Dream Pallets

So this isn't me asking for a nerf (although I think they are too common, as every Freddy I go against seems to have them), but I'm really struggling to counter them. Currently what I'm doing is just trying to stay awake as long as possible.

I'm not a novice survivor either as I'll be approaching a year of playing at red ranks (if I don't count my break between Early December and late March). Although I think the reason I struggle as dream pallets is that despite always getting to red ranks, I only really play DbD sporadically, for example I only played dbd five times during the July season. So I don't go against many Freddy's, so I don't get much practice. Due to only playing sporadically I've never been able to get as good as I was before I took my break.

So I'm asking if anyone has advice on how to counter dream pallets. More for my certain play-style, of being the one being chased by the killer.


  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    I main freddy but dont use his pallets that much but i have some tips.

    If you see 2 pallets next to each other one is always fake so drop one of em early or dont even risk the loop. Remember that you only see them when asleep so when you are getting chased the first time look around and scout what pallets are used and what isn't. If you noice that the freddy is respecting some pallets but not others this will tell you outright that he knows it's a dream pallet. Drop pallets you think are fake a little early. Play around windows more than pallets. He is an m1 killer if windows are available so double t-wall tiles are bad to him.

    The above tips dont always work but help you minimize the chances of getting caught in them.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Oh and the reason they are common is because 3 of his add ons give him the ability. If i were you, I'd be more afraid of dream snares because those will get you hit before you could even drop the pallet

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,244

    Many dream pallets don't have collission. If you clip through it, it's probably a dream pallet.

  • DE_DireWolf
    DE_DireWolf Member Posts: 22

    I dont agree about the fact that dream pallets should be nerfed, but i think the rarity of the addon for the pallets should be reworked. A green addon seems fair to me since no killer has 2 powers to switch. And a brown addon is basically a "free choice" every game by the high drop rate.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I'm not saying that it's op, or that Freddy needs a nerf. But fake pallets are unhealthy for DbD imo. Same with bloodlust (especially on the reworked preschool maps). Devs need to find better ways for that.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Often its to late. Usually you spot a pallet from distance and you try to b line to it. Knowing that this pallet is fake is not helping, it's to late.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I thought the whole "Remember which pallets have been used" as a counter was total bs.

    How am I suppose to know that the Blendette across the map has used half the pallets?

    The best I can tell you from how I play is throw the pallet down early. Unfortunately. Hopefully you have enough distance between you and him to move on to a different loop.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    (Small Game exists)

    Yes, you can spot Dream Pallets with Small Game.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Play SWF and learn to communicate, tell others which pallets are used, specially killer's shak. Drop them without trying to stun Freddy, use them for time, not for stuns.

  • xnes_galax
    xnes_galax Member Posts: 149

    Ok so, i am a freddy main since the rework, and i can tell you that pallets are way less scary than snares once you learn how to counter them.


    first thing is obiviously try to stay wake as much as possible. This is generally true against freddy, but if you know he has dream pallets, then is even more important.

    Freddy is a really dangerous killer if people dont take the time to be safe against him, and you need to play the long game if you want to have a chance.

    2- remember the pallets. This is really obvious, but some people still dont do it. I would suggest to pratice this by remember the pallets in every single match. Its gonna reward you anyways even if you arent against freddy.

    3- if he dont try to mind game, leave the loop. This is not gonna help much against Good freddy, but most of the time if they dont mind game a pallet its fake. You may have a chance to find another pallet or window.

    -4 play your zone. Against pallet freddy is important to remember which pallets are fake and which are true, but you can not know if someone has used some pallets on the other side of the map. Play your zone, know you zone and stay in you zone as long as possible. You have full control over the pallets of one area of the map. Use it at your advantage.

    I think i will make a more complete guide about how to play and how to play against Freddy in the future, but i still have much to learn. I hope these few tips can help you .

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    Unfair Advantages like that work against all killers.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    i think people should just pay attention to pallets more when versing freddy's, know where "normal pallets" are and which ones you've used.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,358

    This thought only makes sense if Dream pallets were noticeably better than snares, instead of simply being an alternative playstyle which costs you the use of one of your addon slots. From my own experience playing as Freddy, the snares are more oppressive by far. The pallets were the easier option to use when the rework first hit the PTB, but since the QOL change on making it easier to place snares, Freddy becomes very dangerous alot sooner, rather than Pallet Freddy who spends the first half of the game eating REAL pallets before getting the chance to possibly trick ppl into using fake ones.

    Pallet Freddy can be countered by simply being aware of your surroundings before you fall asleep, and breaking any fake pallets you notice ahead of time before your teammates lead a chase through the area. Snare Freddy doesnt need to place snares ahead of time, because he doesnt need to TRICK the person hes chasing. He can place a snare down at a loop with the target seeing the act, and then force a survivor to either take a loop wide or run through it.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Well, thats the point. Dream Pallets are just another part of his power. They could have put both pallets and snares together, but they chose to only allow him to have one at a time. By being common, it means the player can actually choose freely which to have. If anything, they shouldnt be tied to add-ons at all and just be a toggle somewhere.

    Upping their rarity would make sense if Dream Pallets were OP, and they arent. Snares and them are effective in different situations.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @Johnny_XMan Alert helps a lot if he's replacing pallets. It's a good (and underrated) perk anyway.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited August 2019

    Seriously, I still see red ranks survivors who fall for Dream Pallets. And I can swear Dream Snares aren't that good, survivors seems to start countering them effectively.

    Post edited by Marcus on
  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Small Game, extremely helpful on Freddy's traps

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Idk, every time I see a Freddy playing at rank 1, the survivors from his matches drop at least 3-4 Dream Pallets in his face.