Survivor are disconnecting when I play nurse

When I down the first survivor, he instantly disconnects and his swf too and in the end, I depip because they don't wanna play against a nurse which isn't boosted and needs 5 minutes for one survivor.

I am just trying to get to R1 on the killer side but I had 3 games in a row where my survs just disconnect and their penalty is losing their item, their offering and a depip which is kinda good for them because they can play against worse killer.



  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    After patch 3.2.0 the depip punishment was reduced from -2 pips to just -1 pip.

    This change has enabled and encouraged DCs for de-rankers to a whole new level. Furthermore, it makes DCs for rage quitters less punishing as well.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    not at all,de-rankers want to lose as many pips as possible. losing only 50% as many as before makes it less rewarding to them. and once the myth known as Dedicated Servers go live, it wont be worth it to DC

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    People just like dcing right now. I had 2 people dc against me when I played nurse simply because I was playing nurse. Didn't even bother to see if I knew how to play her or not.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,164

    I saw a four person dc against a Wraith last night.

  • Paxtonize
    Paxtonize Member Posts: 47

    I honestly thought -2 pips wasn't a bug until I saw the patch notes.

    They could just suspend players for couple minutes if they leave the game. That would be my suggestion.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,424

    -2 wasn't a bug. If they said that, it's an example of revisionist history.

  • suli033
    suli033 Member Posts: 81

    What rank where you playing at?

  • Paxtonize
    Paxtonize Member Posts: 47
  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Lol this is the only game where people are actually happy to derank. We desperately need ranked rewards.

  • ebola_weeb
    ebola_weeb Member Posts: 12

    The same kind of thing happens to me but instead of them disconnecting I get messaged by them and called toxic (I play as hag).

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    If they continue do DC they will end up with a ban so part of me hopes they do.

    It's an unfortunate scenario where you can't play with or how you wish. The upcoming changes with servers should deter people from doing it as it just ruins everyone's game.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    well about amount of DC, it cant be worse than when it was DC = 0pip then ppl who "cared" about rank DCed to secure safepip when game was lost (surprisingly a lot % of ppl cares about rank)

    ofc if someone will DC certain % of times he will get ban

    tbh if surv could see killer 10sec before game starts (with locked build so he cant build to counter that killer) but he could leave lobby, i doubt nurse and spirit players on red rank could play at all but it all comes to this most of ppl dont like to play vs them, and no its not because they are strong (hilly and huntress are strong as well but they arent that hated) its just feeling of well i guess i die if killer is good because counterplay just coinflip on which as surv you dont have any control (and yes when youre IRL coinfliping you can make it not 50/50) dont get me wrong nurse and spirit are great killers to play as but its not singleplayer game xd and 1 is ignoring every single ingame mechanic, 2nd just get headset and surv cant lose you xd (and if you think other way youre bad at spirit or you never played vs good spirit) and dont forget "standing still is a mindgame 4Head" (stand still check how surv is going away and get him because you saw his moving pattern xd)

  • Faceless
    Faceless Member Posts: 121

    I think this game needs a survivor buff a little bit.

    Dc'ing is sad

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    And I had one guy immediately disconnect upon seeing I was a spirit with Rancor and they were the obsession

    That's pretty sad for them, because I'm actually pretty awful at playing Spirit.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Some survivors can't deal with nurse. I'm a nurse main at red ranks. In my experience you have to play a killer to learn how to deal with it as survivor. That's why i'm very good at juking a nurse. But i get rekt by spirit. :)

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    You are basically saying when the killer is nurse or spirit, they don't need to capitalize on survivor mistakes to be able to do anything. Survivors need to capitalize on killer mistakes to longer the chase.

    It's no singleplayer, but no 1v1 either.

    You are kinda right about the headset thing, but that's why survivors got perks like "Iron Will" and "Quick and Quiet". And every other killer can hear injured people too.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Why would people DC to Nurse? I would not dc, even if its a Megablink but from my pov this is self-explaining..

    1. Many dont want to play against her, and a DC is saving them time for a real round.
    2. Some also just make a statement with that and simply tell you "im not playing against your BS unfair OP Killer" by their DC.
    3. Some want to piss you off and want you to derank. Manly because of Reason 1 and 2.

    I stopped playing the Nurse pretty much, mainly because i dont want people to DC. They should have fun game too, and i dont see them having a fun game, when i completly reck them with Nurse.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @FriendlyGuy so killers can dodge SWF or 4 items, but surv shouldnt have time window to dodge nurse or spirit? double standards NICE (well i dont agree with DC after game starts but survs should have opportunity to do that)

    well its not 1vs1 but chase it is 1vs1 xd, and tbh when you play spirit or nurse its 1vs0 xd

    and yea lets play 2 perks to counter killer (but not run funny perks, or perks you want to play with) i guess you run ruin and other slowdown perk(or noed) because "genrush is a thing" xd to not play vs 10 spirits/nurses in row im sitting between 8-10 and im not going anywhere higher im done with ppl that thinks this game is competitive and R1 means anything xd im not playing VIDEO GAME which doesnt have esport around it to stress myself because of other ppl

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    About the dodge thing. You can go private profile on steam if you get dodged too often. Easy like that. Ask yourself as a survivor: Would you play against nurse or spirit if you can dodge it too? No, not even a single time.

    A feature for survivors to dodge would basically remove the meta killers from the game.

    In a chase it's still a 1v4 dude. xD The other survivors don't stop working on gens while you chase.

    You misunderstood my post. You don't need those perks to play against nurse and spirit. They just support you with it. Feel free to pick any perks you want as survivor.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @FriendlyGuy 1vs4 well but there is sth you dont understand, what i get from other survs doing gens? funniest part in game is chase and that vs nurse and spirit is so unfun (ofc i like looting too but there is only 3 chests)

    well and there is a point why everyone would dodge nurse and spirit dont you think??????? and no its not because they want to dodge strong killer, its because those 2 killers are most unfun to play xd (especially in chases)

    well can we talk about killer being able to check your profile(hours and friendslist) before game? and still surv aint know sh.. about killer?(lets make soloQ surv see killer ok?) and no i wont make my profile private because of 1 of my many games xd

    tbh when i have bad mood(bad day or 5 nurse/spirits in row) im like yea nurse/spirit so you chose this killer to catch me fast and kill me fast? be my guest!! i will stand still let them hook me and die on 1st hook, didnt you play those killers to get easy kills? be my guest!!

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I mean if you like chases so much why don't you figure out plays to mindgame nurse or spirit? And yes there are many possibilities. Nurse? Break LoS and doubleback for example. You can extend this mindgame to a full 360° so the nurse player does the wrong read. Spirit? She's phasing? Throw a pallet down, but stand on the "wrong" side of the pallet. Extendable too.

    Yeah i see the point. But no, it's definitly because Nurse and Spirit are good. Hell even Billy would extinct. The survivors would control the killers completely and after a short amount of time we would see Leatherface and Wraith all the time, because killers actually want to play the game, even when they get rekt.

    You don't want to make your profile private? That's your own problem i guess. You got the tools.

    I'm a nurse main at red ranks. Like 70% of my games i would've definitly lost with other killers. Play base nurse for a while and say she's easy again.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @FriendlyGuy i played base nurse(no add ons) with whispers, bbq, nurses and lullaby and yes it were easy games and yes it was on red ranks double back? well just do 1 short blink and 2nd to land? it isnt that hard and yes i made like 5-6 4k on red ranks as nurse before i did 500 blink + hit achievement(i was playing her only to do that) and you wont tell me i put a lot of time to learn nurse. And about Spirit and her base kit i made her P3 50 full perks and i played Spirit to use bp offerings so i know its easy to get kills (but it was so fun, thats why im talking spirit is great killer to play but so bad to play vs)

    and about extincting of killers(because survs wouldnt play vs them) then make killer not knowing what survs brings to game, how they look like, and their nicknames (hide nicknames ingame too) so killers wont dodge survs because of that? youre fine with killers dodging legacy skins/items/swf but not nurse because IT WOULD BE YOU THAT IS DODGED!!! and thats called double standards clear AF

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Without Iron Will a good spirit will easily shred through your team. I always have Iron Will equiped, which makes facing spirit bearable and possible, so I won't comment on spirit, but yes, playing as nurse is basically playing a single player game when you are a good enough nurse. People who still deny that just aren't good enough at nurse to realize her potential.

    I don't think allowing survivors to see the killer and then dodge is the right choice, though. We'll see if the devs do the right thing and nerf nurse to a decent state, because that's what needs to happen.

    All competent survivors are good at juking average/not that great nurses. I can juke nurses like that until the gates open.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Then you played against potatoes with nurse. If you know what you are doing you can juke a base nurse for some time.

    I don't see the extinct of any survivor or item in dbd. (maybe squadette tho) I mean i don't get why you want this to be changed. Difficulties to find a game? I doubt.

    *nerf the nurse addons

    Base nurse is completely fine.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Thank you for explaining how to juke bad nurses. Literally every good nurse has seen every possible 'juke' you can do, and it doesn't work against actual good nurses.

    If you truly think you would be losing 70 percent of your nurse games if you were a different killer, that points to something different than you think it does...

    Unfortunately the ranking system isn't good at all. My friend is not a good killer. He falls for the "double back when you lose LOS!" trick you think works. It works on him because he isn't very good. But he is a red rank killer, and he plays nurse, so he wins his fair share of games.

  • Karltastisk
    Karltastisk Member Posts: 529

    No punishment and no rank rewards to incentivise sticking it trough. Hmm i wonder why?

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I only used one simple juke as an example and even told the 360° extend to it. After all it's an mindgame too. Will the survivor double back? Will he run straight forward? Will he move weirdly to the side? It's a guess by the survivor and the nurse.

    And perks that extend the chase against nurse are not even included here. Only simple jukes.

    70% is way too much when i think about it. Maybe 20%-30% of the games are unwinnable with other killers than nurse and spirit.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    @FriendlyGuy well i play a lot of duo with friend that is using rare skins (twitch shirt, green Tshirt claudette, diaHype nea etc) and we're dodged like 5 times before we can play and then we play vs mori and purple/red add ons, or just vs purple/red stuff and friend is getting tunneled because hey you have rare skin xd

    and now tell me in which game ppl cant use skins because they are punished for that? DBD, so let me dodge nurse or make them unable to dodge me (if i have good ping with killer) :) change my mind

    and argument "you played vs bad survs" well 90% of playerbase is Bad, 9% is mediocre, 1% is good (a lot of good players stopped playing because game is easier and easier yes im telling you playing killer is easy) and btw maybe you think like because you play nurse because youre not good enough to win as other killer? (well you already told that) that by itself is telling youre not good, so youre telling everyone "you cant be better than i am" xd nurse is easiest killer to win xd (you only need like 10 games to get mussle memory about blink range) and nurse players often lacks what normal killers learn via playing normally let me ask you about your build and add ons (i bet there is ruin "because im genrushed as nurse" xd)

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    You're getting to personal mate. I'm playing every killer, but nurse is the best killer atm. That's why i'm maining her. I just don't enjoy running around a jungle gym with LF and get teabagged after the pallet.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    They’ll DC over anything.

    I had a four man DC while playing wholesome Vommy Mommy. Who really DC’s against a Plague?

  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125

    A lot of the DC's going on right now seem to be unintentional though. I myself keep getting DC'ed randomly through the match and this has happened to many others as well since the Demogorgon patch went live. It happens for survivor with it bringing you back to the start screen saying you need a network connection (it's a bug I'm sure, not an issue with internet.) and with killer it just randomly DC's all 4 survivors and they are able to type in endgame chat sometimes, usually confused about what happened.