Dedicated servers are just the worst and make killer impossible too play.

Dedicated servers are horrible in live. Survivors clip through the killer and their hits, I'll either miss a swing entirely and they still take damage, or my weapon will go straight through them and they take no damage. Survivors teleport small distances because of the latency, Trapper's traps will shift small distances from when you placed them, I've had a grab animation canceled because the latency from the survivor letting go too my grab, and I've heard Nurse and Huntress are impossible too play atm (haven't tried them because yet). I haven't played survivor on servers yet, but I'm sure these problems happen too them as well.

Who is testing things at BHVR? Because these servers feel rushed and half baked IMO. These are things that should of been caught early, but it's still pushed too live without much thought. I don't know what happened between the Demogorgon PTB test and now, but bring that one back, because that one was fantastic besides a few issues.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I haven't really experienced any glaring issues as killer at ~50ms ping. Granted, I'm on a fiber connection and hardwired. But overall everything has been smooth outside of a few weird underswings on my lunges.

  • Ashruu
    Ashruu Member Posts: 47

    Sounds like you have a bad connection. This is probably the same way every survivor has felt playing in your games, but now, dedicated server punish you instead of them. If you're on wifi, swap to ethernet, should help a lot. Haven't experienced any issues myself at a rock solid 80 ping.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    It punishes everyone.

    Survivor with a ping of 100 to the server and the Killer with a ping of 100 to the server makes for a 200ms delay for any interaction between them. Unplayable by most standards, and that will be STANDARD with servers! That's how how servers work, they aren't magical things that remove any/all lag for free. They in fact add MORE lag in small player count games like DbD as you have to go through 2 sets of pings for interactions instead of just 1 like in P2P.

    Think of DbD as a fighting game. DbD looks like a 4v1 at first but it plays like 4 1v1s combined into the same game with each 1v1 having both the Survivor/Killer reacting to each other. The more delay between those interactions the worse gameplay will be.

    Dedicated servers just aren't worth the effort. The Switch version is forced to use them due to how that system works, but every other version will see servers do FAR more harm than good.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Yes and no. Server adds slightly more delay for the survivor/killer interaction, but they also help to make connections more consistent as well. And much more important helps tracking/preventing certain cheats and dcs. And the last one is quite a problem with DbD right now.

    Also DbD isn't just like a fighting game. When I played against a killer, who even though I had green lobby ping, suddenly turns out into a laggings mess it would influence my movements between hooks, other survivors to heal, gens etc. Stuff I can now do much more smoother than with laggy killers. And besides that delay between survivor and killer is a little bit more complex, because the server actually works as the middleman, who decides what happens when both are reporting contradictory stuff. Trying to smooth things more out.

    Servers aren't great yet. But I think they are the right direction for the game to go.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    mhmmm. I would get matched with people in the middle of nowhere sometimes, and we weren't playing the same game it seems. Now they get to feel what the survivors felt.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I think I got lucky since the nearest server is only one state away from me. So far my killer games have been relatively smooth with the occasional weird thing happening at pallets.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    If DbD was built from the start around servers, Id agree with you that they would work. But DbD wasn't built for servers in mind.

    Servers are being forced in after the fact and in doing that it is causing problem after problem. Problems that can't be fixed as the game was never made to support Killer not being host. The Killer was host because the Killer HAD to be host as the Killer in how he plays, how others react to him, and how he reacts to them is all DbD is!

    By adding a server, you are killing the ability for Survivor/Killer to react to each other. It is making DbD into a prediction based game instead of a reaction base game.

    Without being able to react to the Killer/Survivor, it just isn't DbD.

  • Deuce7Off
    Deuce7Off Member Posts: 1

    Chewy is 100% correct, DBD now suffers from the same problems server based shooters have. This is peaker's advantage, it doesn't work exactly the same in DBD as shooters but you can still abuse it as a killer and I'll explain. All you have to do is mindgame a short loop super hard, and than choose any direction, you'll gain distance on the survivor because of peaker's advantage. What happens is by the time the server updates info to the survivor that the killer has moved on the survivor's screen it's delayed, not only that but the survivor's position is also slightly delayed as well so for the one or two seconds you were mindgaming and they were watching you, it takes time for the server to update their actual location to you, therefore the survivor will always appear closer on your screen than their screen.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I don't though. My connection is 80-100 ping, which means it should be fine, but it isn't. The problem is that this game was not built with servers in mind, and thus P2P connection is a better option atm until servers go under full testing. It should of been put on the PTB permanently so actual testing can be done, but right now they just throw it up every few months and hope it works well.

    I tried survivor and it's just as bad. 20 minute que's just for it too fail, laggy imputs on commands, I dropped a pallet on a killer, it pushed him back and it didn't stun him, the servers needed too go through more testing before being shoved on live, which is my biggest problem.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    It shouldn't just be on the PTB because it sounds terrible, and people wouldn't adequately stress test it since they'd stop using it.

    They should be doing proper A/B testing where a half the games are on the killers machine, and half are on the dedicated. You don't know which you have until after the game (if you learn at all). This way they keep pressure on the dedicated servers without (hopefully) pissing off the entire audience every game.

    And just because the game wasn't written with dedicated servers in mind doesn't mean that it can't be adapted to work with them. Give the developers a little credit where deserved - its not easy - but they're doing it because it was requested FOR EVER.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I agree that the devs are doing their best, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna voice how bad the servers are. Plus the servers don't feel tested at all, when we know they have testers. And you can absolutely do a stress test on the PTB because that's what it's there for. What's the point of having a PTB if not too test things?