Demogorgon feels like...

Trapper? I can either setup portals risking 2 gens being done or I can go straight for the survivors since it’s obvious where they spawn at the start of the game. But if I choose option 2. I never end up using portals and which ever option I use rarely use the Shred attack unless they’re out in the open. I find baiting the shred ends up being way more useful than the actual use shred. Maybe when the hotfix comes I’ll use it more on loops for pallet breaks.

TL;DR Portals feel like a waste of time and shred hasn’t been useful for me. Demo feels like a trapless trapper.


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Set up the portals at the beggining, but don't use them.

    Start using them after you down some survivors.

    The network will be there from the start, and if you need any replacement they will be dealt with fast

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395

    I don't feel any resemblance. Sorry.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    He feels more like a Hillbilly to me, not gonna lie.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    Shred is useful when you aren't being spammed with Hawkin's Laboratory every other map, followed by Treatment Theater and the Game... A very map dependant killer, much like Huntress and Billy to a lesser degree.

    But yeah, the portals definitely feel like the most unintuitive part of the kit, which is a shame since nearly all of Demo's addons are centered around them. I feel like BHVR wanted them to be the focus of Demo's kit but Freddy just does it better until endgame.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Yeah like Billy with less threat but more map pressure.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    I don't think they're similar at all.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    I think you are still a fledgling Demogorgon. There is more nuance to this killer than I initially expected. Learning to use the portals correctly is a big part to playing this killer. You really shouldn't run around dropping all your portals at the start of the match.

    I would however, strongly encourage you to put a portal near an exit gate immediately. You don't want to find yourself in a position at the end of the match where all your portals are used up and you can't place one near the exit gate or alternatively just don't have time to get to both exit gates before they are opened. Placing portals near exit gates at the start of the match has always paid dividends for me.

    Another aspect of the portals is using them for information. You can get the killer instinct information if survivors are near portals. But you need to charge your shred attack to do so. So placing portals near key locations such as hex totems or hooked survivors and periodically charging your attack can give lots of good intel. Also, just good killer intuition and timing when to go back to a portal near a hooked survivor can really get good results.

    The point is that you don't want to use up all your portals at the start of the match since the battlefield changes as the game progresses. Drop one at an exit gate and another near your hex ruin and then get to hooking survivors. Then drop a portal near the hooked survivor and let the farming begin. If you are playing Demo like Trapper then you are doing it wrong my friend.

  • Hellz_Minion666
    Hellz_Minion666 Member Posts: 33

    I agree entirely. With every new killer comes new strategy and problems. Learning how to use them to the full potential is half the fun.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I don't think you're doing it right, you don't waste nearly as much time placing 2 portals as you do traps.

    My strategy has been not to activate my portals in the beginning and only use them later on when a few of the gens get done. Unlike most Killers Demogorgon benefits from the Gens being completed as his pressure gets tighter. Placing and using the portals around the Gens that are left are where his strength lies, that and near hooks but not necessarily near hooks but near the popular loop next to the hook.

    I had a great match on Springwood, not sure which one lol they had gotten rid of the hard to reach Gens in the school and the house making the only ones left the ones out in the open. My portals were already set up by them so it worked out perfectly when they had little places to go between the gens and the hooks I was placing them on; it wasn't impossible for them to get away but the map made it difficult.

    I can see Corrupt intervention being good on Demo for this reason, place your portals near the blocked Gens and then teleport to them when it looks like they're one of the few options left for them to do.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    If anything, he feels most similar to Freddy in terms if in-match mechanics.

    When it comes down to the exit gates, his strategy plays like Trapper.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    The main issue I have is if I don’t put portals at the start of the game I never will because once I’m in a chase it will non stop chases until the game ends. I like to apply alot of pressure when playing killer. Constantly on top of people which is why even though I love ghostface as a classic killer, his playstyle doesn’t fit me. I hate having to sneak around for his power to work effectively. I just want to go and hit everyone and everything. Anyways since I’m in constant back to back chases there really isn’t a point for me even placing portals because id be wasting time instead ending the chase quicker.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    I agree but since I’m not finding any good use for portals I’m personally not feeling it too much. Portals to me feel like well let’s teleport here to see if someone’s around. And if no one is there I’m now searching for people wasting time when I know I could have walked to areas where I know there is a big possibility that they would be there but dont have a portal in.

    at least with Freddy I can fake teleport people off gens or chase someone into a gen then teleport to it and if they see it I can always cancel. Once you go into the portal for the demo that’s that. Can’t go back or anything.

  • Larisa
    Larisa Member Posts: 176

    set up one somewhere near your spawn if there is anything importnant like a gen or exit gate and move on finding prey. lol. you don't have to place all portals in the beginning. doint it would be 10 iq move. it's not like portals benefiting to the chase or anything. so you need to use them as the means of tranportation to hook, warm gen and so on.

    a lot of survs still don't watch behind their back while running away so shred is working good against most survivors. even some red ranks forget to look behind/ just play more

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    My first couple of games playing with demo I forgot about his portals and I got 4ks and once I started using portals it went down hill with 3ks but barely like all gens got done and just barely got the 3rd. I feel like it’s more of a hassle to use them than it is to forget about them and just M1 everyone normally while walking around the map. It gives me the same feeling legion does, the “why even use the power if they’re injured” type of feeling from legion. But in this case it’s why use portals when I can easily find and track survivors.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    My games every survivor has been looking behind while running so baiting it makes them turn left and right causing me to catch up and it makes for an easy regular hit everytime. Lol.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    The general advice I’m getting is just save portals for mid-end game. I’ll try this out tomorrow and see how it goes.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    If you get down to two survivors and 1 gen remaining (3 on map)'s party time 🤭 with good add-ons and perks (maybe Surveillance and Nurse's Call), it's best to jump between 3 portals. If the survivor actually breaks one...just run over and place it again. It hasn't failed me yet.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I can understand that, his Shred is incredibly powerful, i've heard Tru3Talent compare it to Huntress and i can see what he means.

    We as players all have our strengths, my strengths aren't with loops or with countermeasures and reacting but more with traps and forcing the game to go my way, manipulation. Maybe that's why I have more luck with the portals and using them in my strategy, to me Shred is just a no brainer easy anti-loop power that is really fun. If the Demogorgon only had Shred then he would be less powerful but only because he would have no way to travel across the map very fast like the top tier Killers can.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    This is one of the main things that destroy demogorg, the cooldown on his ability. There should never be a cooldown on an ability that can be destroyed.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    Look, play the game how you want to. But I don't think you are playing the character in an optimal manner by the sounds of it. I already gave you some suggestions. Try them or not. It's your choice. But I do think you should spend more time experimenting before complaining too loudly on the forums.