Fan Chapter : Widows Woe's

Romey95 Member Posts: 64
edited September 2019 in Creations

Backstory: Mizuki a young Jorogumo who had devoured over hundreds of men and women that she herself lured to the mountain. In which she dwelled under the ruse of being a goddess as, she was quite a sight to behold. One day an Injured samurai made his way to Mizuki's mountain in hopes of being healed by the rumored goddess. Mizuki was strangely intrigued by this samurai that arrived before her for some reason she didn't have it in her to eat this man. She quickly fell in love with this samurai and the two eloped and built a hut on the mountain and the samurai sent a messenger bird to the lands feudal warlord as he was required to do by law. The loving couple lived peacefully for few year however, during this time Mizuki slowly withered and starved. As much she wanted it to couldn't consume anything other than the flesh of men, and not wanting to risk exposing her true nature to her beloved she survived by consuming the bone marrow, and whatever she could of her previous victims which allowed her to keep her appearance and disguise which left her weak. One day a messenger bird arrived drafting Mizuki's husband to battle. Mizuki knowing that with her husband's injury he most likely wouldn't survive the upcoming battle so, chose to she follow him to battle in the shadows. In a cruel twist of fate, Mizuki watched as her husband was slain by his comrades in camp. Which sent her into a fit of rage and Mizuki proceeded to slaughter half the camp before she was brought down by the blade of a samurai which separated her head from her torso. Darkness filled the edges of her vision the pains of hunger no longer tormented her. however, her seeing her kind husband’s corpse filled her with unbridled rage and sorrow when suddenly she felt the crunching of leaves underneath the feet she now again had. hearing screams in the distance she sets out to hunt once again.

Ability: spider will spawn with 6 placeable webs. these, webs can be placed over generator, vaults, and passages. These webs are about the size pallets and are littered with miniature spiders. When interacting with a generator that is webbed or destroying a web the miniature spiders will crawl onto the survivors leaving them with a hindered status slowing them down for X amount of time

Attack: She attacks with claws which secrete venom. With addons the venom secreted will inflicted various debuffs such as Broken, Mangled, Hemorrhage, etc

Teachable perks:

·       Jumping spider:

This perk gains tokens for hooking survivors. At the time a generator is completed, if a dull totem has been cleansed(with the exception of Ruin) a total of 4 tokens will be consumed and the hex will be applied to a random totem remaining on the map. If there are no totems remaining that what’s stated above will not take affect.

·       Widow’s Kiss:

Your terror radius is increased by 8m and your weapon is coated in a toxin that caused anticoagulation, Survivors struggle and bleed time are decreased by 15/20/25%

·       Hex. Bloody Tears

 All survivors are affected by Bloody Tears Skill checks for cleansing totems are applied

. Good skill checks result in 3/4/5%regression on Cleansing totems and Healing.

. Great Skill checks result in 0% bonus progression on Cleansing and Healing.

Killer Facts

Killer Speed is 4.6 m/s

Killer Height Tall

Killer terror radius 32m

Mori Animation: uses a web shot from one of her spider appendages coming from her back to pick up the survivor, then runs her finger under they're chin and leans in as though she's going to kiss, Then impales the Survivor with her remaining seven appendages.

Disclaimer: The image below does not in any way shape or form belong to me it is there to give a visual representation of my killer.

Other notes I give the developers full permission to use this idea

Post edited by Romey95 on


  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    This is an amazing concept. I like the story too. For the power/ability maybe a slowed or trapped survivor if they interact with it. Trapped for ?seconds maybe. I like all of the perks too. But not that i hate Jumping Spider, but to clarify. Does it mean that any Hex perk (Not cleansed) would switch to a random location (Dull Totem) once perk is activated. If yes, cool. Also if there are like 2 Hexes would both move if there are enough totems or woul one move.

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    Maybe I was more going for bringing perks that where taken out of play to be put back into play although hex shuffling would be really cool

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    edited September 2019

    That's a cool idea as well! Would be a surprise for every survivor who cleansed it and thought "Haha"!

  • Romey95
    Romey95 Member Posts: 64

    I really hope that this concept get recognized She would be the perfect addition to the game. She could have two Cosmetics Starved and Beaty in her beauty cosmetic she would be pretty but still have a wicked neck scar. And a starved Cosmetic Where she’d look almost zombified

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    You never know, it can. Good luck!

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think this could work. Especially with the Entity like arms from her back like that. Very interesting.