What makes the Entity take over your mind? Absolute rage moments? No rage quitters (DCers)

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

What is that thing that makes you get so mad you actually think "that survivor is going down"? I've NEVER DCed but yes I have used an early mori or made a survivor's life impossible.

For me:

1° When they land a DS and I wasn't intending to tunnel, they got in my way and got hit for being dumb

2° When a lame looper T-bags me, he's gonna die, I can assure that. You know? That player who actually believes he's good but he really ain't?

EDIT: I'm not talking about pathological anger (breaking your controller, DCing, etc.), I'm talking about that feeling that makes you really want to sacrifice a specific surviror


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614


  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    When useless team mates are urban evading the entire map as I'm carrying the match with chases, saves and gens.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    @Boss Really? Nothing? Not even on the old times when you were starting to learn the game? I'm not talking about pathological anger (breaking your controller, DCing, etc.), I'm talking about that feeling that makes you really want to sacrifice a specific surviror

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I actually never disconnected until Spirit released, as it was literally tunnel season and every match I got tunneled so I dc'd when I started only being able to move 10 inches before going down again

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Rule #18

    It's not t-bagging there just getting ready for the chase.😀😂

  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    People who run up in the middle of a chase to bodyblock. My logic is if they want my attention, they can have it! So then I switch targets and proxy camp them depending on how annoying they are.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited September 2019

    No, i'm always in control.

    I can get angry about something, but i don't let it out in any way.

  • ajbustetter
    ajbustetter Member Posts: 70

    Tbagging and all that never bother me....but what does get me is Dwight......... Specifically a base skin Dwight with a map. Cant see it with out having flash backs when i was rank 19 get thrown into a game with red rank dwight and 3 purple ranks. Think i had 3 hours as killer 😂😥

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    When I'm being hard camped, with Kindred, and yet I see 2-3 auras crouching within 20 meters of the hook.

    That's the only thing that gets to me that hard.

  • joan
    joan Member Posts: 122

    Yesterday I played a game with a group of 3 SWF, 2 of them in rank 18 and the other one in rank 4. I'm rank 4 too. All 3 of them bring bloody parties and when we start the game in 2 minutes the rank 3 killer tunneled them with a beautiful ebony mori.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Survivors that tea bag after throwing down pallets. Especially if they didn't even stun me. It's like ######### are you teabagging for you idiot. Camp time. What really really gets me angry though is when camping said teabagger, and the whole team does a swarm of rescuing. Yeah I'll get someone else down and hooked for sure, but it really pisses me off when the head ahole that I really wanted to kill gets out.

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Carlosylu can i tbag if im good?

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited September 2019

    Yes you can good sir, you earned the right to do so, lol. Actually if I see you outsmart me and are a good looper I just go away and chase someone else

  • grtf47
    grtf47 Member Posts: 371

    @Carlosylu Ok thats cool, usually killers face camp and thats what I usually do but I rarely play killer lol

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    I've never purposefully DCd but the times I've wanted to sacrifice fellow survivors:

    • After having a terrible run of matches I get left on the hook while 2 Megs do a gen directly next to me and make no attempt to save. Dwight has to come from the other side of the map to unhook, then no one attempts to distract killer/take a hit, am tunnelled by killer and sacrificed on 2nd hook.
    • That time a Feng decided to work with Billy and lead him to all the survivors to get them killed. Includes purposefully blowing gens, body blocking and chasing/pointing us out. Someone was Mori'd, another DCd and I was oblivious to all of this until accidentally running into them and getting 1 hooked... Absolute traitor! 😤
  • JustAFeeling
    JustAFeeling Member Posts: 324

    The Entity only cares about devouring hope and getting those sweet hooks to deliver blood points and the great entertainment that comes along with it, you morining someone or making them bleed out is you acting upon your own free will tho it is entertaining !

  • Dicklaycia
    Dicklaycia Member Posts: 147

    Usually stuff like camping or tunneling, but I find that it’s the worst when a teammate tries unhooking me right in front of the Killer without Borrowed Time and just farming me to them. It’s particularly annoying because I can’t really do anything about it in those instances.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited September 2019

    Nothing. I don't DC...

    ...Except for Swamp Maps. I get them way too much and I hate them. Sometimes Haddonfield.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I got tilted yesterday. Was on Coal tower with GF (because i have lots of gateux)

    Vs 4 identical fengs, game wasn't too bad, but towards the end had 1 hooked in the basement and downed another by the t walls a bit away from it, could't carry her to the basement so took her to the hook not far from it.

    Someone rescues the feng, she runs out injured to unhook the one I just hooked. (Can't tell if it was the one in the basement or the unhooker as everyone was injured at the time)

    See her and smack her just before she gets to the hook. White aura and borrowed time.


    Hit the one she unhooked, also borrowed time.

    Last gen popped and all 4 adrenaline go off and everyone skips away while I look at the wall in depression.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    When I started playing I used to got mad for the same issues. Right know when I find a good enough survivor to be a thread for me I actually enjoy it since it's very rare. I only play Huntress tho, with m1 killers would not be like that.