Ruin rework Idea

Brenbren Member Posts: 5
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

Keep the same idea but remove it as a totem, and make it activate when a survivor is hooked. When no survivors are on hooks, Ruin is off. The more survivors you hook (like tokens) the longer it takes for gens to progress. I think this will encourage killers to get more survivors on hooks and engage in different chases, and also force survivors to help teammates to progress the game and make it more of a team game for solo players. What do you guys think?

And this idea will remove the awful RNG spawn of ruin totem AND reward the Killer AND survivor.


  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Ruin only works against bad survivors.

    Good survivors don't bother hitting great skill checks and know where to look for Ruin.

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    Or, you know, you could just leave it is as it and learn to hit those grapes.

  • Brenbren
    Brenbren Member Posts: 5

    That’s why if they remove the totem aspect and just make it a perk that activates only when someone is hooked it’ll benefit all players and all ranks. It’ll reward survivors for escaping in chases and reward killers for winning the chases. Will make it better for killers to just engage in chases and not be paranoid that ruin will be cleansed and no need to keep checking it.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    In all seriousness, run Small Game.

    I will continue to preach it here. If Small Game enters the meta you will destroy the HEX meta.

    I don’t play without Small Game. I stopped playing the game for 9 months. Came back at R18. Been playing at R1 all month after 4 days of ranking up.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Now I understand your idea, but we already have PGTW, basically same effect. Current Ruins buys you an extra min of gen time on average so you can setup you game. That's why most swap Ruin out for Corrupt Intervention. It also helps you to find survivors, either by failing skill checks or looking for the totem. These aspect of the perk would be lost.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Killer's use ruin to buy time to get hooks.

    The idea sounds simular to what Dying Light is going to be minus the skill checks.

  • Brenbren
    Brenbren Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the insight, I just thought of this idea to put the effectiveness of ruin in the hands of the killer and survivor, not just the survivor and RNG location of the totem.

  • Strange
    Strange Member Posts: 15

    You don't even need to look for it, you can bypass the skill checks just standing, then repairing and repeat every 1 or 2 seconds, and boom, no skill checks and you did the gen with ruin.

    Idk if it's intended, a bug or just a big ''whoops'' from devs, but doing that you can laught at ruin any time.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Not intended, but it does wastes time which os the objective of ruin. So...go ahead?

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    Yeah gen tapping is bs. You should have to be on it for 2 seconds before it start s to progress

  • Strange
    Strange Member Posts: 15

    I still think is bs, the objetive of ruin is prevent you to get the repairs and force you to look for the totem , or go for the great skill checks (better ranks), doing the tapping trick let you repair, with toolbox and another survivor is like no ruin at all.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    You spend just as much time not on the gen as you spend on the gen.

    Don't know if it really saves time over powering through

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Are you against Killers using Ruin or for it? I feel like it's used so much cause it's needed. I hate the perk, and it isn't even all that good... but its necessary at higher ranks.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Fixing a regressing gen with one frame of repair is too.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    In all fairness, nerfing SC showed that they didn't actually need it because it turned out there was a better alternative.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited September 2019

    @Strange LOL! 2 survs and a toolbox is like no ruin at all?? 2 survs and a toolbox should be like gen done in half the time! I'd say Ruin does a pretty good job on that one!

    If you tap gens, you are slower because you waste 30% of your time standing on the gen. If Thana would slow gens down by 30% I'm pretty sure everyone would yell OP. On solo gen tappers, Ruin also does an excellent job.

    And to the post creator: I'm not sure if your assumption is correct. I'm experiencing so far, that most solo survivors jump away from gens as soon as someone is downed, even if I give them Prove Thyself on that gen. Unhooking is the easiest way to get BP and pips, this will not increase with your suggested change (as this behaviour is already at max :P). And when you have 2 survivors hooked, you have pretty much total control and max pressure on the game. So no gen control needed as two are doin nothing and at least one should go for a save. Enough time to kick some gens.

    And not even to think about 3 hooked survivors. Ever seen someone work on a gen when 3 survivors are hooked? Normally the game is almost over then. I'd just suggest constant rework on totem spawns, so you have to learn them after each chapter / midchapter

  • Strange
    Strange Member Posts: 15

    As you say my dude (?), I'm just telling you my experience with it, doing it myself or seeing how they do 2 or 3 gens in 5 minutes with my ruin on is not particulary good (rank 11 for now), and yes I have decent matches even so, usually ranking +1, but that's not the case here, we talk about a trick to fool the hex, and you don't lose time doing it, it's the same without risking the progress with a failed check.

    As others here say, a little fix to it wouldn't hurt, ruin is class S perk for a reason and you need to work around it as survivor, hitting great cheks or destroying the totem, nothing more.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The devs stated gen tapping is ok and doesn't need fixed as ruin still does its job of slowing the gen progress down.

    In practice you are faster not gen tapping and just powering through it so you actually want them to tap.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Strange You DO lose time using that trick, that's pretty simple to follow, I described why. And even if you manage to hit all great skill checks, the perk denies you the 5% progress bonus for the great skill check, that you would get without Ruin. So in any case, stopping gens to avoid skill checks, hitting greats without bonus, doing no gens searching the totem, all options slow you down.

    I just had to laugh when you said "2 survivors with a toolbox negate the ruin". I'd rather say "Ruin negates a survivor and a toolbox"

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    @altruistic I can agree most people crutch on the perk with Killers that don't need it what so ever.

    But I also must add that some Killers require the perk to actually stand a chance in some cases. Like for example, Myers at Tier l requires Ruin to get to Tier ll as it could take him 20 seconds to get Tier ll or 2 minutes. It all depends on the Survivors mistakes or sneaking up on them.

    Its the same argument with NOED, some Killers do need it, but most of the time people just use it because they're either not skilled enough to play without it, or just for the sake of being toxic.

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250

    Ruin is fine, just have decent totem placements which actually require survivors to use up time to go over and look in a spot... instead of seeing it from halfway across the map because it's in the open.

    I'm looking at you Disturbed Ward.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    I like my idea better. Increase the amount of dull totems allowed on a map from the 5 to now 8. Hex ruin now spawns 4 hex totems. Each hex totem is tied to a survivor. If a survivor cleanses it, it could he a different survivors hex they remove. So basically they'd have to keep hunting till they found the one they were tied to or else they would have hex until they do. This would allow killers to still run other hex's as well. This would also make haunted grounds scary AF, but would still five mileage to running a pure hex build. And finally people would hush about NOED if they just get rid of any totem they see in the first place lol.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    I can agree some Killers need extra time to setup because of their abilities.

    20/50 (40%) games I played and recorded at R1 were either Spirit, Billy or Nurse.

    Of those 20 games, 15 games the Killer was using Ruin. 75% of the time with what most would agree are the strongest Killers with the best ability to apply pressure out of the gate.

    It feels after 9 months the skill ceiling in DBD has fallen, or people have become so complacent they won’t play without these perks on ANY killer.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think its more so because of the decline in Players that actually displayed skill is why you see these numbers.

    Also, most Killers that're new will use the best Killers and the best perks to maximize their potential to win due to them either being toxic, new, bored, or can't win without it. It's their Trial so thats why they usual do this.

    And by new, I mean like the new gen of Killers that're in Purple, Red, or Green.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    I've played against 4,5 and 6k hour Killers using Ruin, POP, etc. It's not just new players.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Than its just a meta that will never really die.

    Just like how NOED is the meta in Green ranks.

  • Strange
    Strange Member Posts: 15

    It's a matter of perspective my dude, if you see it as a ridiculous trick then great, enjoy the easy and free wins, and it's ok to laugh, good for your health.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    You need an objective, survivors actually want to do before gens. If you don't got "Ruin" at R1 vs good survs, three gens will pop while your first chase. Period.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Not really, it is a matter of math. Why you think you can trick that perk when doing the gen in the same time, when without that perk you could do it in half time or 2 gens in the same time? Don't want to trigger you, I just don't get your point. You can live with the perk, I get that, just wondering how you can deny the fact that the perk slows you down in whatever way you choose to deal with

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Even against Ruin, a really good team can do 3 gens during your first chase, if you dont end it soon enough. Happend to tru3, all 4 survivors started separately, he found one of them, the others sitting on a gen each. The survivor managed to not run into other survivors so they could do their work, after 2 minutes 3 gens were done.

    So 80 seconds to finish a gen, 40 seconds for finding a gen and maybe some non great skillchecks. That's a rare situation, but can happen. Wondering how fast that would have been without ruin. 3 gens in 90 seconds?

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Against good survivors ruin is either gone very early or just ignored completely and gens pop at normal speeds.

    Against mediocre survivors it adds FEW MINUTES TO THE GAME while killer can enjoy slowing playing with survivors and both sides have fun. Killer isn't pressured on time, doesn't have to end all chases quickly and can be generous by letting people go.

    Against bad survivors ruin is a giant roadblock.

    Is it a crutch? Maybe. Is it needed? Probably not? Will games end in 5 minutes even with it on against good survivors? Absolutely.

    I have played countless games against survivors that just finished gens in 4 minutes and then jugged person on the hook with BT and insta heals to get enough points to not derank. Everyone should know that it is a busted system.