Can we sort the broken matchmaking please :/

MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

I’m sorry but this is hardly fair for the rank 18s I let the nea escape poor thing she was running around like a baby 😂 didn’t turn around once poor thing this is one of my many broken games on PS4 where I’m a higher rank then the surviours as killer or when I play survivor I’m rank 4 and get sued with rank 17s how is that fair to my game play? I’m all for helping new players but gosh it’s hard to do 5 gens and get chased and unhook people and do totems



  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Because the alternative is that you as a killer get randomly matched against a bunch of rank 1s because they party up with the rank 8s.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    The nea joined by herself, two then joined at the same time and we waited for a 4th for about 5 -10 mins,

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    She joined first before anyone, waited a few mins then two more joined then 5-10 later the 4th joined so I doubt it was swf, I play survivor a lot , I’m rank 4 and my friend is rank 10 we rank with killers and survivors from rank 18-5 so the match making is definitely broken with ranks all over the place, but hey least its not Lobby stimulator

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @MissKitty95 Its ok because you know... The Nea totally knew she was probably going to be matched with someone much higher than her level.... So the game wanted to give you a free cookie... don’t you like free cookies? (Sarcasm)

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @MissKitty95 There's something going on since the hotfix. Either a majority of the new players are all in SWF with high ranked friends, or as you pointed out with Nea being solo, it's still screwed to high hell.

    My son is Rank 18, sits in 15+ minute Killer queues since the hotfix. I am rank 15, sit in 15+ minute Killer queues since the hotfix.

    Ever since the hotfix, the lower ranked queues have become lobby simulators on PC. Right now, I am heading back to Overwatch. I'm lucky to get two matches an hour here since 3.2.1. Until something changes that, there's no use even logging into the game. I'll barely be able to play any matches.

    @Peanits Is there any word from the Dev team as to why this happened beginning with 3.2.1?

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @Peanits I understand that. My post was that 3.2.1 has completely messed up lower queues (at least on PC) since it went live. Matches are now taking 15+ minutes to get as a Killer (tested both rank 18 and Rank 15 killer queues). And this has been outside of the Bloodhunt, so it's on normal play days since 3.2.1.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    is there any way to implement knowing if survivors was in a SWF group on the scoreboard screen? if people knew they were survive with friends while seeing the ranks we the players would know a lot better if matchmaking was still broken, or if it was just a SWF group.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Since the blood hunt ended, I'm sure they will see their numbers dropping. Tons of people were playing because of the bloodhunt mainly despite the issues. Anyone who wanted BP quickly was on killer, lets be honest.

    Those who queued during BH on survivor, bless your souls. ty

  • Bop923
    Bop923 Member Posts: 1

    Sadly, the matchmaking isn't broken, this was their way of fixing it. In the latest update, survivors are now matched with a killer whose killer rank is equivalent to that of the highest survivor rank in the lobby, rather than matching with the average rank of the 4 survivors, as it did previously. It's listed in the patch notes. So if a rank 1 survivor gets paired with 3 rank 20s, the paired killer will be between rank 1 and 3, as opposed to 10 to 16. I guess it's their way of trying to keep things challenging for the higher ranked players, while subjecting the newer/less skilled players to a masscre? Poor decision imo.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    This is incorrect, it happens regardless of swf.

    I play solo and end up with green killers

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @DBDbuildsYT Same. As a Rank 17 solo survivor, I was put into matches against Rank 11-9 killers a number of times yesterday, even after the Bloodhunt ended.

    @Bop923 See what DBDbuilds and I have stated. We are playing solo and getting put into matches with Killers way out of our rank range. The matchmaker is still broken. It has zero to do with SWF in our cases because we have both stated we're playing solo.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I confirm this and there are even pictures of the match recap to prove it

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Personally it's hard because I introduced my friends to DBD so I could enjoy the game with them while teaching them and giving them the ropes.

    I did warn them that the current changes would cause the matchmaking skill gap to be more so on my level than theirs ( it was a full swf). I'm a rank 2, so that really meant unforgiving matchmaking for them.

    I honestly think matchmaking should try out brackets instead of average, or matchmaking based off the highest rank.

    Yes I could use a smurfs account, but nothing is more annoying to me than a smurf account to avoid losing rank on the main.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Play with them in a custom game to show them how to play

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Mate if you a rank two survivor there are ZERO excuses to play against new killers.

    Literally ZERO

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    its fine how it is now. no more bullying low lvl killers. also best way to learn the game is by playing it solo. swf is huge broken crutch since release and ppl dont learn the game from it.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
    edited October 2019

    I will tell you for sure. My low ranked friends are wanting to not play that is the impact. They don't go to youtube and try to learn this game like some of us higher ranked players do. Its not really your problem or fault but you're making the game not fun for them and others like them especially when you have so many killers that take advantage of knowing they can get an easy kill off them. At least the old way me being rank 3-4 and looping say a rank 11-20 they can decide to stop chasing me and get the people their actual rank. They can still have fun and get their kills. With how it is now the low ranked survivor have zero chance.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited October 2019

    A rank 10-20 killer probably had little fun also but in that scenario they would have no choice and they may stop playing.

    Remember how the impact works. 100 new Survivors unhappy could mean 25 killers have longer queues while 100 new killers unhappy could mean 400 survivors have longer queues.

    It's a lesser evil giving people a choice rather than force the issue onto just one side which has been the case for a long time.

    Any friend who is serious about the game can and should learn more before playing in a higher rank imo If they don't want to be at a disadvantage and they do have that choice. The same can't be said when it was the killer who was disadvantaged as they had to deal with what the game gave them.

    There will be some tweaking needed as edge cases are being shown with solo players and one scenario could be them being matched with the lower ranked person in a lobby while the killers rank is being ignored.

    In an ideal world the ranking would only match in brackets say 20-11 and 10-1 and with deranking fixed so its no longer abusable but that would mean a rank 1 could never play with anyone ranked 11-20 and you couldn't play with your new friends until they got better anyway. Ay least currently you can it's and choice you can make but its harder for them.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    He enjoys the game but he's almost constantly being tunneled and then he'll quit early but I'd say you're right on the matchmaking bit. Guess we'll see how they handle it soon enough. Maybe revert keep it or maybe do one better and hit some middle ground where it matches for a killer in the middle of the ranks between the players

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2019

    @twistedmonkey Any friend who is serious about the game?

    They're new players. And new players, on the average, are not serious about any new game they buy. They have no investment in the game yet, outside of the initial MSRP, which in this case was likely a mere $10 due to the sale. They're here to try the game with their friends and have a little fun.

    And when the current SWF system negates that fun for them, they're likely to move on. Which means, yet again, new players not retained. And if you watch Steamcharts for yesterday and today post-bloodhunt, that's exactly what appears to be happening, yet again, on PC.

    Unless console numbers are astronomical, because PC has been relatively flat for the past year despite all the 50% off sales they've done, this game needs to start retaining new players. And it isn't doing so. And this latest DLC and hotfix hasn't seemed to change that trend.

    But, going back, new players are extremely unlikely to be "serious" about the game this early in their time and money investment. That kind of dedication takes time, and given the current situation, it's time they're unlikely to give the game.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a solution. But it's starting to look like the current change isn't working out.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    @Peanits Thank you for keeping our concerns in mind.

    Im sure there is a way to meet in the middle where neither side will have to deal with someone who is too far on the other side of their own skill level.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2019

    What about the new players who were drawn to the game on their own accord without the idea of only/primarily wanting to play it with friends?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited October 2019

    Well we have already discussed this and left it as we could not agree.

    New players have always had a hard time with the game as it has a steep learning curve at the start. They will lose more than they win and why if you look at steam achievements 26.5% of people who own the game have reached a level of 25 with a character.

    At least this change means the one side which had no choice in versing the higher ranks who play alone may not be turned off while the other at least has their friends to try and keep them playing it.

    People just need to get over the "I need to instantly play with friends on my terms whether that ruins someone's enjoyment or not" and look at the bigger picture as without a completely new mode which I cant see as sustainable or making the ranks into brackets where once again they don't have any choice to play with friends I can't see a solution. At least right now they still have a choice.

    The game will never command huge numbers daily as it's not for everyone and it has been around the 20-30k mark for a while which are great numbers. Natural dips happen each year but the low point in feb/March of 2017 where it peaked at 7k players at least is in the past. The way I see it is I'd rather have a constant playerbase for 2 years than it dwindle down to its lowest again and every change they make people state this will happen but it has yet too.

    DS nerf = game will die, past exhaustion change = game will die, Mom change = game will die and that is just survivor ones when it happens to killer they also scream the same.

    Remember the stats last Oct/November where the devs stated they hit the highest ever number of over 1million pc players taking part in the halloween event that is when the userbase peaked at 75k players. Events and DLC bring in players and this wig friends will get used to the change it just takes time to accept and work around it.

    What is best for the game may not always make people happy until they realise it's not so bad which has been shown time and time again as most changes do make sense when you look at it from an outside perspective.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    To be fair I have been ranking down to make it more fair to my friends I play with because all but my wife and one other friend has quit due to new match making it's not fair for me to force them to play in the red ranks while they are only rank 15-18. Before anyone says go to kyf because that's not the same. I don't play at red rank killer so there is zero I could teach them.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @siyke26 Yeah, unfortunately this change encourages even more deranking, which is honestly the last damned thing this game needs.

  • RangePup
    RangePup Member Posts: 4

    As someone who floats a little over Rank 10 who likes to play with my friends, one of which is regularly low red ranks, I have not had fun playing this last week. Our options right now are play against killers us lower ranks are clearly outmatched by and get tunneled cause we're an obvious easy kill, or exclude our high rank friend so the rest of us can have fairer matches. On top of that, match making feels like its taking a lot longer.

    Instead of tweaking it so that it just takes the highest rank, they should have just fixed it so it actually takes the average and not just grabbing a killer somewhere between highest and lowest like it seems to do, cause even then we'd still get Rank 20 killers when nobody in our group was that low.

    As it stands, our high rank friend is considering either throwing matches so he can derank, or just not playing for a few months so rank reset can drop him low enough for the rest of the group to have fun. As a player who enjoys doing SWF because playing with randos isn't as fun, I don't wanna play as much either cause if we have to exclude someone because the matchmaking is garbage, then we'd rather just play something else that we don't need to exclude someone to all have fun.

  • blaufuchs
    blaufuchs Member Posts: 22

    Every game I've been in since the last update has been random ranks and most of the time no one is swf. There's been 1 game out of about 40 where the other players match my rank.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    I agree I don't want to derank I am fine where I am but of it's choice between playing with friends or alone then it's going to happen and I know I am not the only one who thinks that. Unfortunately for the killer side they'll end up with red survivors in the green and brown ranks and there will be nothing anyone can do about cause technically they'll be that low rank.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @siyke26 Trust me, you aren't the only one who is starting to feel forced to derank just to play with friends or family.

    My kid plays the game, but is beginner rank and new. Guess what my options are? Only one of them means a fun game for him, and that is the one I'll be choosing.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    The game needs more downranking. The ranking system is such a joke that anyone who plays a lot is forced to play at red ranks regardless of how skilled they are. This means it is no fun for people who aren't experts and it also allows people to brush off obvious balance issues because, "I won at rank 1 once".

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @The_Manlet The game needs to dump the Ranks entirely. It's a casual party game, not a competitive game in the sense that a rank ladder fits.

    It's was a poor design decision for only having one mode of play. It needs to dump the ranks and simply go with a hidden MMR.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    It may be a casual party game, but a casual killer will be literally incapable of catching a survivor with 3000 hours who knows what he is doing.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2019

    @The_Manlet There are a lot of different factors that can be considered when designing a hidden MMR system.

    The current system they have, though, considers not nearly enough factors.

    At this point, the rank as matchmaker is about as useful as the no matchmaker system in a Battle Royale.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Its terrible for new or casual players you always need to find the middle so both sides get a fair treatment.

    I play with my friends on weekends, both are dads and only play the game on friday/sat night so they dont have high ranks or skills, they are rank 12 and 15, Im rank 1 or 2 and I have another friend who is around rank 4.

    Its a pretty stupid decision to get them play vs rank 2 killers that hook them so fast that the game becomes an unhook simulator and nothing else because they get so toxic that tunnel them until they disappear, my friends get frustrated and dont want to play anymore.

    Im not going to create an alternative account to get a low rank and no perks to end pipping fast and getting the same results, and Im not going to lose real life friends over a videogame.

    Current MM situation is frustrating, specially for new players or casuals that play with more experienced friends, punish them and you lose players, you dont need to punish the killer/survs only reach the middle so everyone gets a chance.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    just use family share when you play with friends. even that is disgusting tho, playing as more experienced player against low lvl killers. the only importent thing for you is your own fun. and now ppl say they gonna derank. i really think you guys should switch the game if you cant handle it. but who cares about the bot who plays killer. IM SURVIVOR MAIN AND YOU HAVE TO THE DANCE FOR ME STUPID KILLER.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Not really, the change helped a lot but as a survivor I've solo qued into rank 7's before as rank 12. Killers it's hard too say because you can't see their ranks in lobby, but it def still isn't fixed.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    It's fair to derank to keep friends on to play with my friends have less than a fourth of the time I have on here it's not fair for them to get slaughtered to appease the egos of killers who have to have a 4k to even remotely consider it a win. I'd rather be with 3 of my friends in the low to mid rank area instead of taking them the mill to feed the red rank try hard killers. I might these red rank killer can tell who is inexperienced and who isn't after few seconds of chase and they choose to take the easy kills which isn't that the same as me going to a rank 20 and looping to no end? To be fair that 20 has the option of breaking chase where are my friends can't do that with a red rank killer.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Low level survivors have the option to choose to play SWF. Low level killers do not have an option to not play vs SWF.

    How about we revert to the old match making with one change...Killers from rank 20 - 13 are given the option to choose not to be matched against SWF.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    What for? when I play with friends the killer kicks us out of his lobby, are you saying it wasnt his intention to take us out of his game?

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    New matchmaking is so bad. Solo survivor queue times are very long now, people keep bringing their rank 20 friends so I have to keep dodging lobbies ( sorry, don't want a 3v1 match). It takes almost as long as killer queue times with the amount I have to dodge lobbies.

    Swf change is also a great way to stop new players from playing the game at all. My brother and another friend of mine will probably never play this game again. They have no chance against red ranks.

  • siyke26
    siyke26 Member Posts: 81

    Why would new person coming to a game to play with just not play with a friend? That's makes no sense unless of course that dbd community is so exclusive that they don't won't new joins on the game bringing new life into the game and hopefully making wait times shorter. I still think the killer having an option to end a chase to go after a less skilled survivor is more manageable than forcing 3 new survivors dealing with a maxed out red rank killer. There should be a middle ground or something and maybe giving the low rank killer option to not face swf but swf really isn't that over powered as people seem to think it is. It's not that's I don't understand chatting versus not chatting but a unskilled player is still skilled player there is no talking them through a chase or skill checks.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    How do we keep SWF working in a decent manner while not having low level killers from being abused?

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Hey developers, I know this may sound like a broken record to you guys at this point, but PLEASE make matchmaking faster on PS4. I play solo and I'm red ranks and it takes FOREVER to find a match for me. Seriously, I love your game but these wait times kill the experience. Please do something about it. Before the Legion update, you guys had fixed it where it was blazing fast. After Legion, it has not gotten better and every update I get somewhat excited + disappointed to find out if MM was fixed or not. Unfortunately, I'm stuck waiting eternity for a single match on PS4.