Why Exhaustion Nerf is needed

Someissues Member Posts: 1,604


Sprint Burst activated 4 times in the entire chase, this is one of the reasons why Exhaustion nerf is needed, no mind game nothing on this one, purely chasing one person just to showcase why Exhaustion nerf is needed and how one person can go from one pellet to the next (Pellet Loops), if the Sprint Burst did not proc twice, would have gotten him in the first minute

in 5 min all gens are done, this is also why a lot of other killers are not viable except Billy (good map control but can still be loop), Huntress, and Nurse, if I was playing the Nurse he would be down in the first 30 seconds, other killers are simply not viable without add-ons/ good perks

To anyone's wondering, this is a High Ranked game

(Survivors) Rank 5, Rank 2 , Rank 4, Rank 2 vs Rank 3 (Killer)

All Names will be blurred


  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    Nice generalization, but is not like every game is like that; not every one play SWF; or high rank; only devs know how many players are in high rank; maybe this Nerf affect more the lower ranks than just the high rank toxic loopers; plus what other option survivors have to lose the killer?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    @Runiver said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    "Just chase someone else!"

    Pls ignore all four Survivors have the perk in question

    Also ignore that Killers should never have to give up chasing a Survivor, since they're supposed to be the power role.

    I did talk to devs about that.
    They weren't quite aware that killers had to drop most chases in the game due to perks/map setups 'till recently.
    They clearly stated "Killers shouldn't have to drop chases, survivors should be the ones trying to lose killers."

    Not sure how they didn't notice it's the opposite since day 1.

    It just proves what I always say: the devs do not read threads posted in these sections (General Discussions, Off-Topic, you know the ones I mean). They are for nobody except the players and the people who post them. If you want your threads to be noticed by the people who actually matter, then post them in the correct sections.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Siggerad said:
    Nice generalization, but is not like every game is like that; not every one play SWF; or high rank; only devs know how many players are in high rank; maybe this Nerf affect more the lower ranks than just the high rank toxic loopers; plus what other option survivors have to lose the killer?

    Only 2 person in the video is SWF, the other 2 are solo players

  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    @Orion said:

    70% of lobbies contain SWF. Games should be balanced at the highest level of play.

    Oh you work in the game. Blizzard had the same idea and lose 2/3 of his player base.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    @Siggerad said:

    @Orion said:

    70% of lobbies contain SWF. Games should be balanced at the highest level of play.

    Oh you work in the game. Blizzard had the same idea and lose 2/3 of his player base.

    No, those are the stats the devs gave us. Blizzard had the right idea. If 2/3 of the players are too entitled to understand that they're not the center of the universe, that's their problem.

  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    @Orion said:

    No, those are the stats the devs gave us. Blizzard had the right idea. IF 2/3 of the players are too entitled to understand that they're not the center of the universe, that's their problem.

    Well losing 9M subscribers 15$ each one monthly; is not a lose for a company, maybe you are right.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Siggerad said:

    @Orion said:

    No, those are the stats the devs gave us. Blizzard had the right idea. IF 2/3 of the players are too entitled to understand that they're not the center of the universe, that's their problem.

    Well losing 9M subscribers 15$ each one monthly; is not a lose for a company, maybe you are right.


  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    I'm not going to lie I've actually managed to Loop a rank 9 Freddy for at least a good to gins and when the exit gate was being powered. My Lithe activate it twice during this Chase. He tunneled me real bad. The make matters worse my friend that was trying to power the exit gate was in the dream world as well so she saw the whole thing unfold. She wasn't even half across the world she was literally within swinging distance and he just kept going after me for some reason...

    Then again to be fair I did Loop him for two generators
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    Who was the killer?

    Anyway, @1.08 - fell for poor window fake, @1.34 didn't need to break that pallet, @1.45 respected pallet, @4.23 didn't continue following and doubled back. The survivor window faked and he wasn't even there.

    Yes, too many pallets and sprint burst needs a nerf.

    Killer made mistakes. Again.

    Stop posting videos that don't support your claims @Someissues All you post is evidence of a killers making mistakes.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @only1biggs said:
    Who was the killer?

    Anyway, @1.08 - fell for poor window fake, @1.34 didn't need to break that pallet, @1.45 respected pallet, @4.23 didn't continue following and doubled back. The survivor window faked and he wasn't even there.

    Yes, too many pallets and sprint burst needs a nerf.

    I was the Killer, I deliberately played bad, focusing on one survivor with the DS just to get the video, as I said there was No Mind Games

    Glad to see you are finally agreeing that Pellets and Sprint Burst needs a nerf

    I play on Rank 1 now and I can do fine on matches like these

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited July 2018

    @Someissues said:
    I was the Killer, I deliberately played bad....

    Balance opinion discarded then.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Balance opinion discarded then.

    Did you even read the title, it's not about me being bad or not on this match, it's about why the Exhaustion nerf is needed

    Sprint Burst should not Proc 4 times in a row and the Devs wanted the chase to end roughtly around 40 seconds, not 5 minutes

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited July 2018

    @Someissues said:
    Did you even read the title, it's not about me being bad or not on this match, it's about why the Exhaustion nerf is needed

    Why the exhaustion nerf is needed.

    Also you,

    I deliberately played worse then I usually do just to prove a point.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    @Mc_Harty said:
    _I deliberately played worse then I usually do just to prove a point.

    Anyhow the patch is live, the point of this thread was made just to ensure the Devs never buff exhaustion perks like Sprint Burst again back to its original state

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    edited July 2018

    @Runiver said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    "Just chase someone else!"

    Pls ignore all four Survivors have the perk in question

    Also ignore that Killers should never have to give up chasing a Survivor, since they're supposed to be the power role.

    I did talk to devs about that.
    They weren't quite aware that killers had to drop most chases in the game due to perks/map setups 'till recently.
    They clearly stated "Killers shouldn't have to drop chases, survivors should be the ones trying to lose killers."

    Not sure how they didn't notice it's the opposite since day 1.

    I mean you're right, but the current state this game is in IS NOT A STEALTH ONE. I often depip or safety (no pip) if I play stealthy and not in the Killers face at some point in the trial. Not to mention the new perk changes make stealth more favorable for the Killer (I mean really.... @ Tinkerer & Dark Sense/Bitter changes)

    Idk, just wish stealth was highly respected in this game but it isn't. Them saying that statement makes me laugh, don't they play their own game? :P I'm surprised they took that long to notice

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Someissues said:
    Anyhow the patch is live, the point of this thread was made just to ensure the Devs never buff exhaustion perks like Sprint Burst again back to its original state


    Honestly the only thing I care about this nerf is that Sprint Burst might not even be that affected by it.
    It's still the best exhaustion perk.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited July 2018

    @Someissues So, you played badly on purpose to prove a point that everyone knows (sprint burst is insane) while also showing that the survivor could have been caught by you if you hadn't played badly, thus rendering his sprint burst useless? You are so fvcking stupid it's unreal.

    Also, I never disagreed at any time, in any thread, that there are too many pallets and that sprint burst needs to be nerfed. Don't put words in my mouth you moron.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Someissues said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Balance opinion discarded then.

    Did you even read the title, it's not about me being bad or not on this match, it's about why the Exhaustion nerf is needed

    Sprint Burst should not Proc 4 times in a row and the Devs wanted the chase to end roughtly around 40 seconds, not 5 minutes

    Sprint burst wouldn't have procced 4 times if you had just caught him.

    Your video proves nothing. My god :D

    Another Simba type creature that needs to held up to the world

    *circle of life music intensifies

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Brady said:

    @Runiver said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    "Just chase someone else!"

    Pls ignore all four Survivors have the perk in question

    Also ignore that Killers should never have to give up chasing a Survivor, since they're supposed to be the power role.

    I did talk to devs about that.
    They weren't quite aware that killers had to drop most chases in the game due to perks/map setups 'till recently.
    They clearly stated "Killers shouldn't have to drop chases, survivors should be the ones trying to lose killers."

    Not sure how they didn't notice it's the opposite since day 1.

    I mean you're right, but the current state this game is in IS NOT A STEALTH ONE. I often depip or safety (no pip) if I play stealthy and not in the Killers face at some point in the trial. Not to mention the new perk changes make stealth more favorable for the Killer (I mean really.... @ Tinkerer & Dark Sense/Bitter changes)

    Idk, just wish stealth was highly respected in this game but it isn't. Them saying that statement makes me laugh, don't they play their own game? :P I'm surprised they took that long to notice

    Who cares about pips honestly.
    Stealth being a thing however, would be a great thing, especially point wise somehow.

    Whatever, this game is built to be toxic, and you cannot be toxic playing stealthy unless you hold the game hostage so meh.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @Runiver said:

    @Brady said:

    @Runiver said:

    @Orion said:

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    "Just chase someone else!"

    Pls ignore all four Survivors have the perk in question

    Also ignore that Killers should never have to give up chasing a Survivor, since they're supposed to be the power role.

    I did talk to devs about that.
    They weren't quite aware that killers had to drop most chases in the game due to perks/map setups 'till recently.
    They clearly stated "Killers shouldn't have to drop chases, survivors should be the ones trying to lose killers."

    Not sure how they didn't notice it's the opposite since day 1.

    I mean you're right, but the current state this game is in IS NOT A STEALTH ONE. I often depip or safety (no pip) if I play stealthy and not in the Killers face at some point in the trial. Not to mention the new perk changes make stealth more favorable for the Killer (I mean really.... @ Tinkerer & Dark Sense/Bitter changes)

    Idk, just wish stealth was highly respected in this game but it isn't. Them saying that statement makes me laugh, don't they play their own game? :P I'm surprised they took that long to notice

    Who cares about pips honestly.
    Stealth being a thing however, would be a great thing, especially point wise somehow.

    Whatever, this game is built to be toxic, and you cannot be toxic playing stealthy unless you hold the game hostage so meh.

    The common reaction to this game: "meh"

    but seriously, they've even admitted that their focus are almost one thing for this game: The chase. If they are really focusing on the chase aspect of the game, no wonder it's falling off a cliff.

    yeah, I just like getting a few pips so I don't stay in Rank 20 when I take breaks (that's changed now). I don't find it fun to be above the skill level, with a full set of Tier III perks, playing with & against some newbies in Rank 20 who throws hatchets into the sky or hiding in a locker with crows