Rank 1 - Reward / Cosmetic

I'm sure people have discussed this before, but why is there not some form of unlock/reward for reaching rank 1 for survivor or killer? I've reached killer rank 1 three times on separate occasions over the two years I've been playing and would love some kind of cosmetic for it.

Because of rank reset on the 13th of every month, I think a cosmetic for hitting rank 1 is especially important so when players take a break from DBD and come back, they always have something to show they reached it previously.

@Peanits @Patricia @not_Queen Would love to hear your thoughts? If this was implemented in the future, would players who reached rank 1 in the past be entitled to the reward if the could prove they did?


  • DE_DireWolf
    DE_DireWolf Member Posts: 22

    They mentioned in the last AMA on reddit that rank rewards are not planned yet but is an idea they want to think about and realize "eventually"

    Sorry for bad english, greetings from germany:)

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I dont get these devs.. Just give us ANYTHING, just a couple 100k BP for hitting rank one till you find something more interesting. But just letting us with nothing for over 3 years so lame. Honestly. I know finding out ideas isn't ez. But come on, bp is the easiest and most asked reward. Just give it to us till you figure out something better.

    Bhvr... Just because you did one decision, doesn't mean u can't change it in the feature. There is nothing wrong about dynamic changes, especially of stuff like rank rewards which isn't touching the core game.

    Just my little rant about that topic, I'm playing since release and I really don't get it. There literally 0 motivation to hit rank 1. In fact, there is more motivation to stay low rank (less sweaty, faster lobby times etc).

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    We'll get rank rewards Soon™

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Thanks for the responses guys, do you reckon people who have hit rank 1 but are not rank 1 at the time they release the rank rewards will still get them?

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    You are very comprehensible love, don't worry about it.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    They mentioned doing rank rewards, 3 years ago.

    It was talked about on the very first Dev stream. Don’t expect anything, ever.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The funny thing about ranks is that they're supposed to be a general reflection of a player's relative skill level just for matchmaking purposes, but they don't even do that very well. I can understand not having rank rewards if ranks are meant purely for matchmaking, not as a kind of achievement, but if that were the case having rank progress be hidden would probably be a better idea.

    From the way they've built the rank system in terms of the user experience, people are encouraged to see it as a challenge or achievement, which makes it odd that there is no real reward for ranking up. I can only conclude that it's simply not a priority for the devs at the moment, which, considering the amount of "stop adding gimmicks and fix your broken game" comments they're constantly dealing with, is in some ways fair enough.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919


    And see how the game is now. Most players don't wanna get below rank 10 because the game just ain't fun. There's no reward or reason to reach rank 1, unless you want an achievement.

    There's a reason why Dead by Daylight has an extremely poor new player experience, when people with 1000+ hours intentionally keep themselves in the low rank.

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Rank rewards in general would be a nice to have, but this post is really just focused on having a Rank 1 reward as it's really the toughest achievement in the game or at least requires the most skill.

    It would be so easy to include a rank 1 cosmetic, I'd be happy just to have a T-Shirt cosmetic with the Rank 1 Emblem on it.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    I think there’s something actually planned at the end of this road map if I’m not mistaken.