Look at this video , seriously. Only 270 seconds to repair all the gens
The ruin was destroyed, so survivors even wasted some to do that.
How can killers win if each survivor to die on the hook needs 120 seconds ( so a lot of time in each fase to repair the gens and then go to save)??
And what happens if the survivors, instead of looping, just pull down all the super safe pallets that a lot of maps have? And this isn't even the max gen speed.
Edit: 1 year passed and the gen situation is still the same, clown is the same, survivors just rush all gens.
Tru3 did some little mistakes, but he is a human so it's normal. HOWEVER, even when he played it perfectly without mistakes, the result would be quite similiar. The only way to beat such a team is Nurse.
27 -
Def agree that something needs to be done. Red ranks are really stressful due to how unbelievably fast gens pop, but a general nerf to gen speed would destroy the lower ranks.
IMO change ruin (I've made a few threads on this) or add some kind of speed penalty to gens that depends on what rank you're currently at.
7 -
Or if you strain yourself playing spirit. Billy probably still had no chance
0 -
Clown is one of weakest killers for gen pressure, even with those perks. All this proves is that Clown is suspect-able to gen-rush.
7 -
"GeNs ArE fInE, jUsT aPpLy PrEsSuRe!"
"AlSo, SpIrIt AnD NuRsE aRe Op! NeRf WhEn, DeVs?!?!?"
32 -
Its funny because he gets an insta down at the start too
0 -
There are teams in red ranks that get destroyed by killers too, so not all games are like that with the killer getting rushed. Pair that with the fact it is easy to get red ranks and realize a game like this is very difficult to balance and create for.
8 -
I still think a 2nd objective is the best way to go.
My idea: You get to do 3 gen's for free. For the other 2 gen's, you need to find a "Missing Part" that's stored in a drawer somewhere on the map. Doesn't need to be difficult to get. Just something that needs to be done. One person obtaining a Missing Part grants all survivors the ability to continue the last 2 gen's.
5 -
You might not be serious, but you're not wrong.
4 -
Can the Hook Stages be longer too?
Why should you be punished for playing good? Also there dont need to be any motivations for deranking.
6 -
The sad truth, nonetheless.
3 -
If the objective for survivors would take longer, then the hook phase time would also have to get increased. That's only logical since otherwise camping would become a valid strategy.
And I agree, we don't need any encouragements for deranking.
5 -
He heard the first guy rushing a totem.. at that point he should of figured this is possibly a SWF if the guy didnt bother to run. If I had clown, I would of personally checked my dam totem was safe knowing I can't let it go early playing clown, ya know? Especially on that freaking map, but let's continue to blame only gen speed. Let's pretend this was't a group of 4 SWF and that absolutely nothing could of been done to get some kills.
5 -
I think the devs are about to change how gens work fundamentally.
Mainly because of the changes to Dying Light and Left Behind currently on the PTB. They seem to nerf killers, or buff survivors, before making changes that a lot of people might jump to conclusions about.
A few examples: They removed reading auras of survivors in lockers before changing decisive strike; they added mettle of man while still working on decisive strike, and a week before implementing the end game collapse. Mettle of man wasn't nerfed until everything with legion and end-game collapse were mostly sorted.
I wouldn't bet on myself, here though, because neither Dying Light nor Left Behind are very useful perks. However, they do both greatly impact gen completion speeds.
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does he play the game for a living? like how does that twittch streaming wokr?
1 -
Not a single game at R1 I’ve played and tracked this season has been that short. They all averaged about 16.9 minutes after 50 games.
How many mistakes did he make? There was a point around 3.5 minutes where he missed every single bottle point blank on Jeff, where it extended the chase out.
Never once uses Pop Goes the Weasel.
I don’t have any issues with Tru3, but there are a LOT better Killers than him that can easily apply pressure. The Survivors were better than him that game, period.
14 -
But fr though clown buffs when?
1 -
I predicted in his comment section that someone will post this on forums, but I'm genuinely pleased that not many people started calling out the hell out of him because "he didn't apply pressure"
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But choosing Clown does not exempt the devs from being responsible for an unbalanced game.
It actually makes them even more responsible since Clown is part of the cast and he should be able to compete.
The problem is that they are refusing to act on the real issue here, gen speed and lack of counterplay to optimal survivors play.
For the game to be balanced a single mistake on both teams should cost the same, but it doesn't.
You make a small mistake as killer, such as a chase lasting more than 40-50 seconds and you lose the game.
Survivors can make mistakes and still win because the team can patch up the single survivor mistake.
Killer's cannot do that, so killers need to have something to avoid this from happening.
And ruin is not a response, making new killers with mobility is not a response.
There are around half of the members of the cast with ZERO mobility and huge maps to make things worse
2 -
That took 4.5 minutes to complete all gens, enough time for him to apply pressure
4 -
One problem Tru3 has is that he never really abandons chases often. Instead he commits and commits and that really costs him most of the time
I can't really judge another player's playstyle if it works and It does in the videos I've seen. But this style of committing even if he's injured the survivor gives the others free reign to do gens. What he should have done if he couldn't down Jeff was hit him and move on to the generators with his weasel, because clearly chasing one dude while all three are working on gens is not a smart move
However there really wasn't anyway he could have won that match. They were hard committed to those generators
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He played a killer that has no tool for map pressure. Basically suicide. Bad killers need map pressure tools to make up for fast gens. That and some map fixes.
0 -
This has been the same for 3 years and you complain now?
0 -
Yes. The problem is two-fold⚠️:
- gens are survivors only main objective
- maps are busted 🗺️
But sadly AFAIK none of the devs plays killer publicly, consistently and seriously often enough on rank 1️⃣, using all killers, to experience that fact on their own. As simple as that.
Of course, if they play the majority of the time internally that would explain the balancing around rank 10 🤭.
I just accepted the fact that since 2 years nothing really noteworthy was done in this regard and that just proves (to me, anyway) that they not even try to balance higher ranks.
And just to mention, yeah they say from time to time "we are looking into it", "it's not that simple to introduce 2nd objective", etc. but to counter these arguments, there was NOTHING NEVER EVER ⛔️ something tested even on PTB (apart from very short temporary events that do NOT count as second objective, because not mandatory!).
Feel free to add your own things, or disagree completely, can't change my mind.😑
0 -
Fed up of hearing this BS, I don't know a single killer/player who could have won this game. That's a problem. If the gens are finished in 4.5 minutes when a normal game averages at 10 + then the idea of pressure is a complete fabrication. You can chase 1 person for ages, break chase you lose progress and they hop on a gen saying they 'lost' you. A killer like clown has to walk to the gen to apply pressure, they can only be in one place at once. A killer shouldn't be 'unplayable' at a certain rank, that is a broken game and needs fixing. A game should be winnable by the top % of killers without quick fixes like ruin and noed or having to pick a broken killer who can apply enough map pressure to win. If the devs want to refund me every other killer apart from spirit and nurse when I hit rank 4 then fine, but at the moment survivors can bully killers with little to no effort and claim to be gods, when the top killers have to sweat and use meta killers and perks to stand a chance. Everything is stacked against them. This needs fixing and it's complete BS that people are arguing against it. less than 1 minute to chase and down each survivor is an unreasonable ask at any ranks and even the POTENTIAL for that to happen THEORETICALLY is wrong and totally unbalanced. I imagine a dbd where as killer I don't have to run spirit/ nurse with ruin, noed and use tactics like slugging and camping in hopes i won't get gen rushed. please fix this devs.
3 -
uhh, I didn't mention the time it takes to get to each generator, or if they supposedly fail the gen it takes longer
0 -
uhh. Not sure that adds anything at all and you didn't address anything I said. nice.
1 -
Its also because that is an entire paragraph. I said that it took 4.5 minutes to complete generators but never mentioned how long it can take to actually do all 5 generators. You have to think of the time it takes to get to a gen, time regressed, pressure caused etc etc
0 -
Pointless discussion as killer mains will take their side, survivor mains will take their side.
People don't take into account the variables of rank,map,SWF etc.
I play both(purple rank) and as killer there are a few games a night where the gens go quick(not 270 seconds quick) but if i play survivor it seems like i'm the only one doing any gens.
5 -
Yes sorry mate, I agreed with you, then ranted about the unbalance of the game haha
1 -
as wraith/pig main im crying out of laugh imagine using 2 slowdown perks and still letting gens go so fast just use perks that makes you find them faster and down them faster just git gut xd why you need perks to give you 10sec when you can end chase 20 sec faster? or save 20sec because you wont check gen with whispers off?? ppl just loves perks that are using themselfs or dont require thinking when to use it (1st is ruin, 2nd is pop)
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"Clown is not given enough utility to end chases fast like he is intended to in order to adequately compensate for the lack of map pressure."
This is basically THE sentence about Clown. He is good in chases, but not good enough to play him without Chase Perks. Ideally, Clown would have enough utility for Chases so that he can only run Tracking and Slowdown-Perks, basically like Spirit does.
1 -
Is the laugh anything like these?
0 -
What people don't get about killers is that their base statistics which are 32 TR,115% MS are not enough to win the game and their basic toolkit isn't as optimized as the survivors.What allows killers to win the game is their power. It allows them to cheat the game(through skill) and it determines how they will win the game.Clown is perfect example of 1vs1 oriented killer, He has no mobility, He has no game slowdown and his power only helps him in chases until he has to reload. Clown applies map pressure by ending chases quickly, but sadly, his power is too slow/weak to down people fast enough for the pace that the game goes. He's also hard to play since he doesn't get direct rewards for hitting bottles like Huntress and they're harder to hit against better players. If it were another killer like billy or myers, those killer are more likely to slug because they have instant down and they use slugging as their method of slowing the game down. your win condition as killer is always your power no matter how ######### or good it is.
Another common comment is "killers always want 4ks". Did you ever consider why that is the case? It's because killers can't really draw. They can only win or lose. There's no such thing as drawing as killer. You either killed everyone or you didn't and ranking system rewards killers based off that. Someone might say, "But wait a minute man, what if you got 2 kills and 2 escaped", that is still losing as killer and think about it this way, If there is two people alive and 2 generator left to complete, do you really think 2 survivors have any realistically chance to escape? They've already lost and the game folds into Hatch/Key.For survivor, It's based off your performance because it's team-game. Ranking up as a survivor(Winning) is on you, but escaping is team effort. If your team is #########, you may not escape, but you shouldn't lose/derank if you played well. If there 4 more of you, you would won.
There only few maps that have busted loops. Most of them are long loops that you can see the killer across the wall and there is no mind game to be played. God window loops are pretty annoying as killer, but you don't really have to chase those loops. If anything, god loop are good method to deter tunneling because you'll lose the game if you chase them and they're also pretty good at countering 3 generator strategies because you can purposely leave the generator next to the god loop and then use it to close out the game cleanly. With that being said, maps like Haddonfield,Thompson house, Blood lodge suck to play as killer because it's just a bunch of see-through no mind-game loops and Jungle gyms all over the place, but none of that was in play in that game. Changing map design won't really change much in grand scheme of things for extremely fast games that are more or less unwinnable for most killers. killers don't really need easier chases, they need powers/perks to control gatekeeper emblem that isn't luck based(Hex:Ruin).
0 -
You can win every chase with a killer like Clown in a reasonable amount of time and still lose a game like this. Survivors dictate the pace against M1 killers at red ranks. We can nitpick the gameplay, but what is a reasonable performance standard for killers? You shouldn't have to perform like an AI to win.
3 -
Same guy as in the previous post.
0 -
I see some world champions making fun of Tru3, like they could do better.
And like I did in the last 8 months I challenge you, oh forum champions, show us you doing consistently better at the same ranks.
And as usual nobody will show anything
6 -
He streams himself playing games and people pay him money for it.
0 -
One thing: Ranks don't really mean much.
Bunch of people that play once a week with their friends hover around rank 10 which doesn't mean anything. They still have their 1k hours to learn the game and they have all the perks and they will smash the game if they really want to.
Ranks don't only mean that you are better at the game, it just says that you spent a lot of time since last rank reset on it.
Still, game is busted when it comes to it's lenght when survivors just want to end it quickly.
If killer could get a concede button once gates are powered he could depip all of those gen rushers... but what's the point? It won't be fun for either side but HEY it isn't a problem because statistics say otherwise.
2 -
Still, EVERY TIME I asked for evidence of people out gaming any of the streamers consistently, all the keyboard lion hearts disappear
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How do ranks don't mean much when there is a clear skill gap between high rank players and low rank players
1 -
Nobody ever said that
0 -
I don't see why leaving the chase should be the best option.
Every time killers do that usually lose.
What's the point, especially if I'm using a medkit? So you can begin another chase with a Not- injured survivor that can loop you even more?
0 -
You waste time healing, you deplete your med-kit charges, I go to focus on people actually doing generators, etc. For example if I have chased you quite a ways away from the gen you were by and it didn't have much progress
Unless you immediately rush and do the gen, chances are you'll just end up wasting time healing where you are at before running back down to do the gen. Hopefully in that time period I've chased the survivors that were actually doing a gen and downed one and given myself back some map pressure.
If the chase is acting poorly it is often in one's best interest to pursue an easier target. There's a number of factors in play and if gens are popping and you are chasing the one survivor you can confirm is not on a gen
Break. The. Chase.
Again if you are going against people who don't care about depipping, BP, and just rush generators (For whatever reason) you will not win. But if you are going against normal players that are concerned with BP, surviving, and other things chances are you have a pretty good chance. The gen rusher would just run over and do the gen when I leave
Also I still find it hilarious that people think the best way to protect Ruin against a com SWF is to go and personally check up on it. Even against solo survivors that's more often then not guaranteed to reveal your totem's location and get it blown up
Because it looks really suspicious how the killer decided to run to one side of the map and then immediately leave after looking at something for a second
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@DBDbuildsYT Sorry, but the problem here isn't Tru3's skill. He has plenty of games where he absolutely demolishes the survivors, or where the games go back and forth for a good 15+ minutes.
The issue here is the games where he does make mistakes or just isn't really playing like he normally does. Then he complains about genrush this and that, survivor being the power-role this and that, or whatever excuses he wants to make instead of just saying: "Well, that could have gone better," and moving on.
Which is fine. Except when he does that, then people bring it here to the forums like it's suddenly the Word of God, and threads like this happen . . . over and over again within a few days.
Tru3's issue is that whenever he has games that go south, it's always genrush and survivor being the power-role. But when he's on top as a killer, he's all peachy. He's a sore loser, and I stopped giving him my viewing time because of it. Same with several other of the larger DbD streamers.
6 -
That's simple.
New player starts up at rank 20 and slowly climbs to higher ranks and let's say reaches rank 12-15 in a month.
Player with 3k hours that easily got to rank 1 right after rank reset is at rank 12.
By my own example, I am rank 1 player in both sides but I no longer get much enjoyment out of the game if I play it longer so I just go for few games at a time... and I'm rank 15. Meaning according to the game I'm equal to the player that basically just started playing.
That is why rank doesn't matter. That and I also faced pre-mades bully parties on rank 15 before so no, rank doesn't matter for the most part.
0 -
I definetely agree. He is a hypocrite and complains too much but I see that he also(I hope) notices that when he wins, it's survivors that mess up. In the linked game there is no way for any killer other then nurse to have a chance and that's a problem.
0 -
He didn't play badly in this game either, he lost because the other team focused on the objective and his Killer was limited.
That doesn't change the fact that before a critique is valid, it needs to come from a reputable source. So do you have any evidence of you playing consistently at true level?