BHVR DEVS, I understand that you are working hard..

justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

But why are SMALL (but very efficient) changes taking so long? I know that you guys have priorities... But is it that impossible to have a few minutes between 2 tasks to finally change the hook struggle and wiggle mechanic into just holding a button (or even better: fully automatic and holding a button let's you suicide) or anything else to make it less tedious and annoying?

This is getting so often asked by the community.

And especially since those mini changes are so quickly done and so often asked but still not implemented gives the impression (at least to me) that you don't care about quality, that you don't care about the community that much how we deserve it.

I wish McLean or someone else in similiar position would give an in depth explanation why this and other things are still not changed, but they never respond.. probably hard working, I understand that. But this gives me also an impression of avoiding and ignoring uncomfortable questions instead of searching to have a close and open bond to long time supporters of bhvr (I'm playing and supporting dbd since 2016).


  • Knayter
    Knayter Member Posts: 117

    totally agree, sometime game breaking bug and simple QOL take forever to get fixed, that's if we are lucky cause most of the time they will just leave it there all the way until mid chapter or chapter update, they need to have at least one hotfix per month

  • GODQueenEvy
    GODQueenEvy Member Posts: 63

    First of all, I don’t think you are in the right to say that those SMALL changes are easily to fix. If they would be easy to fix, it would already been implemented in the game. The smallest changes could be one of the hardest things to fix... I know that we as a community want this game to succeed and do anything we can to bring it/keep things in a “healthy” state by giving feedback,.. But making a statement like “But is it that impossible to have a few minutes in between two tasks to fix the hook struggle....” is ironic. I’m pretty sure they are aware of that and are trying their best to implement those changes in the game.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    The bosses want them to focus on pushing out more content to make more money, so little things get ignored for years.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    This /\ ..... you're not supposed to just chill when you're next to death.... it's meant to be bothersome... you're supposed to feel bugged when your team does bad or you made a bad play that you could have done better at...

  • FiftyCalReaper
    FiftyCalReaper Member Posts: 110

    Lol I hate when people say this "Struggle damages my keyboard" don't have to smash the ######### button. You can lightly tap it. By that logic, typing an essay or a large post on here damages your spacebar too. I mean, how many times have I smashed spacebar in this one post? Or you can just change it to Mouse Wheel Down, or any other button you desire. You can even set a macro to F or something. And on PS4, it has NO effect on the controller, more so than any other game.

    I really don't think struggle needs to be changed. The only thing that sucks is if you die on a lag spike, but that might be fixed with dedicated servers.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Guys, try not to derail the thread too much, there are plenty of other places to debate the validity of the struggle mechanic but that's not actually the point here.

    In response to the OP, I'm curious as to whether you yourself are a game designer. I'm not myself a game designer specifically, but I am a designer, and the design process overlaps a lot across disciplines. Often, things that users consider a "small fix" are not actually as simple as they first appear.

    In contrast to your suggestion that the devs don't care enough about the community to make all the small changes to the game that are being requested, I would argue that the reality is quite the opposite. They care so much about their game and about player satisfaction that they don't want to just stick band-aids all over it. Instead, they want to listen to community feedback, carefully consider it, brainstorm solutions, conduct preliminary tests on their own, and iterate on the design until they find something they think works. For all we know, they could be working on solutions to all the issues you mentioned as I type this. They just don't want to say anything to us until they have something concrete enough that they can go, "Okay, we've thought about this and here's what we've come up with, what do you guys think?"

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    A key has a limited amount of strokes he can handle till it breaks. Or did you saw a keyboard which never had broken keys? Guess which keys are gonna get destroyed the fastest in dbd? A, D and spacebar

  • FiftyCalReaper
    FiftyCalReaper Member Posts: 110

    Change struggle to Mouse Wheel Down.

    Also funny how nobody complains about the game breaking their A and D buttons lol

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Uhm, are you aware that the devs are band-aid fixing the game with perks since release? And then you come here and tell me this change is a band-aid fix? I think you don't know the meaning of band-aid fixing stuff

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Playing games is supposed to be fun an chill. If I want a stressful experience I will go to work and not start a video game. What kind of logic that? Lmao

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Still annoying. People still have health issues and can't mouse wheel down for a whole minute without break.

    Stop being against a QoL change for no reason. Accept that people don't like it and accept that people want to be changed.

  • FiftyCalReaper
    FiftyCalReaper Member Posts: 110

    How about you accept that there's also plenty of people that don't want it changed. Why are you acting like your opinion is the end all be all? And are you ######### kidding me? Health issues keeping you from using Mouse Wheel Down or Spacebar? LMFAO

    It's clear you just find it tedious and want it switched, so just say that. No need to get all dramatic and superior.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It's possible that we're using the term in different ways, yes. I'm talking about a band-aid fix from a design perspective which is just rushing in and doing something that might solve an issue without brainstorming, testing or going through an interation or two first. I'm not saying that certain changes to the game in the past haven't failed in their objective to address a specific problem, or created another problem at the same time, which is what I assume you're referring to as a band-aid fix.

    Not every design is perfectly well thought-out from the start. In fact, most initial ideas are terrible, which is why brainstorming and iteration are a thing. But because we have no idea what goes on behind closed doors, I'm giving the developers the benefit of the doubt and assuming they are adhering to some sort of design process and the fact that they know that they don't always create perfect designs is the exact reason why they do things like PTBs and mid-chapter patches. They're giving us the opportunity to give user feedback and iterating on their design accordingly. From my perspective, as a designer, that's what the evidence points to.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    "plenty of people"? Show me those plenty of people lol, it's just some handful of hardcore killer mains who hate survivors so much that they are even against QoL changed which aren't touching the balance of the game.

    Idk the name of that health issue, but there are people who have issues with their hand coordination and can't press buttons repeatedly. Also, a lot of people complained about having hand wrist pain of that.

    Why are you acting like your opinion is the end all be all? 

  • FiftyCalReaper
    FiftyCalReaper Member Posts: 110

    I'm not acting that way at all. But you're the one basically telling me to just shut up and accept it as the word of God. I never suggested that for you.

    Also I feel like you'd get hand and wrist pain more from the mouse movements of this game than just pressing don't even have to press it fast. Just consistently. People cramping their hands up are probably under the impression that they have to tap really fast, which you don't. You can hit spacebar pretty slowly and it won't change a thing.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    lmao, I macro my struggle & wiggle and I still want it changed because it's terrible game design.

    Saying "change to MW down" doesn't change the fact that it's still a mechanical action and still has a rated amount of rotations.

    It's bad design, it doesn't add anything, and as someone else has stated earlier, it's killed a fair amount of people through ping spikes, slowing down due to RSI or just straight up not recognising inputs.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    I agree struggle needs to be changed. I think there was even a dev reply on one thread complaining about it and someone thought up to replace mashing with skill checks and a dev said that seemed like a good idea. (IMHO Missing a skill check should just remove a chunk of your struggle meter so one slip up doesn't = instant death)

    Currently struggling, simply put, sucks. I get the whole "It's supposed to be a struggle! Immersion!" argument but even the torture sequences in the Metal Gear franchise (Which had you often mashing triangle or whatever like a madman for 2 minutes straight on harder difficulties) felt less "oppressive" because there, not mashing fast enough had a leeway (Your O2 meter would start running out, and THEN your life gauge would deplete in MGS2, or your life gauge would deplete and you could recover it via mashing in MGS1 and Peace Walker.) to it and even if you weren't mashing fast enough you had room to correct your mistake. It's also something that happens maybe once or twice per playthrough.

    DBD? The absolute microsecond you're not mashing fast enough for the game's standards, be it your hand slipping once, or your rhythem is thrown off, or a lag spike happens, etc. you just die. There's been times where I WAS mashing like a madman and died anyway for no explainable reason.

    It's not immersive, it's plain annoying, harmful on the wrist, can damage the keyboard over time, noisy, (Ever played in SWF with comms, a guy is hooked, and you just hear him smashing keyboard super loud through his microphone?) and it's something that's part of normal gameplay.

    If we removed the mindless mashing and replaced it with skillchecks, (Or holding space to struggle, or auto-struggle and you hold space to die, etc.) would fun or enjoyment be taken out of the game? Because to me, I wouldn't miss it one bit.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm with you. I don't know why it takes them forever just to make small changes. Hell, look at how long it takes for them to fix exploits. Literally game breaking bugs, like the sprint burst crap, took them two months to get around to fixing. Not even having the common decency to disable the perk. Stuff like this is a sign of either a lazy team, or a badly designed game code.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Some QLC like the Trapper can carry 2 traps by default would only be a number tweak. With the existence of the add-ons there are already mechanics programmed, so no big deal. Everyer Trapper would rejoice and it wouldn't break the game. At least test it on the PTB.

    There are a lot similar QL changes throughout the game, that would be easy to implement.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    That and that they might not have as many developers as you might think. At this point, I suspect their cosmetics and DLC teams severely outnumber the actual developers.

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272

    Macro on keyboard, mouse, software?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    Addons actually HAVE been tweeked without a full blown rework. Huntress's Iri head, Manna grass braid and Flower Babushka have all been adjusted to avoid being OP, although ppl still dont like Iri heads.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited September 2019

    Making the struggle automatic is not hard by any means, and if for any insane reason it is, that's just piss poor programming or lack of programming skills on BHVR's part. Even I could make that change in under an hour.

    Who said? Lots of people have requested to make Wiggle automatic.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    This is just ignorance of programming.

    Struggle is just a single Function for the entire game, if the developers of BHVR are even beginner level programmers. It can easily be changed in an hour if they really wanted to.

    That underscores the point that they don't want to.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Show me those plenty of people who enjoy the butting smashing.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711
    edited September 2019

    This, very well explained. We all wouldn't miss anything by removing it. We would just have a better experience

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Yeah this is another example of an easy change. It's basically just changing the number of default traps from 1 to 2. Simple. Test it in a PTB. Is it good? Fine. Is it not good? Remove it again.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Changing button smashing to button holding is absolutly simple. I could do that by myself with AHK. But as I said, it's just an example. Why do we still not have Trapper carrying 2 traps by default? It's changing one single number.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Well, eac is a thing and it could flag you. I personally don't risk my account for that.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2019

    @FiftyCalReaper Fair enough. I understand that some people don't want it changed. But under the same token, when it comes time to spam a button for the struggle, I'll freely say "to hell with it" and just suicide on the occasions I don't feel like dealing with it.

    But there are still other survivors left in the match afterward? Oh well.

  • FunC
    FunC Member Posts: 65

    I agree with the OP. Another example: they admitted that self healing skillchecks giving altruism points instead of survival was a mistake they made during the early stages of game development, they said like a year ago iirc, still nothing got fixed. I wonder how difficult is it to fix it. A bug that exists since the beginning of the game is still here.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Survivor is chill enough as it is.... if anything needs to be done... there needs to be more to be worried about...

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    To be completely honest, I have no Idea what could possibly be stopping them from doing some small changes that could have a big positive impact on the game, Other then possibly being understaffed or just having priority be on new content because that's where the money is.

    So many of the Killers could be in a better place with some number tweaks but changes like that take the Devs Years.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Like the fov for killer as welll... that would be a majorly positive change for the game... as it stands the fov for killer is arguably the worst experience I've played in a game... I'd rather have them do dedicated servers perfect and have the update come out as good as possible rather then them take the attention away from arguably the most important update in DBD'S life

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423
    edited September 2019

    Yeah the FOV for Killer is the one thing I hate most about the game, When they said they were looking into it ages ago I got so excited but it turned out to be nothing. I'm tired of only having 3 perk slots because the FOV is just so small and I'm forced to run shadowborn or M&A.

    Again, This is a simple fix since they have the system in place to adjust FOV as seen with perks that do that but for some reason a fix was mentioned once and never again.