Stranger Things PTB
Wonder if devs found all those issues they have to "iron out" shortly after they showcased the chapter, I think it'd be pretty stupid to first showcase a chapter and then release the PTB half a month later, cause at this point I'm starting to even forget that the PTB is supposed to release soon™.
I previously suggested that they're going to warn us at least 2 days before releasing the PTB, but at this point I hope for a surprise.
They're waiting to release because they're having some twitch streamers review & test play the chapter before the PTB.
EDIT: The streamers are just there for the weekend, so I'm assuming the PTB is coming out next Tuesday.
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And he shall appear
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Boom. Called it.
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Well, Steve's not coming Tuesday but I can wait an extra day for our lord.
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Eh, called it as well, Sranger Things PTB only starts on September 4.
Kind of disappointed, but at least we've got a date
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Pretty sure when they added the new content, they also added new bugs. The Bethesda Strategy... But with the decency to actually fix the bugs before release.
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In the Past the PTB's have taken a snapshot of players progress and BP as of 1 week prior to the PTB, but when it wasn't released this past week i figured i had time to spend and rebuild my BP, and while i spent it on Wednesday, I haven't finished rebuilding it yet. So, do we have Any idea of what date the PTB will snapshot our accounts? Just want to know if it's going to be last Tuesday when I had a million BP ready, sometime Wednesday - now in which case I'll be mostly SoL, or if its gonna be sometime Later this weekend so I have enough time to rebuild what I've spent for the new chapter testing.
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I’m guessing they did the snapshot last Friday if they really were unsure of the release date.
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Can't wait for the PTB <3 I'm now on season 3 episode 6 <3
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I just want the sweet patchnotes.
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*Pre-cognitively Reads patch notes*
Known Issues:
Inadvertently added to the game "The Survivors Rulebook for Killers" Rule Entry No.1:
"The Killer Can't."
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