Console camera sensitivity and unfairness on killers

Good evening everybody,
with this post I would like to finally find a fix for the situation where the camera on ps4 spins too slow to actually follow a survivor properly.
Before someone comes out with a stale "git gud" argument, I will preface that I play on both ps4 and pc, and on ps4 I sometimes play with a mouse with a piranha split fish controller.
Following a 360ing survivor with a mouse, on both ps4 and pc, is absolutely simple and I may wiff a blow every 30 when using a mouse.
The problem is that to use a mouse on ps4 I need a table and another controller to hear the sound as the piranha doesn't have an audio jack so when I play a quick match I end up playing with a regular controller.
On a regular controller, the speed of a survivor spin when 360ing is simply too fast for the controller to follow.
The counterplay not to wiff is simply to chase the survivor, get close enough for either a quick tap or wait for their spin and strike. You can accomplish this stopping your movement why they spin so you hit them regardless or even moonwalk and then hit.
These solutions work really well but they do require time everytime you are chasing a survivor. Each hit could take 0.3/0.5 seconds more than on pc and time is a commodity killers do not have.
I cannot see any solutions to this to either increase the camera sensitivity on console or decrease the speed of spin on console.
The difference between mouse and controller needs to be looked at please.
I use a controller and can still counter 360’s by following them, try increasing your sensitivity.
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I saw somewhere that the ps4 recognizes usb mouse and keyboards natively... do they work for dbd?
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Sensitivity is at 100%,and this argument has already being excluded from the topic. Play with a mouse and see it for yourself, you need to waste some time with the controller as opposed to the mouse. The difference is noticeable even at top sensitivity, so somethibg needs to be done
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That's something I haven't tried, it may work although my point is more for a casual game where I don't want to setup specifically for dbd.
I think the solution should be an in game one, like 200% sensitivity built in or reduced spin speed
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I’m not buying a keyboard and mouse just because you think 360’s are uncountable.
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Can you not pollute my post with these statements that I had already addressed in my opening post?
If you have never tried the difference between the two and the time loss of a controller maybe you are not the correct person to comment on something you haven't personally experienced
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I usually don't have a problem with this... but then again, I haven't gone against many 360s. My advice is if you know a survivor is going to 360, just wait until they circle close then quick hit them instead of lunging.
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360's are both easy to hit and easy to do. It just takes practice, took me a while. You just need to predict where the survivor will be at what time.
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Have you guys read the first post?
I know how to counter 360s, you wait and hit but that makes you waste time, time you wouldn't waste on a mouse.
Play mouse and controller then express your opinion please
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Dont sound so elitist.
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I don't have a problem with catching 360's on PS4 but I do understand the frustration of low sensitivity on console.
Going from playing DBD to a game like warframe and my stick sensitivity feels horrible! I really do wish they would double what they have now for the sensitivity side, not necessarily for the 360's but because it is in generally too slow.
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Asking people to actually read a post before responding is not elitist.
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You are right, of course you can do it, it is simply way better on a mouse.
And it's not a matter of the machine because using a mouse on console gives you the same results.
It's the sensitivity that is lacking and underperforming
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Wait half a ######### second it isn't that hard
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I know how it feels. Nurse is the worst :(
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omg yes Nurse is really terrible hahha
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Can't do sh*t at rank 1 xD
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I haven't been 360'd in over a year. It's not that difficult to counter.
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On Xbox. I recently switched from 80 to 100. I never really had a problem with 360's before, and now I almost never do. I also have an Elite controller and I made a setting where the right stick is set to "delayed" and adjusted the curve to basically be slightly lower than the "normal" curve. I notice that with this setup I have good fine control and good turn speed.
The only time I noticed I couldn't turn fast enough is when playing Nurse, but that has more to do with frame rate than actual turn speed because the game just gets really choppy when you blink. If they optimize the game and fix this I probably wouldn't have a problem here either.
That said, I do want more options for controls on console. I don't think we need high sensitivity, but we do need stuff like turn acceleration, dead zones, and such. That would help a lot more than just making the sensitivity higher, because all that does is make controls feel too slick and loose.
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Exactly this /\.... it puts the impression that the team doesn't know what they're doing.... why does one platform (pc) have a different sensitivity then the consoles...
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360s are annoying, the real issue from this however I feel is simply put, killers cant mind game as efficiently and use certain killers such as nurse and huntress as efficiently due to the sense..I agree whole heartedly this needs to be boosted up some the real issue is I feel what I stated
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Telling them to play a specific way before commenting, is very elitist.
You can know how to counter 360s and do so without wasting time. Yet, you felt the need to tell people "oh, I KNOW how to do it, but since you haven't played like I do, you CANT understand what I mean, huehuehuehue".
Which is elitist, and gate-keeping.
Try again hon.
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Uhhh he's telling people to play with a mouse and keyboard so they can feel the difference between a controller and the keyboard, not because he's being elitist. If somebody hasn't played with a keyboard then they don't know enough to comment on the difference he's referring to.
Try again hon.
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Also, I didn't tell people to do anything. Not sure why you're putting quotes around something I didn't say.
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No, hes being very elitist, implying that we, filthy console plebs, cant understand the struggle of losing one precious second to sensitivity because we haven't played with Mouse and controller.
Its a gate-keeping stance, period. We cant comment because we dont play like he does?
(Hint Hint, I have played both)
Secondly, the entire premise of needing to play both to understand how to counter 360s, is absolute bullshit. It's not hard to counter them, AS EVERYONE HAS SAID, yet he felt the need to put a disclaimer, pseudo defending his point before anyone could even make it.
Elitist, and gate-keeping, and now youre joining his ranks.
So sorry, Ill say it to you as well, try again hon, and try to do so with A- valid points, and B- an original line that wasnt JUST used, maybe?
Oh wait, original thought escapes these forums. My fault, I thought you were better than most.
Bye now.
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You're unbelievable. You're reading way too much into his comments and basically looking for a fight. Stop trying to turn this into a PC vs console thing. The OP wants the devs to increase sensitivity on console so console can be on par with PC. If you think that constitutes as elitist gatekeeping then Idk what to tell you.
Btw I've never played on PC, I'm a PS4 gamer. I was able to discern the meaning of his comments just fine. But I guess I'm joining the ranks of elitist gatekeeper for PC gaming even though I don't even own one. 🙄
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Do you have anything to say about the topic?
Specifically why it shouldn't be a good idea to have better sensitivity?
I am really not interested in anything else but the topic of the post
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is it really hard to counter 360s in ps4? cause mine never work more than once maybe and i know im doing it right cause it does work with some like low ranks or an unsuspecting killer
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Yes I agree, if its not sensitivity it needs to have something to equal, as much as possible, a mouse.
I also play with an elite controller, I worked on the dead zones but it is still inferior to a mouse
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It's not difficult but inferior to a mouse. It would be nice to improve to a point where they are similar.
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I did. Your statement was confusing. You just go everywhere. I think you're wrong that it effects console more, because I have seen evidence of games that are dragged on for ages on PC, and games where the killer wins really easily on console.
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Ehhhh sort of. For Huntress and Nurse a mouse can make a difference. Every other killer, not really. On 100 you can definitely spin fast enough to beat a 360, do red stain tricks, or just search an area quickly.
And in all honesty, if they fix frame rates and hit boxes a mouse wouldn't even make much difference for Huntress/Nurse either. I feel like those things hold me back more than the control method I use.
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Definitely not , that Would Break the Game .
Playing on PC .. Nurse players Always Land a hit even if they landed facing the other side and Swing backwards with mouse .. The sensitivity is too High compared to nurses on PS4
Let Alone that Playing with controller there are two bugs for survivors
1. Reduced Survivor Running Speed .
2. The Sticks become Inverted Suddenly sometimes . ( the only way to fix it is to go to settings Check Inverted and then uncheck again )
It ruined so many games for me both on PC and PS4.
Devs Should not tamper with Spin Speed or increase the sensitivity . Definitely would break the game and cause even more bugs .
It doesn't have to be magically too fast like PC that's broken and unrealistic .
But I do agree they should bring them both to a similar level . Having differences in Devices like that gives an undeserved advantage to one person over the other .
Just like with other games .
In my Experience .
So if the devs should ever do anything they should Match PC Sensitivity to Console . Especially if they decide to merge the Playerbase later on .
If not I don't think either should be changed . PC should keep its current sensitivity and console keep theirs .
Edit :
Either You meant playing as Survivor or Killer .