PS4 - Queue Times Fix !


Hi Everyone 😊

Wishing You a Good Day !

I wanna Say that I'm pleased with chapter 13 not that I am a fan of "Stranger things" but because of The Qol changes that the update will bring !

β€’ Party Management

β€’ Blood Web Changes etc.

But there's one important thing missing that's Queue times on console !

It's been like that since Forever .

Please don't Forget about that .

Thanks and Ciao !


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Mine are fine...

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Do you have long queue times for both roles or only for one role?

  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104

    Please do something!!!

    i am on ps4 right now and want to play with my friend snd we cant find a game!!! Waiting 30min now.... yesterday same thing, 1 game in one hour! People will leave the game if it continues like this

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    The ongoing lobby dodging just adds to the frustration. It restarts the wait time for survivors.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759

    It usually takes me between 2 and 10 minutes to find a lobby, depending on the time of day. Killer is a little quicker.

    The lobby dodging is obnoxious but there's not much to be done about that.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    My lobbies can take up to 30 mins for survivor if it's a bad day :(

  • DonnieTheZombie
    DonnieTheZombie Member Posts: 229

    Yeah queue times are long as ######### on ps4 for survivors. It takes less then a minute to start a lobby as a killer and get four survivors in but when youre survivor i find myself often waiting anywhere from 5 - 20 minutes to get thrown in a lobby.

    Then of course killer leaves, a survivors leaves when the match starts, etc so then i have to wait another half hour.

    I would LOVE ps4 queue times to be looked at from the devs, i only have a few hours to play, i dont want to spend 90% of that time looking for a lobby.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    Not True

    In Red Ranks both Roles takes long .

    Even Solo takes 5-10 minutes

    SWF 10-30 minutes

    Killer takes 1 minute to make a lobby then around 5 minutes for lobby to fill in with Survivors sometimes there are lobby errors when a player leaves the lobby get stuck and the session closes or it takes long and nobody joins then you have to make a new one .

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,832

    Yeah, I play solo survivor, and the other night it was over 30 minutes to get a match.

    As killer, lobby times are quick.

    For anyone having problems getting dodged, one note of caution: don't all be the same character. Don't all come in as Meg. Don't all switch to Claudettes in the lobby. I have trouble keeping track of who I hook when survivors do that, so I will dump the lobby. And I can't be the only killer who feels that way.