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I've never seen Devs talk about gens

I don't care how much you guys have seen this. It's a genuine problem within the game, and I just want the Devs to give us an answer on the topic.

The truth is that killer is alot more stressful to play than survivor and I think that's a problem.

I entered this game as a survivor main and I still play survivor with my friends. Everytime I do the teamwork is insane and gens go by in 4 minutes.

THIS is the reason why we main nurse, spirit and billy. And it won't change if the Devs say nothing and do nothing



  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    It sounds like you have more of a problem with the person rather than the actual TOPIC

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2019

    I'd just like to add that I just hopped over to OhTofu's stream and asked him what he thought about the topic. He believes there is a problem with maps rather than gens. But still he believes there is a problem with how quick matches go by

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    I personally think it's the fact that the maps aren't balanced around survivors being able to knock out gens so quickly. The amount of mobility needed by a killer to counter the kind of spread pressure a good team brings is why the meta favors only the ones with the highest mobility.

    When gens are getting knocked out simultaneously at opposite ends of the map, there just isn't much most killers can do to stop or even slow it down.

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2019

    Thanks for you're input man, I'm inclined to believe it too. I went back to OhTofu's stream and he believes that every map other than the new one and Badham need to be reworked, and I respect his opinion as a dbd player because he has SO many hours

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461

    Tofu's awesome, I love his Billy guide. I think he's right on this one.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Killer has to be the more stressful role. In a 1v4 if the 1 doesn't feel pressured by time, an optimal player (killer) will win every time. A nurse who knows how to play already wins every game if they play well.

    What were those stats again? Nurses in 25 percent of red rank games, 4-man SWF in 5 percent? If you want to lessen the stress of killers, the top will dominate even more than they do now.

    People have already said, Gen time is not the issue, terrible maps are. Do a huge map overhaul and nerf nurse, and suddenly the game is 100 more balanced.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    The underlying issue is the speed at which it happens. And it's not a few. Also I've yet to come across a kill rush thread....

    Yes, a few certian killers have the ability to 4k quick, but that is usually due to bad game play on there part. If you'd wish to complain about that there are a ton of places to do so.

    The point here is that if you choose to not main these few elite killers, the gen rush/ability to maintain pressure on certian maps gives survivors control of the game, making it a slavage operation for killers.

    Factor in certain perks and other exploited game mechanics, the hand full of games a guy tries to fit in after work and before bed become unenjoyable.

    Certain killers could be linked to certian maps. High mobility = big maps

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    You are actually very misguided. I would ask you to re evaluate your argument because it's obviously not a well thought out one. Any streamer with over 2,000 hours will tell you there's a problem with map pressure and game speeds. And they play survivor just as much as killer. You just sound like a poor survivor that hasn't learnt the ropes of being a good survivor yet. I'd be inclined to tell you to play killer just a little bit before you make an argument like that again.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    I play both equally, but unlike most I don't feel entitled to 4k every game. The funny thing is I'm ranked higher on killer, cuz i'ts much harder to get BP, ya know? hard life

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    You think we feel entitled to 4k every game. That in itself is a gumby assumption on your part, therefore your argument doesn't hold much water

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Sure bud, and yours holds so much weight that the devs are in here right now taking you all serious. Post another streamers with 2k hours complaining about one match, I'm sure they will be in here for you. If you here to ask for specific map rotations for certain killers only, I would take that serious, but until then proceed. I'm sure they are waiting on your call, and info you got from the streamers.

  • Sauceman_Tim
    Sauceman_Tim Member Posts: 106

    I would be more inclined to believe the likes of Ohtofu, Otzdarva, and Ayrun over you. "Complaining about 1 match" dude you are actually childish. You've gotta cool it down with the insults and assumptions. If it were an Anomaly I wouldn't be here talking about it like it's a problem.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Any killer when you think you’ve lunged properly but the game decides you hit a wall.

  • Xboned
    Xboned Member Posts: 461




  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Congrats, you hit me! (If you don’t get the joke, my psn is TreemanXD)

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited September 2019

    Gen speeds not the problem you are. Why add more boring mundane issues when the problem is your lack of comfort outside some Youtuber or Twitch streamer on how great BBQ, Ruin, ETC, ETC is. Seriously get out of your comfort zone and add different perks and maybe learn how to apply proper pressure instead of relying on overused and common perks.

    This game has some many good perks on both sides yet people would rather only touch a perk if a "known DBD personality" has shown some time with it.

    Devs wanted it to be 50/50 per match meaning that a 2k is considered a balanced tie. Meaning as a killer 3k is a win and a 4k is doing incredibly well. Yet a 1k is underachieving and a 0k is a failure on the killers part.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    The problem is the maps and totem placements, fix that first then we can narrow down the problem

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    I do agree here that maybe maps can play some factor into gen pressure, well really it can play a lot the bigger it gets then killer selections come into play, but even then I do admit tru3 made a few mistakes here and there but generally no more than the few made by dead hard, and pallet drops.

    His chases didn't take long, and with ruin up it shouldn't have hurt much. But that's a big factor he got gen rushed with ruin active. WHICH mind you has become more and more common the higher in the ranks I've come as killer I used to be a rank 1 killer every reset took a break and now I'm rocking rank 3 until further notice.

    But I am noticing that my limitations as killers has become extremely tighter as people have gotten better or the seasoned survivors know how to hit those greats, I've had matches where survivors completely ignored ruin and I even hooked people infront of my totem, they just kept up gen pressure. And if you apply pressure to these types of matches you need to be a perfect killer, no mistakes no bad reads, no failed mindgames.

    Which is impossible to avoid, I do believe some of these factors can be a effect of gen times being a little short to allow a variety of different gameplay maps. I'd rather hace a variety of maps with slightly longer gens then no variety maps with shorter gens.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231
    edited September 2019

    Actually no not really if u wanna say that then more of the time a surv will dc so u don't get the 4k I'd rather have someone that complains bout it than dc and the killer complaining well I'm a killer main BUT there actually is something called gen rush cuz I once had a match where they all had toolboxes and was playing ming with technician and other perks to help the Gen go faster, when I saw they all were ming I knew instantly I ran into my first match that they were gonna gen rush me ( keep in mind I've played awhile definitely not more than most but I'm in the green rank for awhile getting better and pipping up) so I decided to bring in a ebony mori man the game was intense but they didn't finish more than two but they knew how to loop I just knew when to give up the chase cuz the real issue was the gens in that game

    And same when I was the hag I ran into this group that had perks and toolboxes that would make the gens go by fast, they finished them all without me getting a kill BUT they didn't know I had noed and when they finished those last two man they were toxic as hell with the messages the thing is if they wouldn't have tried to farm each other at the end and just escape they would've been fine😂

    My point is there is something called gen rush as there is something called camping and tunneling but with tunneling if I see you scratch marks I'm gonna follow and not care who it is cuz that's on the person for running half the time it's the hooked person that was saved

    But in situations that a killer is camping don't try to save the damn surv go do gens but yet survs wanna farm and get mad when they die when they could well finish two gens by the time the surv dies

    With survs that gen rush well easy solution give up the damn chase if u can't hit the dude and worry bout the gens and you might be fine if u don't get angry and Chase someone for the whole game

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54

    The problem is not gen speed its most killers not being able to apply map pressure because of the poorly designed maps that combined with SWF is why its a problem.

    If you buff the completeion time of the gens you buff all the killers nurse, billy, spirit. Who already really strong killers as is and who don't need buffs.

    Another objective wouldn't really change much what would you do. The killer would just have to worry about an extra objectuve on top of their add list of things to do

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,025

    Jesus christ

    Atleast find a different source for gens atleast

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,551

    "Oh, I thought you wanted to hit that car"


    It is kinda cheap to use the same video all the time. Maybe there should be more threads about matches which were longer. You will even find them on tru3s channel, there are Killer Matches which last 16 minutes.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    Whats up with all these tru3 fans coming and trying to change the game, this is seriously why I dont like tru3 talent, he whines and his viewers listen, if they see someone whos is good at a game complain then there's definatly something wrong with the game mentality, stop crying the game is fine, watch his vids man hes whines soon much that i stopped watching him, hes a prettygood damn killer though.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    Thanks for posting the vid, like seeing him lose

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Look, someone who's using stats to back an argument.... even though most know they're botched to hell.........

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    If people bring items to make gens go faster you can bring Franklin's or apply more pressure on gens instead of chasing one survivor too long. Plus when gens go fast they aren't doing totems so it would have been good to bring NOED as much as everyone hates it or ruin. I think the Devs have it pretty balanced and games can go either way. I've played games that everyone does well and escapes rather quickly and I've played games that are over before 1 gen is completed so I don't understand why people are making such a big deal about it? It more depends on the perk, items, add ons, and killer or survivor's. SWF teams are awful but other than that the game is balanced. It's SWF that creates the issue in my opinion. Should be a separate game mode where perks and items are slightly buffed.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Wait he had pinky finger too??

    Can we stop linking Tru3 videos as if every killer plays like this? Lol

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 547
    edited September 2019

    Gen Rush, or as some of you would call it "Doing the objective" (TM) is a problem, especially if you have 3-4 man SWF groups. If you want to be in denial about it fine. You're welcome to disagree, but it's more than Tru3 who says it. It needs balancing. How? Who knows. Any change will be met with ire BUT you can either adapt or quit playing. Simple as that.

    Now, let's talk about making that exit gate barrier where downed survivors slide down it, not through it.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 266
    edited September 2019

    Good example of a few things. I MAIN clown. Firstly. He missed a lot of his bottles. Instead of breaking off to use pop he continued to tunnel and did nothing with it. I just finished playing a map at the estate, 3 gens done and I noticed they mainly fixed the 3 on one side of the map. So I purposely camped the other 3 gens, not commiting to a chase and just ran back and forth to the 3 that were extremely close to eachother. One on each side of the house, 1 inside. There was on a bit farther off towards killer shack across the area. I let them have that. After they got it, I forced a 3gen. The problem with true in that video is he overcommitted to his chases instead of noticed "hey I'm being rushed, I need to apply pressure to gens" on top of losing ruin, missing his expose bottles. He screwed up HARD and was punished. He played pretty poor that match aside from the few catches with the confusing mind games he did. He didnt even change is strategy. You NEED to adapt and change up how you play or people will take advantage of it. One of the big problems I continue to see more often than not are killers who dont change their strategy when playing against SWF. They just tunnel down players constantly. Getting gen rushed? Start guarding gens. Dont committ to every single chase. You know if its SWF they be telling their friends what is going on.

    Sure you can increase gentime (they added diminishing to them when more than one person messed with them didnt they? Or was that always there) but you will completely just screw over regular solo survivors even harder. The real problem is more so SWF.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This is super cherry-picked. He's using a killer with absolutely zero mobility or map pressure, he demonstrably wastes a lot of time trying to get direct bottle hits, and he's just generally not playing at the top of his game, most likely in red ranks. Also, there's no telling what perks or items/add-ons the survivors had; they could have brought multiple BNPs for all we know.

    "Gen rushing" is not a thing. Doing gens is the game's singular survivor objective, and what's shown here is survivors being highly efficient while the killer is not. Some people here act like this is how a game typically goes, as if this type of play is the norm and not the aberrant outlier that it is.

    Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. It's not useful or case-proving for anything, ever. I'm sure I could almost certainly find or engineer a single match to prove any point I want, too. Show me a stream of a full day's worth of highly efficient killer play where all the gens consistently get done this quickly, and where every single survivor squad is the freaking A-Team, and I'll believe you.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    "Now, let's talk about making that exit gate barrier where downed survivors slide down it, not through it"

    @smappdooda would you like to go start that thread or shall I? I'm sure there are a lot of opinions on this

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 547

    Go for it. I have already tried before.

    Personally I would like to have the option to grab them by the leg and drag them back in. The animation already exists in the Wraith Mori.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    I imagine it will be met with dislike and probably die out quick, but like you said, it would be cool to be able to drag them back in. After all, they aren't entirely across the boundry at that point.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    For the devs, Generators are like Fight Club.

    You don't talk about Generators.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I really don't get why people use Tru's videos as evidence. He misplays quite often in his games. More often than not.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited September 2019

    They probably don’t talk about them because they don’t feel it’s an issue. If their numbers are telling them the game is balanced (which it is, imo), what do you expect them to really say? Kills are keeping up with the speed of generators as it stands. It’s a non issue unless you want to argue both sides need to be slowed down. The only issues are some maps and bottom tier weak killers, gens are not.

    Post edited by Karl_Childers on
  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 266

    Was waiting to see if my post magically popped back up, it disappeared. So i'll repost it the best I can remember with a few addons and alterations.

    I main the clown and can say a few things about true's video. Namely he made a LOT of mistakes. He missed his bottles because he was too focused on the instadown, when he lost his hex ruin early, and after 2-3 gens popped, instead of playing defensively he chose to continue to tunnel. One of the biggest things Killers do is stay on a 1 track play style. You cannot do that and expect to win. He continued to over-commit to chases. You HAVE to adapt and change your strategy sometimes. Aside from gen-placement, one thing I've done in the past was force 3Gens. A good example was I was on yamaoka estate, 3 gens were completed, I had maybe gotten 1 person down a single time so I was on track to lose pretty fast, however i realized that the completed gens were mainly on the other side of the map. The side i wasn't doing chases near. There were still 2 near the house (One on each side) and 1 inside the house then one kinda near the killer shack. I stopped going for chases and started protecting the 3 gens mainly around the house (I run pop goes the weasel and overcharge btw) After a bit they of course completed the one by the shack. As soon as they did that they screwed up because of the 3gen. Now with only 1 left I was easily able to go back and forth to the gens left. After a bit of not committing to chases and breaking off to check gens every time i started a chase and pretty much got a hit, I finally downed someone and slugged them (This is a strat especially against genrushing. Some can say it's scummy, but to all the other killer mains here, Gen rushing is apparently scummy too. So whatever) All in all, I turned the match around in my favor and easily won after that as the survivors fell one by one.

    The problems I see to me runs down to a couple things. Namely, SWF which will ALWAYS be a problem, and the killer PLAYER. Most killers play WAY to linear in my opinion. When playing against SWF, you have to be flexible and change your tactics. If you continue to only play 1 way, while they have the communication, you will most likely not get a win. The only thing that I see increasing repair speed doing is screwing over solo survivors more than fix the problem. It's already pretty bad on them in general. True made so many mistakes. Focusing on committing to chases to a point he even wasted PGTW. Even after he had placed someone in the basement, he didn't bother to play around that. That one is huge. He was severely punished for thirsting for a down instead of trying to stay defensive.. Some are probably gonna argue "What is he going to do then" for starters. Stop overcommitting to chases if you only have a few gens left, especially if the genrushed you. You know what their priority is. Shoot even before you see a genrush they only have one thing to do... You need to apply pressure on the gens more. Which he did not do. I'd expect to be punished too if i played like that. The main issue is SWF and will continue to be SWF. You can nerf the gen repairs and people will still find something new to complain about with survivors. Now if these are random players he's going against, sorry you lost that hard? Again though. Change. Your. Playstyle. Killers have the ability to do that much more than the survivors.