My tier list (including the new killer)

Please note i am including the addons being applied to this as well like for example gen grabbing spirit. I know a some say billy is op but i dont think so im a survivor main, being many times at rank 1 and still vs powerful billy i find it easier to dough him with his chainsaw making more of an 1m killer because of it. The reason i put other killers like pig and legion at higher tier is because their powers help slow down the game some like legion a little bit others like pig a better. Ive faced the new killer and for me he doesnt seem that good his lunge is easier to doung for me it feels like a slow mo billy and it wont even down you, his portals arent that powerful and they are easier to get rid of than hags. For me and my friends he his mainly an 1m killer but he is still fun to play against.

Wraith for me is the weakest due to the power makes him invisible but no good enough and high ranks many survivors can easily see him and even with add ons he feel extremly weak like leatherface except leatherface can 1 shot down someone unlike wraith. As well they should make an add on like ultra rare that makes wraith completely invisible like spirits phasing which could buff him. I know he can be silent when coming out of the cloak but what good is that going to do if the survivor can see you and knows where you are at.

The reason i put both nurse and spirit at the same tier is due to add ons and perks. For me if they both have powerful perks and add ons i find them equal but for example without add ons i find nurse more op than spirit. Please as well note this is just my opinion, yours might be different. This is how i would rate from my own and my friends experiences. Please as well tell me what you would do different and why



  • CrazyMage
    CrazyMage Member Posts: 100

    Trapper, Legion,Clown,Pig,and Doc should all be far lower Hag and huntress should be higher

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    Myers should be at least A. Huntress and Hag should be higher. Clown, Pig and Doctor should also be lower. And same goes for trapper.

  • WickedKatz
    WickedKatz Member Posts: 238

    Highly desagree, pig is one of the 3 worst killers. Also Plague and Myers are super strong, and huntress is definitely a tier. Also, the doctor is very weak, and totally not an a tier. A more realistic tier list would be






  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Hag, Huntress and Plague A-Tier, Doctor C-Tier and it's kinda k.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    pig is better than hag and huntress - she slows down the game a lot, hag is slow and many just camp with here and her traps are easy to get ride of huntress has her hatches which can be dought if you know how so she is as well weaker

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    why?? if its cuz of the new killer being low then lol cuz the new killers perk suck a lot and extremly weak, his power are ez to dought and find extremly weak

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    myres is slow as f, pig helps slow down the game by a lot compared to the others u mentioned, huntress u can dough her hatches so she is mainly an m1 killer and trapper isnt that good. Myres might be b tier with right add ons and perks but not a tier at all

  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2019

    That doctor and pig placement is bad. Pig doesn’t do much in the end if it takes 2-3 gens on average to get downs in high ranks. It’s even worse with her now that traps don’t start their timer in endgame anymore unless survivors have them on before the last gen gets popped. They can just walk right out with it on their head. Doctor also can’t do crap in chases (his stun does almost nothing since it slows him down too and takes too long to charge) and madness is basically just a small nuisance that has a super short auto action to get rid of it. His only really good strat is the 3 gen strat and even then survivors can avoid that happening in the first place.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited September 2019

    worst tier list ever made respectfully. It's your opinion and respected, but thinking and putting Pig and Doctor over so many other greater killers, it's definitely flawed. The majority of the community would think 11/17 of your tier list is wrong.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    i cant say much for doc, i would say though he is good at anti looping survivors with his shock. I will agree at end game pig is usless but during the game with the right add ons she can help slow the game down a lot compared to myres doesnt slow down the game a lot more makes it go by faster, huntress as well her hatches are doughable if you know how and slowling down the game isnt her strong suit even with iridescent hatches i dont see her as a higher tier. Hag i would say is depending on the add ons with the right ones with great perks her tier will be higher but else she isnt the best

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    well this is my experience like what i faced yours might be worse or better. im only saying and showing what tiers i would put each killer

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited September 2019

    That's exactly why I mentioned your opinion and it's respected. I'm just mentioning that the majority of the community would not agree on more than half of your list. It's not a personal attack, just a observation, just like yours :)

  • Nephs
    Nephs Member Posts: 21

    Yes and No, Demogorgon is much stronger than you seem to think he is and I'm afraid you just suck, but it's not just Demo, it's basically the entire list, there's pretty much not a single placement I agree with.

    Spirit above Nurse is a complete ######### joke.

    Pig, Freddy and Doctor don't belong in A tier, they're closer to low B or even C.

    How the hell do you have Hillbilly in the same tier as Plague or Trapper, or worse even CLOWN OR LEGION???? WHAT? I don't know what planet you're from but Clown, Legion and Trapper are atrociously bad and although Plague is typically underrated, she is too high here IMO.

    Hag, Myers, Ghostface and Huntress in C tier, below Plague, Trapper, Legion, Clown, Pig and Doctor, yeah, sure dude, again, what planet is this?

    Demogorgon D tier is a complete joke and just shows you have no idea how it works at all, I could accept high C or low B maybe, but even then I think that's still rather low for him frankly.

    Leatherface and Wraith are your only placements I can understand. And I do mean understand, I don't even necessarily agree with them.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    listen i love Pig and Legion, but i know they should both be two tiers lower... hag and Myers needs to be higher. i noticed in your replies you said many hags just camp... those are just bad hags who dont know how to play hag. unless you're saying putting a trap by a hooked survivor is camping, which its not. and of course Myers is slow, thats part of his power. tier one of his power. he can also become way faster and insta down.

    huntress should also be higher. yeah, you can dodge her hatches, but you can dodge any killer's secondary attacks if you know how. but with huntress, since you're also including add ons and such, she has the ability to have 3 ranged one hit downs... yeah, she needs to be higher.

    Billy, also higher. hes got insane map pressure and an insta down. Doctor, as much as i like him, hes not great for much other than finding survivors fast and getting bloodpoints.

    other than that im not really experienced enough playing or versing the killers to give an accurate opinion. Though i do feel Demo should be at least one higher, hes not THAT bad.

  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125

    Myers has crazy snowball potential, but I will say he is overrated. Huntress has hit box issues, but just “dodging” isn’t exactly how I’d say she’s bad. There are huntresses with incredible aim (one example being ZubatLEL, though I think he uses crosshairs) and they can hit their shots for sure. The range she offers is great and most loops can be shut down easily other than high wall loops (where it comes to a 50/50 mindgame at the pallet). Hag has great map presence. If survivors avoid her traps by crouching past them in most cases they are actually helping hag since she’ll still have the traps for chases and later towards end game. She does have some set up weaknesses though.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    ok, and i know the community wont like it but that isnt just this community most places on the internet if you say your own opinion you get hated on unless you are famous

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Again, that's why I'm saying that it's flawed, but I and many others respect your tier list. You aren't being hated either, it's just a mass of disagreement.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    first of i never said spirit is above nurse i said with the right add ons they are equall, and i said without add ons nurse is better.

    And how am i bad if i rate demo low ive faced him and everytime i face him he ends up getting bullyed by either me, my teammates or a random. ive seen it happen at a lot of ranks so no he is not powerful. And billy is not op, the main reason people say he is op is cuz he can 1 shot down someone but that doesnt mean a killer is op. Hillbilly chainsaw is doable and which makes a lot of billys m1 which isnt the best, yes he can get to a gen fast but that wont help you a lot only a little.

    Hag is weak due to many just camp with her and say its cuz she is a camping killer means when u camp all gens gets done and open exit leaving u with 1 to 2kills which isnt always the best. And trapper is good if you know where to place traps and have great add ons

    Clown can make u go down insteanly and even slow u down a lot which makes catching up to a survivor really easy, legion slows down the game more compared to myers and myers is slow and not that op even with tombstone or infinte tier 3

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Hag C tier...?? Oh my... you must be green or purple rank.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    I know huntress players can have so good aim it looks like aimbot but i rarly when i play at red ranks see that happening, at loops she is better yes but i wont rate her top tier. Myers i would still say is weak and hags trap are easily to get rid of by flashlight or by running over them when hag is picking someone up and i know she can be op but in a lot of instances she seems more weak than powerful

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Isn't it ironic how all the C Tier killers are generally good at doing there job but are placed lower than the killers at B tier (Besides Hillbilly) which struggle with completing their objective but are somehow placed higher than them?🤔

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'm not trying to be mean, but, this is not a good list.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    im red rank normally and hag isnt op. She is slow as f and her traps can be doaded by either crouching or using urban evasion. And her traps can be destoryed by flashlights which isnt the best making them easiler to be gone. I seen many people camping with her because many ive met say she is a camping killer which if you do you lose the game fast

  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125

    If you do know that they can be very powerful doesn’t that warrant at least one higher tier than what you have them at right now? Also yeah Myers is same tier as ghostface which is somewhere in mid tier. I do wish they would give him his multi stalk back. Or maybe give him a small speed boost while in tier 3 (like bloodlust 1 by default?)

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2019

    its okay if you dont agree i dont mind. This tier list is from my own experience at many of the ranks, without my experience and look at other people then this would be the other tier list. and this is without the demo cuz i havent seen a lot of people play against him yet

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    lol u do know this from my own experience this isnt from what people say and all that. Your experience may have been better or worse but mine was like this

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    1. The reason you "Bullied" the demegorgon is because no one has found a way to play him which is efficient for getting kills.

    2. Getting to generator to generator as quick as possible is called "Map pressure" which will help you a lot as killer towards stalling the game. Killers like Spirit, Nurse, Billy, and Hag can all apply map pressure which is very important to getting your sacrifices

    3. Baseline, Hag is better than Trapper. Hag has the ability to camp a hook no matter where she is on the map. Shes designed to protect her territory from survivors.

    4. Clown is a weak killer. A survivor being slowed down doesn't mean there automatically gonna be a easier target especially if there good. Legion doesn't slow down the game that much at all. His mending I'm pretty sure takes less than 12 seconds and after that The survivors will just start bum-rushing generators. Without ruin he isn't much.

    Overall, this tier list sounds like it's coming from a very inexperienced player. Next time you should watch people that play killer a lot so you can fully understand their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Pig and Clown are both extremely weak. So are Doctor and Legion.

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    lol this is from my experience and even if you watch other people play it wont always show good. It as well depends on the survivors ive seen weak killers being powerful due to the survivors are noobs that doesnt make the killer op. And yes no one has found a way to play him right so atm he isnt op or remotely close.

    Hag is not the best at map pressure due to her traps are ez to destory and most i face just camp at red ranks which is annoying but common. If you camp you arent duing any pressure at all. All you are doing is wasting time.

    And most clowns i face with very good survivors went down fast. And like i said this is my own experience!

    And trapper can be good if you know where to hide your traps and dont make it obvious. And billy can gen pressure the problem is if he mainly m1s like the ones i face do then all the gens will be done before you get a hook which makes him weak i know if you get a chainsaw then yes he is more powerful but i mainly only see that happening at green and grey ranks

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    legion - yes

    clown - depending on the survivors

    pig - great at slowlying down the gens due to her traps but at end game weak

    doc - good at anti loop survivors else not strong

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86
    edited September 2019

    i understand many would say pig is weak but before end game she is good with amazing add ons and perks. I will agree once end game has start she is weak where before her nerf she was strong

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited September 2019


    Now the new has worn off, I genuinely don't like playing Demo at all at the moment

    His portals are terrible and only useful if you camp the heck out of them in one section of the map, his surge is completely reliant on RNG

    Very boring, very unfun

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    only 1 there i agree with is demo else i dont agree with the rest but thats my opinion

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    It's not an acutal tier list it's more of just how good I am with each killer

    I suppose there is some consideration of power, such as Pig's placing. But it's pretty much just how much fun I have playing the killers and how well I do with them

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Clown even with his best add-ons is not b tier huntress and leather too low and omega blink is still better than gen grab spirit

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    We're witnessing the first wrong opinion

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    I question your experience and I also don’t believe you’ve ever been in red ranks...

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    yeah but you forgetting they are nerfing nurse so she is problably not going to be as strong

  • LonlyGamerX
    LonlyGamerX Member Posts: 86

    u can check my achievements ive gotten it already and ive seen some of my friends and randoms have gotten similar matches

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    Boi gimme a link to that tier list I'm about to show you the true tier list.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    That's your personal opinion. I just shared mine. :)

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019


    Very few things are correct about this list

  • ChezAndQuakers
    ChezAndQuakers Member Posts: 189

    You talked about gen-grabbing spirit, but forgot about Myers being able to grab you off as well? What about Fragrant Tuft of Hair? That gives infinite tier 3 and makes everyone one shot with longest basic attack lunge+increased vaulting speed. There’s also the tombstones, which can kill without even hitting them?

  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125

    No he doesn't. He used to gain stalk faster by stalking multiple survivors at a time but they changed it to be the same speed regardless.

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    Pig is in need of love and a buff, but she is nowhere near being one of the weakest killers. If anything, she is right in the middle. Maybe less in the middle than before, but still in the middle. Her power is complex and when used smartly, her power can really slow down the game. She is even stronger with add-ons and can mind game loops well. Pair this with the fact that she can remove her terror radius and know where survivors are by using Whispers, and you've got quite an effective killer at slowing the game down and locating them.

    Although I am a Pig main, I don't think my opinion is biased. She isn't A-tier, and maybe during her prime I'd say she was middle to high B-tier. A current skilled Pig player can have her perform like at least a low B-tier, and currently I'd say Pig is high C-tier (aka the mid tier.)