would never run it and totally be in favor of it being removed from the game(though if things were that way from the start in DBD, NOED might never have existed in the first place).
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Are you looting and storing? What's the most amount of items on a survivor?
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*Laughs in Iron Maiden*
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NOED takes zero skills also and if you get gen rushed that badly there are perks to counter the gen rush that isn't called Ruin
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Waste of time SG ftw
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In matches with Ruin, I immediately search for it and break it using Small Game. Sometimes I even run around destroying all the totems for the points even if there's no hex perks.
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What is this nonsense. NoED has been meta for years.
Small Game is useless and is only good as training wheels for beginners who don't know where totems spawn, or when you are bad against Trapper.
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Yes use that perk so that's one less meta perk I have to deal with
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Yes unite! I have been using this perk every survivor game for almost 2 years
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Ever since noed got buffed all killers been running Noed 1 so it's better for one person to run it
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*Laughs in SWF* silly rabbit only one person needs a SG
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Those killers must be terrible if there getting mad at you for cleansing totems to prevent their NOED. Something a lot of killers complain about survivors not doing
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Detective's hunch is better.
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And if ruin fell out the game would lose more killers
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No love for noed..but hate how totem perks get screwed so easily...devs really havent made them fair...
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Killers won't go anywhere you know why because they come to this game to fulfill their sadistic desires, then they have other perks that act like ruins, and of course if they were to lose more killers just means other killers would have more survivors to play against
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Ok your obviously not thinking this through dude
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Legit, First killers excuse was "just do totems, and you won't have NOED" then when people do it they go "GG EZ baby survivors." I get it really sucks too pretty much have an empty perk slot, but that's the risk you take for a very good reward xD
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So small game is good but not really needed i feel like its a waste of space.... I mean u know. Its not hard to find totems. Its a crutch. I actually love it when a killer runs nodead
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I am
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Is this sarcasm
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Ok..no..? Clearly you arnt