The Entity shouldn't randomly consume a perk anymore once one is taken.
This was fine when there were only two possible perks in the bloodweb, but now that there are up to 4 possible perks it really should go. Having this 1/3 chance of the second perk you were aiming for to just be randomly scooped up (despite the entity clearly favouring a different part of the bloodweb) is super frustrating, because it means I can no longer accurately predict what the entity is going to do and I feel like I've ended up wasting bloodpoints in the process.
I had assumed since the entity had spawned down bellow that it was heading for the nearest perk to it's location, which was wake up, but upon taking sprint burst it just immediately took dance with me instead.
Whichever perk the entity spawns next to should be the perk it will take upon the next purchase, and if it's path is interrupted, then it should be the 1/3 chance it consumes the other perk you were going for, because then it makes sense there.
Haven't been able to try this yet as I'm still grinding away at work. Sounds frustrating for sure, but I still like the idea of having a better chance of getting a perk I want now that you have 4 to choose from in a given Blood Web.
I feel it is still frustrating going through X amount of BWs looking for BBQ in the old BWs where as of now you have a higher probability of it spawning in less amount of BWs in comparison.
Again, have to try it for myself. Could be missing the point.
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Oh yeah, the new changes are actually really, really good; this is just something that maybe seems like an oversight or old behaviour considering how the bloodweb worked before now.
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Best way i avoid it is to go to towards the node that contains the Perk i want the most, then advance one note towards the other 2 Perks.
The Entity will show up and i take the Perk i want.
It then takes a random Perk.
I let that path be consumed and advance towards the other Perk that's still available.
The Entity is forced to consume the path it spawned on first, always giving me enough time to take the second Perk.
I agree it'd be more ideal to have it consume where it spawned outside of the Bloodweb, but i can still get the ones i want the most + get another one to speed things up tremendously.
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The entity usually goes for the rarer ones.
So, one of those purples was going down, not much can be done there.