Console camera sensitivity and unfairness on killers

Good evening everybody,

with this post I would like to finally find a fix for the situation where the camera on ps4 spins too slow to actually follow a survivor properly.

Before someone comes out with a stale "git gud" argument, I will preface that I play on both ps4 and pc, and on ps4 I sometimes play with a mouse with a piranha split fish controller.

Following a 360ing survivor with a mouse, on both ps4 and pc, is absolutely simple and I may wiff a blow every 30 when using a mouse.

The problem is that to use a mouse on ps4 I need a table and another controller to hear the sound as the piranha doesn't have an audio jack so when I play a quick match I end up playing with a regular controller.

On a regular controller, the speed of a survivor spin when 360ing is simply too fast for the controller to follow.

The counterplay not to wiff is simply to chase the survivor, get close enough for either a quick tap or wait for their spin and strike. You can accomplish this stopping your movement why they spin so you hit them regardless or even moonwalk and then hit.

These solutions work really well but they do require time everytime you are chasing a survivor. Each hit could take 0.3/0.5 seconds more than on pc and time is a commodity killers do not have.

I cannot see any solutions to this to either increase the camera sensitivity on console or decrease the speed of spin on console.

The difference between mouse and controller needs to be looked at please.


@Peanits @Almo @Patricia
