Is this toxic?
Hello, I'm fairly new -- only been playing regularly for about a month and a half -- and I main killer. I'm bad at survivor, it's a thing, let's not get into it. Point is, I'd like to ask some opinions from regulars here, survivor and killer, about a new playstyle I've stumbled onto.
My preference is for stealth killers and of them Myers is my favorite. I've unlocked BBQ, M&A, and just recently, Hex: Ruin. I've had the first two for a while but I've only played a few games with Ruin so far (got it from the shrine)and it's been interesting.
That little totem can be very powerful... if it lasts for more than a minute. The first thing I noticed, aside from all the beautiful gen failures, is that survivors hunt that little guy down aggressively. I reasoned that, in order to make that perk worth the slot, I might need to keep an eye on it. Defend it a little.
Sooo... that kind of evolved into me using the totem as bait. Survivors ignore me until I'm right on top of them in EW1, and I'm still pretty stealthy in EW2 with M&A. Players get so focused on cleansing the totem that it's really easy for me to catch them off guard if I'm lurking in the area.
Last match, I downed a guy three different times on the same totem because he was so fixated. He had an impressive loadout too, this was someone who's put in some hours, which makes me wonder if there's a reason why he seemed so shocked that I kept ambushing him there. I did get some hate messages.
My feelings aren't hurt, I had a good laugh at the salt, but I don't want to be the kind of killer that's utterly un-fun to play against. If that totem were a hooked survivor, I would definitely be accused of proxy camping it and there would probably be some merit to the accusation. I still try to patrol generators and apply map pressure, but I find myself returning to the totem frequently and getting easy kills for it.
Is this a bad habit? Is it a crutch? Is it toxic?
No, its not. It could be considered camping, or proxy camping I suppose.
But no, its not toxic.
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Yes, it's very toxic behaviour. If you continue to defend your totems there is a serious risk that you could be imprisoned for life, or even executed depending on the country you reside in. In the future, try to avoid the entire quadrant of the map that your hex totems are in. This won't guarantee a lack of reprimands, but it's a good start.
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It's not toxic, you're just taking advantage of what you have
Toxicity is when you do something unnecessary just to ruin others fun or mock them
When it comes to survivor, don't worry about it, everyone sucks at survivor when they just started out
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Pure and simple: not toxic
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I don't think it's toxic at all, because they can just work through ruin. Maybe they want the points for cleansing the totem? It's not toxic, they don't have to break it 😂
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I see... I didn't realize the definition of toxic behavior was so specific. I assumed it just meant being a jerk in general. Thanks for sharing that.
This is true. I don't have a very large sample size yet, but so far there are definitely some people who fall for it more than others.
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I know lots of survivors who complain about ruin, but personally I like the extra points from cleaning lmao. Also, the totem spot has a big factor in it's effectiveness
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Like moths to a flame...hehe. No it's not toxic in my opinion. Some people can't help to cleanse a hex totem or any. It's their fault and i'm guilty of that. If you get the perk Haunted Ground, a Spirit perk, everyone gets exposed.
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No stay off my totems
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Me, first game with Ruin: Aw yeah, finally got the legendary Ruin, gonna be some QQ tonight!
Survivor: *cleanses in thirty seconds*
Me: QQ
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nobody is on the forums rn, I made this long ass post asking for advice and nobody commented on it :')
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No, it's not toxic. Survivors see a lit totem and they will go after it so hard. I would say it's a valid strategy. Generally I used to play Hag with Thrill/Devour/Ruin and the information it gave was so useful, some people would be so committed to the totem I would get grabs.
The difference here is you're not doing anything to a person. The totem can't move, has no mind of it's own, and isn't a player. If it were a person on the hook you're preventing that person from enjoying the game.
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I mean, that's how I see toxicity
I still try to avoid camping and tunnelling but I will do that if necessary
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Na man. The survivors aren't learning that you're defending it in those cases, and it's their fault for not adapting. They should try power through Ruin if it's well protected, using that time lost from the killer protecting it to make up for Ruin's losses.
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I appreciate your engagement. I'm no pro, but I left some thoughts on your thread. Free bump if nothing else. :)
Okay, so that last point really stands out to me. It's true, I'm not actually blocking anyone from being able to play the game. That's a valuable distinction, thank you.
It's a definition that makes a lot of sense to me, enough to seem obvious in retrospect, so it helps.
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No problem. I mean that's the way I view toxicity. Everyone should be able to play the game, no one should be unable to do anything for the entirety of it, or even 2 minutes.
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just remember--if it GLOWS it GOES
survivors are very greedy cleanse early so if they just wanna throw themselves repeatedly at it and call you camper¯\_(ツ)_/¯. u camped a totem they shoulda just done gens. Always makes me so mad when I play killer and have survivors hooked between very progressed gens and I patrol and get called a camper. I have a surv and all the objectives right here it would be dumb not to. Best way to apply pressure to killers is to just do gens elsewhere.
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thats how i won a match as a myers once.
and no , it is not toxic.
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Not toxic at all, but be prepared to learn to let the totem go.
If people just decide to let it be and do gens they will get them done even if they can't hit skillchecks well, and once you get to higher ranks Ruin basically just gives you more time to get a down before 3 gens pop in unison if you don't get anyone.
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Thank you everyone for the feedback.
My main takeaway is that, while this tactic doesn't qualify as toxic gameplay (a relief), it is a bit of a crutch. I shouldn't feel too bad for using it, but I also shouldn't become too dependent on it. I'll try to develop a keener sense of when to defend the totem and when to let it go.
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It’s as toxic as patrolling gens you toxic a-hole.
seriously though, NO. Your gens and your totems belong to YOU so you can’t camp them. It doesn’t stop them from progressing the game, it’s just making it more difficult for them- which is your job as killer.