The only thing I don't like about SWF
Yes, I like the challenge, yes I play SWF when I'm survivor, yes, I know how to counter a looper and own the team. THE ONLY THING I HATE
Is when 2 guys were killed, I hook the 3rd for the first time without camping (not even proxi) and he just lets himself die cause they told the 4th one where the hatch was and waited for him to get there before suiciding... THEY DID NOT DESERVE THE HATCH ESCAPE.
I've even located the 4th player cause of BBQ and they get the hatch before I got to them just cause they were telling each other about the location and decided to accurately do a suicide timed hatch escape.
That’s more common in solo, not survive with friends. If they SWF then the 3rd player how was hooked would just tell their teammate you aren’t camping and their ally would come grab them for more points and a shared experience of “winning”
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I mean you got a 3K and BBQ. You probably got a lot of BPs from that. You already won the game if you killed all 3 of them expect for one person. I mean what more could you do?
Its fine man, just move on.
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Good sir, have you gone up to red ranks as killer, apart from participating in many other events, practically the only way of piping up past rank 3 is to get 4k. If the 3rd one suicided on first hook, not only is he giving a hatch escape to the 4th but he's also messing with my hooking BP for the pip up, he still had 2 more hooks for me to get.
Do you get me now?
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I completely agree they should make it less harsh pipping up as killer.
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I mean I do that when playing solo at times too, it's an altruistic sacrifice that's perfectly within the boundaries of the game (unlike people that DC to give hatch instantly).
I do agree that killer pipping should be adjusted in the high ranks though, when the game itself is set up to basically make a 3k a victory and a 4k a "complete" victory with mechanics like the hatch and EGC it's a bit rough to place such emphasis on kills.
Also there's no such thing as "they did not deserve the hatch escape". What they did leading up to it is utterly irrelevant (as long as nothing like DCing for hatch happens), if they get into the hatch then they got the hatch. The mindset of people deserving/not deserving is nothing but a one-way ticket to frustration.
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It's super boring, but you know you have to slug in this situation. It's bad game design.