What if a ebony mori required 4 hooks before usage
Those hooks could be on anyone, but they'd delay the game long enough to get the ball rolling. And it would also feel earned somewhat. Devour hope requires 5 hooks. Make the ebony require 4 Individual hooks, with no other restrictions.
why not go for something more simple? Red and green mori will now require the survivor to get hooked into struggle phase aka 2 hooks, it's more simple, it's just replace the sacrifice process and save the hook and some time for killer
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In my opinion ebony mory should be removed. Because everytime i see this offering the survivor get tunneled and ds is useless as well
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Yeah, I thought ebony could be changed to a token based one: after 2 hooks you can kill survivors at t2, after 4 hooks on t1, after 6 hooks you can just kill anybody anytime.
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Yeah that would work very well, good idea :P
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The it'd be useless.
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Ebony should work in relation to how many gens are done or otherwise you can initiate a kill after hooking someone twice imo. For example:3 gens you can eliminate one survivor via mori after the first hook
2 gens you can kill 2
1 gen you can kill 3
If the exit gates get powered you can kill any survivor no matter their current hook state.
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Except it'd remove the purpose on why you bring a Mori, to not have to hook a survivor all three times.
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I've been playing this game since 2017 and only every now and then an ebony mori comes through.. It's not a big enough of a deal to change, as far as I see it.
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No thank you..it makes the mori useless and most moris take longer than hooking and you lose out on emblem points..the idea keeps coming back and it's bad each time
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That hurts the killer more than helps, it does skip the sacrifice process, but BBQ is better to activate than getting a kill
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you should have to hook 4 different survivors, so if there is a mori someone on your team could make an effort to stay hidden. anyone saying your idea would make moris useless likes their games to be handed to them and has horrible sense of balance
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If this is implemented, what's the point of a Mori?
Anyways, I think they're fine. I have no problem facing moris. Just don't go down.
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This is a really bloody good idea!
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Fancy animation
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And anti-DS in the endgame
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Someone suggested that the killer can only mori after hooking all 4 survivors once, similar to bbq and the bloodpoint stack. I think this suggestion is the best since it discourages the killer from tunneling, which I think is the main issue with moris atm. A killer can easily camp or tunnel a survivor and kill them within like 60 seconds.
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like that's fun
they could just add scoring event for it, and also mori just be a replacement, not something killer use to gain time advantage and control the game time
current mori dont help it either, if you bring mori dont expect to use the hook related perk as efficient as without mori
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That only means that one person that never been hooked should hide endlessly to deny a mori. And it'll be a "good play". P3 Claudette dream "I hid the whole game so killer couldn't fish us all quickly!"
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Yeah, but atleast the current mori actually works, the mori idea you have is ignored by the fact that hooking and killing a survivor is safer than moring a survivor on death hook, believe me if you want to find hatch you don't want to mori the last survivor, BBQ with a mori also is very helpful if you want to cause some chaos with quick killers like Hillbilly
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idea can alway be changed, and I'm not saying entirely the current mori system is un-fun, more like providing an alternative to something else less-frustating. My only problem with the current mori is how common it's especially with people that main like only a few killers and have load of bp to spend on them
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Yeah and you can say the same for BBQ but do they hide in a locker all the time? No they don't, and even if they do, they're going to get caught eventually so I don't see a problem with this. Mories shouldn't be so easy to use since it has one of the strongest effect in the game therefore it should have a more difficult prerequisite for killers to make it balanced, just like everything else in the game.
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The higher in the rank you get, the more often you don't see anybody with BBQ. So yes, they do hide all the time if possible. If not, they try to fake a direction in which they're moving. So they WILL try to deny a mori every time. And it'll be a legit execuse to never help anybody because "I'm the only one not hooked yet". Promotes bad behavior.
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No one would use it.
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It'd remove the tunneling (except on the last individual hook you make), but it'll still remove quite a bunch of chases, right?
Isn't that a common complaint on Ebony?
Footnote: I don't really care what happens to it.
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BBQ is still one of the most used perks in red ranks so I don't know what you're talking about.
2nd, If a survivor decides to hide to prevent a killer from using his mori then that's a strategy the survivor is using to prevent the others from getting killed similar to hiding in a locker to counter BBQ. Also, it really depends on the situation. If that one survivor hasn't been hooked yet and can afford to play safe, then it's best if they do so. If not, then it's better if they take risks to save their teammates from dying since there's no point in trying to prevent a mori if their team is getting destroyed.
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50% of the reason why BBQ is so popular is BP bonus. Yes, red ranks also love BP. It's more popular than survivors version because it's easier to do, plus with a nice bonus of vision, but not so bad when it doesn't do it.
When survivors team dies anyway, there is no point in a mori. Mori is cool when it's impactful or isn't hard to do. That's why yellow mori is trash.
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Ebony mori and insta heals should be removed to make the game more fair and balanced.
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Would make it useless.
Survivors die on the third hook.
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Okay but my suggestion would still make moris impactful but a bit harder to use since the mori right now is just bs. Also, a mori isn't cool when its so easy to use for such a ridiculously powerful effect. Explain why some survivors just dc when theres a mori before a game starts or survivors complaining about it over and over again.
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People don't need a reason to complain. But any way, let's say for the same reason, why killers complain about insta-heals and keys.
As I said before, your suggestion makes so one survivor will HAVE to hide the whole game. It'll be in a mindset that "you should never show up because it counters mori". It's bad on it's own, yet it'll be justified, and other people gonna be justified to flame on that person for showing themselves. PLUS there still will be a problem "mori basically removes one survivor because they can't do anything but hide to counter mori!". As I said, people don't need much to complain about things.
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People do need a reason to complain about something if they want people to listen to them, otherwise they're just gonna be ignored. I won't lie, instaheals are op and need to be nerfed. As for keys, they're not even that good but I can understand why killer's don't like it. Overall, they have issues of their own but don't compare anywhere near to moris so it shouldn't even be brought it up here in the first place.
Hiding is a strategy other than looping for survivors so I don't see why that's such a big issue. If a survivor thinks that that's the right strategy to play around a mori, then that's fine. Plus, if you're in high ranks and you keep thinking you should hide to play around a mori all game, then you're a bad player period. Flaming on a person for not hiding is just stupid because it's situational. You have to decide which play is the best, depending on the situation, just like any other game. Like I mentioned earlier, if you can play safe and won't hinder the team, then that's what you should do. If you have to play risky to save your team, then do that instead, since getting your whole team killed defeats the purpose of playing around a mori as the one survivor that hasn't gotten hooked.
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Lt's not forget that we're talking now a chance to disable killers ability to kill people on second hook. isn't that strong? Ugh, just saying that made me feel disgusted. Gave me the Plague's vibe "survivors decide whenever you're allowed or not to use your ability". Definitely one more reason to virtually yell at people "stop cleansing yourself you idiots!".
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yes please I'm sick of being tunneled off of hook for mori and having the match be a complete waste of my time