SO what's your reason of staying at red ranks?

So I hear a lot of people play at red ranks, myself included say that they hate being at red ranks. Due to the long queue times, OP addons and items, playing against the same laggy players etc. I personally have the most most fun at purple ranks (I even have a smurf which I keep at mid purple). However, despite this we always find our way to rank 1 each season. So what is your reason for getting to rank 1 each season?

For me (as a survivor) before the rank system changes I use to get back to rank 1 without really thinking about it, I use to even try and derank and find myself back at rank 1/2. However, now I get to rank 4 quite easily after that I just safety pip most games (due to my unbalanced play-style of neglecting gens in favour of trying to get the killer to chase me).

Currently, I'm someone who doesn't care if they escape or get sacrificed, as I see whether I pipped or not the signal whether I won or not. So playing to pip, is a sure way of getting back to rank 1 eventually. Another reason, is that I don't know why but I'm worried that my red rank friends will look down on me if I'm not at red ranks (they most likely won't).


  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    I took a long time off the game. I haven’t dc’ed or suicided on hook, so I consistently stay at R1.

    Idk. People are pretty damn sweaty at R1, but to be honest.. I think people are sweaty in general playing this game.

    You find some really good players at R1.

    Your friends may look down on you?? lol. A lot of my DBD friends have been playing since day 1. They make fun of me for being rank 1, but they know I’m not sweaty. It’s just a meme. Nobody that’s played this game long enough cared about rank.

  • Larisa
    Larisa Member Posts: 176

    I think for most players after they get to rank 1, they don't care about this grind and pip anymore

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,783

    Being at red ranks wasnt so much a choice but rather an effect from playing too much. Currently rank has no real effect at all, since matchmaking is so screwed up that youll likely be facing ppl with random ranks anyway. I dont play much survivor, so I wouldnt know how OTHER killers play at red ranks, but I typically play low or Mid tier killers, so I typically just laugh at ppl who say they cant win if they dont play 1 of 3 killers.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    whenever I feel my dc rate is getting close to getting me temp banned, I reluctantly stay

  • xnes_galax
    xnes_galax Member Posts: 149

    Is not really that i want to. Is more about i get there anyways. Is really easy to climb and getting to rank 1 both roles each season is almost like a challenge. An easy challenge, but still someone i want to do. I have always been rank 1 since my first seasons (when my friends boosted me) and i want to keep it up.

    Also red rank for killer mean i will have to face slightly better survivors. Not much better but at least they will try to win.

    So i would say i stay at high ranks to have more chanche to find whorty opponents instaed of new players that have no clue and get destroyed. Is not fun to ruin others experience and i would never de rank to gray/green to face and demolish new players.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I don't have a reason to stay at red ranks

    I just play and if I do well enough to get at red ranks then that's it, if I depip I depip

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I think it's because I'm considered one of the better players among my group of friends. I fear they'll one day realise that I'm just a washed up survivor who isn't as good as they use to be.

    But I've been consistently playing at red ranks since September 2018 (minus my break from the game between December and March), I always say that I hate playing at red ranks. Yet despite this, since the new rank system I actually have to put some effort in pipping once I reach rank 4. So I was interested hear what are other people's reasons for constantly getting to rank 1 each season and staying there.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    I have a smurf aswell. I can deal with red ranks on both sides. I can dominate. But have no fun doing that. So I stay at purple ranks

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,346

    I don't have a problem with red ranks as my mindset is far more focused on individual outplays and interactions than end results. If anything going against "sweatier" players just means those interactions become more challenging and interesting to me.

    Just my personal opinion of course, guess I'm blessed with this sort of mindset.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Purple ranks as killer: too easy

    Purple ranks as survivor: too many teammates hiding in corners and not playing well

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I play solo survivor and make it to red rank every season. I am currently rank 4 and the players in these ranks can be selfish, overly altruistic, SWF who only look for themselves, and the killers are usually the same ones. however, despite some of these negatives, playing at red ranks has made me a better survivor and I can manage to hold my own weight. I'll learn new things from the survivors who are paired with me along with some of the killer techniques.

    I'll gladly play at these ranks than purple/green where everyone tends to urban evade and become allergic to gens because of ruin.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited September 2019

    Yeah me too, it's rare for me to be impressed with a killer (of "wow, he's good), I just keep getting the same players that put me on their mori/camp list for no reason. I was playing Kill your friends, and a mutual friend who is a killer main chose to be a spirit with beads. I just DC'd (I don't DC in public matches) as if I wanted to play against a spirit with beads, I'd play solo Q and earn blood points for it.


    I don't know, maybe it's because I'm on console but I can barely can tell difference between the quality of randoms I get at red and purple ranks. Both seem to like to roam the map in the search of ruin, whilst my aim was to be the runner whilst everyone else did gens, I feel like I'm the only one working through ruin. Amount times I'm making jokes to myself about match making, and at the end of the game I find out my team mates were actually red ranks, it blows my mind.

    LA2KMATT Member Posts: 23

    I like red ranks in a way as it forces me to continually improve my killer skills, but it does get exhausting after a while due to how hard you need to try in order to complete your objective. I’m just waiting for the much needed rank rewards to help motivate me to keep playing, plus I don’t think it’s cool to smurf and destroy less experienced survivors. Typically getting a 4K-3k each game keeps me at rank 1, so there’s the technical answer.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The only reason I end up high ranks is because I don't actively play intending to depip. Hell I even started mostly playing Plague recently and despite many 4ks being safety pips, I'm still creeping on up.

    There's no reason to want to rank up, it's not fun. If anything it's stressful since the only people up there are hell bent on showing that they can make you miserable. Half the time even when you get a clear win you come out feeling ######### about the match.

    I've taken to running Franklin's semi-regularly too, as for some reason these days, if it's a medkit in the lobby, it's an insta. No exceptions. I'm not the sort of person who runs noed, nor any exposed perks that I can think of, I don't even run moris any more if I don't have a daily, so instas and keys and ######### feel pretty annoying to deal with. It's especially true when SWF all comes packing their instas and perfectly coordinate saves and #########.

    It's another reason I'm enjoying Plague. I've had a lot of ultra rares on her, and they honestly make her a powerhouse (if still a mostly M1 killer) and having people not cleanse is actively a downside when they don't realise they're playing into UR builds. Watching people go down in one hit knowing that they're carrying instas that can't do anything is exceptionally satisfying.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I honestly just flat out refuse people offering KYF, I used to enjoy it, but it becomes clear fast that it's ALWAYS just the worst things in the game. Doctor on the Game with Iridescent King, Scratched Mirror Lerys, Tombstones, Prayer Beads, Iri Heads. Nobody just plays normal ######### to have fun, it's always just how toxic can I be?

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    That friend is a moron xD imagine playing prayer beads in kyf. I never thought this would happen lol

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Red ranks = long waiting times a d sweaty 15 k BP games

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Meanwhile, in the same lobby I was playing as burger king Myers, and no blink nurse (with bamboozle, brutal strength, enduring, spirit fury).

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917
    edited September 2019

    I have a dream, i wanna be rank 20 right now. Ur right boring and unfun af. I hate red ranks, campers tunnelers ruin noed bbq nurses spirits billys istasaw istadown prayer beads mori etc.. I have fun only during rank reset..

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    Alot of that has to do with the gens just being too fast, survivors not making as many mistakes in chases and getting those ruin skill checks and killers trying to kill them as fast as possible and keep them off them.

    I wish we didn't have to play as try hard as we do now at the red ranks, but we are trying our best at those ranks so it's whatever until devs do something about that red ranks will always be a mix of challenging and unfair when you run into swf and omega blink nurses

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I understand why it's done, and that's the same reason why every time I reach read ranks I stsrt to lose on purpose to go back to purple / green ranks.

    On ps4 waiting times on red ranks are unbearable and the amount of BP in a match are ridiculous.

    I love to grind BP and I cannot simply do it properly at red ranks, too much time in lobby too little points when I can finally play

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Imo its too easy to get to red ranks. I stay because i have to actively try to stay lower by handicapping or throwing

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    honestly, the only reason why i am at red ranks right now, is because i played more this season than before...

    that said, i really dont enjoy my time up there... all i get is OoO SWFs and Haddonfield / Springwood. as someone who plays weaker killers to have some fun, this is really frustrating .-.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,594

    I honestly like red more than low purple and green ranks. The worst SWF groups tend to manipulate rank to hang around ranks 7-11. You don't want to play on a Friday or Saturday night at rank 8 or 9.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,160

    Because unless I start dc'ing all the time or playing very badly, I have no choice but to stay in red ranks.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    When I play the game often I end up in red ranks like most people. It just happens.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Rank one actually promises some killer taking out survivors whom dont know what a pallet is or look behind them isnt satisfying , especially when I've taken the time to master the hardest but strongest killers..I wsnt to improve..and for survivor..half the time I do 1 good chase and 3 gens go and its is too easy..I could just burn pallets if I wanted and he cant do anything about it...but then you get the good killers whom know their characters, know their individual strong points and who know to play well with the stronger killers..then you suddenly have to use your brain and the map a little more efficiently..idk I just love the feeling of winning vs hard challanges