The new map should be renamed to Hawkins Pallet Factory
There are so many pallets in that map I feel like for every single one I break, 2 more spawn. Each pallet I left unbroken lives to reproduce with other pallets in the area. With each pallet they grow stronger, ive been seeing them in my nightmares for days now.
Every map they make they start to take hold and infest the very code of the game, that portal that you may think leads into the upside down actually leads into the pallet dimension. Once the portal is open there is no stopping the pallet overlords in their quest to turn every tile in the game into a pallet.
But it won't stop there, then it will turn the very buildings into pallets, the hooks will be made of pallets, the hex totems will be made of the remains of broken pallets. Then the killers and survivors will start becoming one with the pallets.
TL:DR The pallet overlord will soon kill us all.
Almost every pallet on that map is the most unsafe pallet in the world.
It's literally just like the Badhams to be honest. There's strong parts, but the strongest defense against killers? Pallets? They're at their all time weakest.
It's another one pooped out of Matt "Loop Money." Walker's factory of bad map making.
For someone who likes to say his new maps will have a lot of ''loop money".
Survivors be broke.
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If 2 survivors got Balanced landing it's GG for you. I played this map with quite a few killers and I only see Doc and Freddy putting in some work in this map due to his shock/snares.
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Spirit is the best on this map imo. Not sure what you’re seeing in doctor.
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Those unsafe pallets are only unsafe when the survivor tries to loop them, if you use the strategy of run and drop and keep running you will contuine to lose distance on the survivor.
And with the amount of pallets on that map survivors can just run and drop run and drop and keep going till all 5 gens are done. They may be unsafe, but you still have to go around them if the survivor drops it.
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Freddy can't work either because every possible spawn location for a pallet is taken up by a real pallet, so you have to wait for someone to drop a pallet to put a dream one down.
And snares are basically useless so.
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He can force early vaults and pallet drops because of his shock he can also straight up counter some BS on this map if he times his shock, his passive abilities are also pretty good on the map.
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Bloodlust. You still win. Lol. Eventually you're going to catch up, even if you have drop after drop.
That map would only be a problem for killers when it come to Balanced Landing and Lithe users. Otherwise. Just Bloodlust 4head.
If you never stop to break a pallet? You don't lose distance. And you get faster by the minute.
I only see that map being a problem for Billy because getting around with the saw will be a nightmare and Huntress because of being 110. 115ers with bloodlust?
You're gonna win each and every chase.
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45 seconds to get blood lust 3 to get one hit. Say the survivors finds one of the like 3 or 4 safe pallets on that map, breaks chase, or uses some exhaustion to get away enough to lose bloodlust. You are still talking at the very least 2 min per down. Excluding any BS like insta heals.
2 min for 1 person to go down, you have lost at least 2 gens maybe 3 if the survivors get lucky in finding them.
Not to mention bloodlust was a mechanic implemented as a lazy fix to infinite loops. So in a properly made map, you should never need to use bloodlust to end a chase.
Either way its bad map design and there is no way you can argue having over 30 pallets on a map is perfectly fine. No way.
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’Hawkin’s Unsafe Pallet Factory’ :)
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If there's a total of 30 palles and 27 of them are unsafe and you're still losing chases as a killer?
Maybe the problem isn't the number of pallets?
Just saying?
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Every pallet is terrible though and balanced landing seems necessary on it to not die instantly
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A hole lotta stun points survivor's finally get to farm the killer lol.
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Omg I'm dying 😂 I LOVE your post!!! Thank You ❤️
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Maybe the problem is me, a killer player. Talking to you, a survivor player.
Ill go play survivor one time and see how long I can survive in a chase.
Ill ask you to go play killer in which you won't because either you don't care or your ego won't allow because if you did actually play either hag, wraith, or freddy on the map you would realized that having that many pallets on the map is extremely annoying at best and unplayable at worst. Depending on how good of a killer you are playing and how good a killer you are.
If I really only cared about winning, id play nurse and spirit and that would be it. But I care about fun, and 40+ pallets isn't fun to the killer.
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There's two decent pallets on that map and the rest delay your death by mere seconds.
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Pig and ghostface do rather well there also.
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Your entire post is just about bias. Assuming people dont play both roles, assuming they wont even try it. And saying you'll play "one game" to see how long you last. One game wont prove anything if you dont play survivor. You'll die fast, then come back and say it proves your point.
The problem is, that people identify as one side or the other, and dont look at the game balance as a whole.
It's not 40 pallets, and the ones that are there are NOT safe pallets. Maybe 3.
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I swear the pallets on that map are all that basement pallet by the gen in temple of purgation. theyre all mind game pallets and unsafe af
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The window loops are the issue. The pallet loops are SUPER unsafe. There’s maybe one or two good ones, but if you have BL on this map it’s easy dubs.
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Hawkins is easy for killers (except Nurse it seems). The pallets are unsafe and the map is hard for Survivors to lose the killer and juke around.
The pallets are mostly unsafe and there is no way to loop almost all of them. The corridors are too narrow for that.
The only real problem you'll have is if Survivors are all using BL, in which case there are a lot of plays they can run you around.
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In all honesty, this map gives me Haddonfun vibes, but the roles are switched. Every single pallet is unsafe, to the point where you need a stun to even be able to make it to another pallet. But if the killer just respects? Looks like you’re getting hit.
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The new map is utter garbage, it has more nasty bl drops than Haddonfield a d the number of pallets make blood lodge feel like a joke.
Worst map ever
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Today threads are "too many!" Yesterday was "not enough!" so idk...
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I agree with most of the responses here. Yes there are tons of pallets but they are mostly awful. This map easily has the largest amount of horrible pallets in the game. Most of the time when I run thru the pallet and throw it the killer just goes around because the loop is so small he can just meet me on the other side and whack me. I'm still trying to figure out the best approach to this map since my team gets beaten more often than not but pretty sure it's gonna be the same as Gideons. BL to take advantage of the upstairs/downstairs drops and just play it over and over to learn the best areas.
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*Haddnofun 2.0
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The pallets are not unsafe if you drop them quickly and keep going, which is exactly what people are doing. There’s enough pallets on the map that survivors can run from pallet to pallet, and take the killer on minutes long chases. And then the killer has to go back and waste another 30 or 40 seconds breaking the pallets. I don’t know why bloodlust is even a talking point here. If relying on bloodlust to get a hit is the standard for this map, you’re gonna lose. Because it eats up far too much time to justify a single hit. You’re basically trading a gen for a hit at that point. That’s not a winning strategy. Just wait until this map has been around for a couple months and people know pallet locations and loops like back of their hand, it gonna be much worse. The only silver lining killers currently have, is that survivors aren’t familiar with the generation spawn locations, so that extends the match a little bit. But, it won’t last.
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So, it's survivor sided because the only way to keep chase is to waste pallets, removing them from the game completely? Okay.
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Lol hnl is 1000% killer friendly. It’s nearly impossible to escape, there are dead ends, and the very few pallets that are safe are easily mingamed. Idgaf about your bl imma be waiting for you when you hit the ground ;)
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This is a thread about pallets. And yes, you just described the function of a pallet. You use it to extend the chase, and then it’s gone. Or, are you suggesting that survivors should get greedy on an unsafe pallet on a map that has two pallets in nearly every room?
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I don't think you understand what "safe pallete" means.
There is like two safe pallets in the map? And they're both in the same room. Once you go through those none of the pallets are safe.
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Honestly guys sorry to break it down to you...but this is an immersed map.
Very easy to mind ######### the killers with the staircase and the many noises hide breathing and injured sounds.
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They are used to extend chase yes but wasting them doesn't do that, especially on this map. On this map all you do is drop a pallet and then the killer hits you 2 seconds later because they just walked to the side.
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True as that may be, there are very few rooms with things that actually hide your character, your breathing may be hidden, but that doesn't mean you are.
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Whether killers or survivors it seems that most people despise the new map.
Maybe it should be retired until fixed.
- remove the balance landing paradise area
- reduce the number of pallets by a lot
- increase safe pallets
- improve the safety for survivors on the top floor
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There's literally 3 out of 4 rooms with LoS breaker on the third floor.
There's tons of vaults and metal railing on the second floor.
And the first floor is FILLED with pallets.
So UE users and immersed players should stick to the third floor and staircase.
Balance landing and lithe users second floor.
And DH users and jukers should stick to the first floor.
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Those changes would completely go against what they're aiming for though. They want more pallets on maps just not as many safe ones. However, the pallets on the new maps aren't unsafe, they're practically a death sentence.
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They did it OK on badham but they messed up here, some areas are too strong with bl, around Haddonfield strong.
Some areas are too weak like the top floor, this map looks great but it's wrong in terms of balance and not doing anything Is not a solution
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Yeah it is a pallet haven... for UNSAVE pallet's. You know you can just fake run into it and then running around it? This map has a bigger issue than that.
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I like the third floor. So easy to loose killers with urban evasion!
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This map has several problems and it needs to be retired until it is fixed.
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Wow, 2 safe pallets on the entire map. Exaggerate much? I’ve played this map equally as survivor and killer, and I’ve had much more success as survivor. I’ve had some amazing chases, without even using any exhaustion perk. And I’m much better as a killer than I am as a survivor. That’s a statement.
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So.... do you know what a safe pallete is?