List of things randoms will do instead of being useful

- Self caring in the corner of the map everytime he/she gets injured.
Attempting to repair the gen you (A person who consistently hit greats) are on with an omega blink nurse after them (a person who hits spacebar when they hear 'ding')
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Usually through sloppy butcher...
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Getting chased near a hooked survivor and not dragging the killer away, ensuring no unhook happens.
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How weird is it: When I have We'll make it, the unhooked Survivor runs away from me. When a team mate has We'll make it and they rescue me, they run away. That's something I experienced a lot of times.
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Not hit a ruin skill check
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Well, since every killer nowadays uses Sloppy, then self-care is essentially useless.😂
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Even when you are next to them. Like they need to waste half a gens worth of progress.
Decide to loop at the place your doing a gen even though they had clear knowledge you were working here.
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I hate it when a random will lead a killer to you working on a gen just so they can live. Probably the most selfish thing you can do in the game.
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Walking to unhook you instead of running, because they don’t want to use their sprint burst, and because of that you get to second state
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Not Bodyblocking for me when they had a huge chance to do so.
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Sorry I don't read the Survivor's Handbook for how Potato Survivors should Play.
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Agreed. Funny enough I'm incredibly good at pulling a disappearing act. So most still have to take the killer. A lot of the times me and my friends will switch out so we can recover.
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Crouching in the corner of the map when I’m hooked instead of coming to rescue me, despite the killer being nowhere near me
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Running away from a generator after hearing the slightest heartbeat
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Not working through Ruin
putting themselves into the struggle phase on 1st hook
Not working on Generators while I’m in a chase (when I go down I just see survivors self caring, going through chests, walking around, or following me while I’m being chased but don’t have a flashlight.)
These never seem to fail
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Sorry I didn't read your post I'm busy doing my match checklist.
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self care Infront of my eyes yet they know I have we'll make
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Sprint burst away from hook while the killer is in a chase across the map.
Run up to hook when playing against a hag
Run to get an unhook with the killer right behind them
Get caught by BBQ EVERY time as if they can't figure out the killer has it after one or two hooks
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When randoms are not going for a save when they can clearly do a safe save. Its like "hey I'm not running around the map being chased by the killer for nothing" or "save me, the killer is gone and or chasing someone else"
Not doing totems !!!!!
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Stand in the exit gate waiting for someone to unhook you even though there are only 3 players left.
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DCing when they hear the phasing sound from Spirit.
DCing when they get downed.
Running from the last gen which is almost completed when the killer is near by, while you are injured and you have Adrenaline.
Post edited by Marcus on1 -
Im so tired of people who self care
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Leaving you to die even though the exit gate is open, letting you get to second stage on first hook, letting you die on first hook. This was about SWF right?
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"Guarding" you while you break the hex totem, despite the killer not having stealth and no hint of a heartbeat
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I had this one today because of rank reset: quickly entering lockers and staying there without Q&Q or Head On.
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Doing gens only on one side of the map and three-genning the team.
Completing a gen that was at 95-99% even though it would three gen us.
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Passing a dull totem :(
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Equipping Perks that counter eachother, mostly involving No Mither.
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Hiding behind a pillar in the exit gates when the exit is blocked by the blood warden.