We all know BHVR is going to nerf Demogorgon on the release.

They did it with ghostface and plague. So, what nerf do you think he is going to get? I bet his lunge.



  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    The Portals/porting will get nerfs for sure cause they break the game under certain circumstances.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Actually, people have been saying his teleport is very annoying when only 3 gens are left, and with his ability to see survivors working on gens near portals with his killer instinct, it makes it ridiculously hard to complete one last gen of the three remaining gens, since he always knows on which gens survivors are working, and he can teleport to those gens very fast.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    The teleporting will most likely get an increased cooldown, that would solve the problem.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Knowing these devs..they'll do what they did to ghost face..nerd him in a hot fix so people buy him..then he wobt get used anymore like the last couple killers..its harsh but let's face it..they've done it before and will again

  • AIG1992
    AIG1992 Member Posts: 98

    No pls

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Ghostface wasn't heavily nerfed though, just made it a bit easier to reveal him in Night Shroud. I don't really see any difference, it was really inconsistent to reveal him before, still inconsistent now.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    You dont know them personally or there skeletons in there closet

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    This will probably happen. Tho i dont really care as this probably be 1st killer i dont buy from what iv seen so far its really boring killer trash power nothing interesting at all

    Only one thing i would say was interesting is that its a monster killer besides that i think this killer is nothing special have wait months before another killer tho 😑

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Honestly, the developers bust their butts off trying to provide us with a masterpiece.

    Nothing is going to change my mind about that because BHVR is awesome. :)

  • typervader
    typervader Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 507

    They didn't nerf Ghostface. If you bothered to research those changes were supposed to be on the ptb when he got changes.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I dont know it, but I borrowed my Crystal Ball to a friend of mine. So I am handicapped on this.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061

    Why would they nerf Demo? He's not very good, no need to nerf him.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'm surprised Self Care gets so much hate. You still don't waste any more time when healing yourself than when being healed by someone else. It's just that healing in general takes longer now.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    It does take longer than letting others heal you technically, but including the time it takes for someone else to get to you it is generally about the same. I, and most people, just see it as a waste of a perk slot though. So many better things could go there.

    I'm glad about the healing nerfs, not so glad about self care getting a separate nerf to the healing ones though. Brought it down from a "Meh, but common" choice to a "Why would I run this when I can just bring a medkit?"

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356


    But it wasn't really a seperate nerf to Self Care, just that it had it's time increased because healing in general got nerfed. If Self Care waa faster than 50% however, then people would not have a reason to be healed by others, since it would be way more effective to just heal yourself. I guess maybe 60% healing speed for Self Care could work, since it does take up a perk slot, but it shouldn't be higher than that. The point of Self Care is to be able to heal yourself if there is no other survivor around that can heal you.

    If you think about it, Self Care could be already considered to let you waste less time on healing because you don't have to waste time running to another survivor so they can heal you.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    Sorry, I thought it got a separate nerf from that at the time but I was mixing them up. It got a decrease to its medkit bonus and locked at 50%. I thought it'd gone down from like 75 % but it looks like I mentally attached it's first nerf to the Self Care change (it was 80% at one point in time)

    I still don't think it's a good choice of a perk but thanks for bringing this to my attention. Didn't realize I had misremembered nerf order and likely wouldn't have looked it up if it wasn't for you.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I've only seen negative reactions of his teleport... adding a cooldown on something that can be destroyed would be horrible

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Freddy, Doc, and Plague can all do the same thing....I mean, if you get 3 genned you get 3 genned thats been a thing forever....

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean you might be right. I don't know. I feel like with the cooldown being so low, even if the three gens aren't close to each other, he can still defend gens as if the survivors 3 genned themselves. It's not just the teleport, but also the ability to always see whether a survivor is working on any generator. So that, with the low cooldown of his teleport, seems to be a bit much for when only 3 gens are left. Freddy for example has a much longer cooldown on his ability. The others don't have any teleport ability and can't constantly see whether a survivor is on a gen or not.

    I think if the cooldown was 25 or 30 seconds, it wouldn't be an issue anymore. We'll see, but I would be happy if they buffed Demogorgon in other ways to compensate for a cooldown nerf. At least I would expect them to do that, so he doesn't just get a straight nerf and nothing else. Cause in general he doesn't seem op, actually really balanced.

  • liviu1911
    liviu1911 Member Posts: 150

    i hope they won't touch his special attack ... it's pretty balanced as it is now but they need to buff a little bit those portals, and let you see survivors without using them ... that's not nice... :D aand it's almost mouse1 killer since his special attack can't be used anywhere

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    If there is one thing I do not want to see get nerfed, it's the lunge. It seems to be in a really nice spot.

  • DraxColdheart
    DraxColdheart Member Posts: 24

    the nerf is inevitable might as well just accept what we have now is the best its gonna get

  • BlackMercury
    BlackMercury Member Posts: 172

    I love how everyone brings up ghostface as evidence that bhvr nerfs everything, when the changes only made him easier to face at low ranks and had almost no impact at rank 1, which is apparently the only rank that matters.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Tbh though, he didn't really need a nerf. It didn't make his reveal mechanic better, it just highlighted how inconsistent it was.

  • OriginalName
    OriginalName Member Posts: 40

    I think if they do nerf it, a cool idea for a nerf would be that it can only see auras of survivors that are injured near the portals. This lines up with the show's lore too, since the Demogorgon smells blood to find prey. Unless it already does that and I'm being dumb since I haven't seen much gameplay of it yet.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Ghostface is pretty good right now. Difficult to use but fun.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    They will slow down the dash, because "counterplay" I have already read some post game comments on this.

    Survivors demand and bhvr delivers

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited September 2019

    Yup. Most killers get neutered after release.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    no, critical changes were weakening his add-on that help you stalk and making him easier to reveal. He's like worse leatherface at getting instant downs. He has so many other flaws that make terrible which include the inability to gap-close targets that stalked, 0 map pressure, 0 chase potential. That guy needs some help at red ranks. A good starting buff would be to make it so that hitting survivors doesn't reset stalk meter, but who knows, that guy is getting looped no matter what. He's badly designed.

    BVHR have habit of weakening killers, so my feeling is that this killer is going to new Billy where he can capitalize on survivors mistakes better than other killers, but he can be looped and experienced players will be able to beat him but lower rank players will whine similarly to Billy Chainsaw. That's my prediction.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    hes in really good spot atm I hope they dont mess this up

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I mean...i see not one point where he could really be nerfed at all. BeHavour please surprise me! :)

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Portals are going to be disabled once gens are complete. Give him the old castration rather than fixing an issue, just like Pig.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Exactly. It will be something cack like that. They REALLY need to sort out the Pig's traps...they are pathetic.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    I can't see at least 1 reason why Demogorgon needs a nerf tbh

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    They also nerfed his stalk add-ons and they aren't worth using anymore, you are better to go with double cooldown add-ons.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    The only thing that might be a little silly is the cooldown on missed lunges. It seems a little forgiving at the moment, and you can easily miss a pounce and attack again in a very short space of time. Should be a little more reward for successfully juking a pounce.

    (Not anywhere near say Legions stun, maybe half a second or a second longer, if anything.)

  • ChezAndQuakers
    ChezAndQuakers Member Posts: 189

    Plot twist: He gets buffed to becoming the best killer in the game

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    demogorgon is already pretty weak, what do even nerf on him lol

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Even if they nerf him, he wont be worse than Legion...

  • n2njauwu
    n2njauwu Member Posts: 267

    the portal is useful pretty much only on 3 gen left , at all other points of game it feels underwhelming because 1 ) i need make new tp to even be able to tp . 2) there is limited amount of portals ,

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Most likely it will not be getting nerfed as the devs learned there lesson with Legion rework, which is why Freddy only got a QoL change this patch and not a nerf or buff, and some of the nerfs had a reason from the devs themselves

    Plagues nerf was because it made it to where plague could wander the map at full speed while charging the power

    Legions rework was because of the cheese of there power, being able to down people quickly with a lunge that usually never missed because you could lunge multiple times before the power ended was broken to hell, made it worse with Franks mixtape and cold dirt, also the killer ignored loops too greatly

    Remember, this is all coming from a Killer main/survivor main who mostly plays killer now