This totem spawn literally saying <BAD WORD> you to killer
And i have no choice but camp/defend this stupid totem with a big bright flashy attention light on where 3~4 survivors spawning there already
LITERALLY this match make me want to play almost 0 perks early just only because I'm spawn WAY TOO FAR AWAY from hex totems and already 4 gather survivors spawn on 2 of my hex spawn
Hex totems should spawn NEAR of killer spawn instead of random
Even if Hex totems spawn near a killer, all it takes is 1 rotation for them to be found.
Hex totems are a risk and while some spots like this one are still very visible, most totems have been tucked away pretty well.
There's not much the devs can do. Survivors will eventually learn (common) totem locations. Devs can keep switching them but even they will eventually run out of places to properly hide them unless they changed entire maps specifically for this purpose, which will never happen as that's just... asking for so much work from the devs for something so small.
I hate to say it, but this is a risk you take when you enter a round with a Hex totem. 2 of them, even (and technically 3 because you're also running NOED).
In my opinion, you really shot yourself in the foot by bringing Ruin with DH, as Ruin will always have (a) survivor(s) looking for totems.
Edit: Camping Hex totems is a bad idea. Sure, it's Ruin, but survivors will just power through it while you spend your time on it. If you have Hex totems, set up a defense if you can (Trapper, Hag, Demo, ...) and then move on. It's likely to get found at some point and babysitting it only hurts yourself more. If you bring a Hex perk, be prepared to lose it too.
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Badham has got some pretty good totems with its rework. Yes, survivors can learn the spots where they spawn, but atleast they have to actively search for the totem to find it. You can only see them from one particular angle. On the other maps 9 out of 10 times you find the totems passively as you move from generator to generator.
They should give all totem spots the Badham treatment.
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Camping your totem is how you lose the game though.
Just take chases and try to catch at least one before it gets taken out. It's not supposed to last all game dude.
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Mmm I love small game.
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It's worse when they are RIGHT OPPOSITE a gen.
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This is a reason why I never ever use Hex perks. They will almost always become a wasted perk slot as well as have the worst spawn points. It's getting better, but I think hex perks/totems just need a rework overall.
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You don't have to camp a totem, that results in generators being completed
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Totem spawning isn't easy to solve. What you suggested can possibly buff survivors, knowing that Hex perks spawn near killers is HUGE info and there are many times where I spawn near the killer.
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Totem placement something which needs a lotnof possible placements. As it's beed stated making less spots mean it is easier to memorize locations.
The only places I don't like to see them spawning are near a gen or appearing right next to someone loading in.
If they always spawned next to the killer survivors are being told where they are. It's bad enough when some killers instantly check them before gens as that also gives them a heads up where it is.
As others have said they are high risk for the reward and one of the reasons I don't like using them. I'd rather have 4 perks than 2 or 3 after 30s.
If your totem is out in the open use the time to get someone down and expect it to be broken as if you camp it you are giving them easy time on gens anyway.
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The point isn't that survivors will eventually learn where totems spawn. The point is that survivors should have to look out for totems, diverting their attention from the generators.
Totems right next to generators are unacceptables.
Totems out in the open that you can see from halfway across the map (like the exemple above) are unacceptables.
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Behaviour doesn't care. The new stranger things map has a bad totem spawn. Remember the devs have to select areas where to put them. The purposely allow totems to spawn in garbage spots. This will never be fixed. They heard us cry for years and still haven't fixed it.
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Has a survivor hooked and still has eyes on hex totem....players just want to whine these days...
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Why would you carry 3 hex perks? That's absurd. If you bring Ruin you pretty much guarantee one or more survivor will immediately begin looking for totems and now that they are 1000 pts and affect Inner Strength, they will gladly cleanse dull totems so you're unlikely to ever get NOED to activate.
To make matters even worse you're running Corrupt Intervention, meaning survivors see that as 2 free minutes to totem hunt.
This is what I'm talking about when I say killers blame the devs and "balance" instead of looking at their own faults.
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Worst totem spawn I’ve ever had was on the outside of the killer shack on suffocation pit. Middle of the outside wall, no obstruction, you could see it across the map. And a meg spawned in the shack. It lasted about 22 seconds. I saw her run out of the shack, break it, and sprint burst away with me making a beeline toward it.
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One of the many reasons why this game is far from balanced. It's either hidden very well or not. RNG everywhere
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That's the risk of running hex perks
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What can I say? Guess you're cursed.
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Honestly that spot is easier to overlook for me bc it's bright on bright instead of bright on dark. But I still check it just bc I know it's a spawn point. I also really enjoy small game lol.
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Look how perfectly the light shows the totem lmao
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I know this is gonna get me a lot of rage, but i see a lot of these threads about totem placement and how bad the hex perks can be because of totems. Just a weird thought, what if survivors had some of their perks like that, a lighted skull for the killer to thwack and suddenly no more survivor perk. Between them survivors have 16 perks anyway.
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that's not too bad. the ones that spawn hex totems literally in front of gens. now those are rude af.
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I swear the hills are the bad one and the second one would be a cornfield.
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I understand guarding your totem. But please, as a survivor main there is nothing worse than a killer that camps his totem like his life depends on it. If you camp your totem i will get all the gens done and i will teabag you until you uninstall the gosh darn game.
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With small game, totems can be found pretty quickly anyway and now with the Nancy perk well.....
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One time I had noed an it spawned right next to the exit gate
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Hex Ruin might be slowly phasing out as a meta perk tho.. The new dying light isn't tdd that bad and pop goes the weasel is really good. I would like to see an increase of 1%per stack on dying light and it would probs be new meta.
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Honestly this is an example of a really crap build. Chances are that literally 1 minute into the game you're perkless.
As a general rule of thumb if I run Ruin I don't run other hexes. If I run DH the only other acceptable hex is haunted grounds. And I NEVER run any hex totem with corrupt intervention.
Follow these few simple rules are you'll find yourself raging significantly less over totems. You MAY even get more than 1 min of play out of them.
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there is one worse than that, dont have pictures though
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Killer: *Slaps totem.*
Killer: This totem can fit so much uselessness in it.
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No no, I have had totems in azarov's spawn in the complete open of a field with literally NO GRASS, NO ROCKS, NOTHING nearby them, just a bright totem wanting to be broken by someone.
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Oh well, it’s what you get for using them in the first place.
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Corrupt intervention >ruin
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That specific one I've seen alot of survivors pass up thinking the lights from machine causing the glow not it being a hex kind of funny . I had one in the middle of the open in grass nothing by ot for 50 ft was impressed how bad a paw. That was . Presumably random generating iterations of map and totem spawns with a pinch of bad rng they have improved 500% since back when u could legit face camp to. Now gj dev's keep improving
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Hex totems need to be replaced with just perks tbh. I prefer thanat/dying light/pop. Make more good gen perks please for the health of this game.