New killer Idea: The Spider (Looking for feedback)

Romey95 Member Posts: 64
edited September 2019 in Creations

New killer: idea its name The Spider derived from the Japanese folklore monster Jorogumo

Backstory: Mizuki a young Jorogumo who had devoured hundreds of men that she herself lured to the mountain. In which she dwelled under the of being a goddess as she was quite a sight to behold. One day an Injured samurai made his way to Mizuki's mountain in hopes of being healed by the rumored goddess. Mizuki was strangely intrigued by this samurai that arrived before her she didn't have it in her to eat this man for some reason. She quickly fell in love with this samurai and the two eloped and built a hut on the mountain and the samurai sent a messenger bird to as he was required to do by law. During this time Mizuki slowly withered and starved much as she wanted it to couldn't consume anything other than the flesh of men, and not wanting to risk exposing her true nature to her love she survived by eating the bone marrow of her victims which allowed her to keep her appearance and disguise which left her weak. One day a messenger bird arrived drafting Mizuki's husband to battle. Knowing that with her husband's injury he most likely wouldn't follow him to battle in the shadows. In a cruel twist of fate, Mizuki watched as her husband was slain by comrades in camp. Which sent her into a fit of rage and Mizuki proceeded to slaughter half the camp before she was brought down by the blade of a which separated her head from her torso. Darkness filled her vision the pains of hunger no longer tormented her seeing her kind husbands corpse filled her with rage when suddenly she felt the crunching of leaves under she becomes enraged hearing screams in the distance and she sets out to carry out a new task.

Disclaimer I found this image on google and only I included this image so that people viewing this can have a visual representation.

Ability: she can spin webs to trap the survivors in place, however, like the Pig and her reverse bear traps the spider will only be able to spin a set amount of webs per match. When a survivor becomes stuck in a web the survivor will be highlighted to other survivors that way the trapped survivor has a chance to be rescued the survivor can also wiggle free of the web but once the survivor wiggles the spider is notified.

The Spider attack will by slashing at the survivors with clawed hands. However, will allow these claws to secrete venom with varying effects such as blindness, hemorrhage, intoxication or etc.

I would like to know how much would cost to have this kill developed ASAP

Post edited by Romey95 on


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited September 2019

    I like the sound of the ability but I'd need to ask a few questions. How big would the webs be? How many can she place?

    I'd assume she is 32m terror radius and 4.6m/s.

    She might need another piece to her ability mate just to help her with chases. She doesn't seem to have any map control so depending on how strong the webs are she might be a bit weak.

    Add some perks and tag me in and I'll try and give you feedback. Hope this helps mate and I'm looking forward to what you add next.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Could definitely be stronger. Right now she seems like a worse version of the Trapper (who is already pretty bad as a killer).

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    She'd definitely have the terror radius and speed you listed. As for her webs I didn't want them to be too OP. However, with an ultra rare addon she would be able to see the auras of survivors as soon as they get stuck in her webs with the disadvantage of a shorter stuggle to get free. also instead of limited webs what if they recharged like Freddy's dream snares.

    As for Perks I'm still thinking about them lol

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    When your writing the perks try and think of perks that would help your killer in particular. Most new killers have perks that help them better than other killers.

    She wouldn't be op in my opinion. Depending on how big the traps are they don't seem like they'll help her in chases much. She also has nothing to give map pressure. She seems like a different version of trapper but maybe weaker.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    ability idea 2: Instead of spinning webs that would be completely visible and survivors would never get trapped. What if it worked by AoE she instead similarly to how the trapper spawns holding one trap and there a traps throughout the map. She spawn carrying a spider which she could plant on either the ground and walls and when a survivor walks by it would shoot out a web and immobilize the survivor. Like the original ability The Spider will not be initially notified until the trapped survivor begins to struggle.

    Ultra Rare addon: Husbands Crutch

    when a survivor interacts with spider trap to disable they'll suffer from a randomized debuff. decreases the amount of spiders spawn by 1

    Teachable Perk: Jumping Spider.

    This perk gains tokens for hooking survivors. Every time a totem is cleansed the killer will gain a small speed boost . If a totem that currently has a Hex perk attached to it is cleansed a total of three tokens will consumed and the hex will move to another dull totem.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd suggest she should have 6 webs to place on the map. They are as big as pallets so you can place them spots where pallets spawn or in vaultable windows. Survivors cannot go through these webs, they are impassable. Maybe survivors can destroy these but when they do the spiders on the webs will transfer onto the survivor and will give them the hindred status effect for 60 seconds. She can also put spiders on gens which will have the same effect when survivors work on these gens.

    This would mean survivors who destroy your webs will be slower for a short period of time which should help in chases. Also if the survivor hud shows survivors affected by the spiders then you can decide who to chase.

    I don't think that is a ultra rare add-on. Unless it was the hindred/broken status effect the debuffs aren't that great. If it was the broken status effect then that would be good.

    I like the idea for the perk but I think no need for the same speed burst. After a hex totem has been cleansed, if 4/3/2 gens have been completed a random dull totem will have the hex applied to it. It would help with slowing down end game and might help with devour hope or huntress lullaby if it gets destroyed too quick.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    I like your version of her ability

    As for the Perk Jumping spider I like how you worded it.

    This perk gains tokens for Hooking survivors. After a generator is completed and if a hex totem has been cleansed. X amount of tokens will be consumed and the Hex will be applied to a random dull totem.

    Ultra Rare Addon Husband's Crutch seeing this memento of prior life Fills the Spider with sorrow causing her claw's to secrete a toxin inflicts the Broken statues

    Of course we have to have a perk called Arachnophobia

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited September 2019

    With her ability I wanted to differentiate it from trapper.

    You can get tokens from hooking survivors and use the tokens in order to get the hex totem back if you want. After hooking a survivor you gain a token. If a hex totem has been cleaned, after collecting 8/7/6 tokens you can apply this hex affect to a random dull totem.

    I would also say you should have a hex totem perk in her 3 unique teachables. So if people are doing adept Spider then Jumping Spider won't be pointless.

    Post edited by CashelP14 on
  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    Hex Hunting Spider:

    While in a prolonged chase of a survivor the killers movements become sharper for a period of 30s (the killers hit box will slightly shrink) this will balance out over powered looping

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Quote me or tag me from now on so I see this mate.

    You've just described bloodlust. You don't need to give me your perks so quick lad lol just take a minute to think about it before you add it to your chapter. You also need tiers for the perk.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    Perk 3: Widows Kiss

    the killers terror radius is increased by 25/50/75 % also the killers weapon is coated in a toxin that causes anticoagulation which slightly decreases the struggle phase and also shortens the bleeding out time

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109

    She is Way too fine to be a killer is my 2cents.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    I know what your thinking from the image displayed but that's a placeholder since I cannot draw but, I was thinking with cosmetics we could have a beauty skin where she's stunning and a Starved state skin where her looks are sunken

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I think 75% increase is a bit much, that would be 24m extra which is far too much. I'd say set it at 8m increased terror radius and the survivors have 15/20/25% decreased struggle time and bleed out time. I don't see why people would want to have a shorter bleed out time unless they are trying to make them bleed out but that's ok.

    Btw add the killers speed and terror radius to the chapter in so people can see it.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    I will when I post the final draft. I need to fish come up with a hex perk to pair with jumping spider

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That's what I did with my last chapter. I had created a totem perk but realised that it was worthless without a hex perk so I created one to complement it.

    If you had a ps4 we could discuss this on there but if you don't that's fine.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    I do have ps4 my user name is the same as my user name here. Right now I'm tossing the idea of a hex perk that apply the same smaller skill checks that ruin does on sabotaging hooks and totems

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64
    edited September 2019


  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    Hex. Bloody Tears

    All survivors are affected by Bloody Tears. Skill checks for cleansing totems are applied

    .Good skill checks result in 3/4/5%regression on Cleansing totems and Sabotaging Hooks

    .Great Skill checks result in 0% bonus progression on Cleansing and Sabotaging hooks

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Sent a friend request through ps4. We can discuss this better on there since the forums doesn't allow private messaging unless it's by mods.