Leveling Ghostface and Buying Demogorgon?
So, thanks to the recent Bloodhunt, I finally unlocked all the Teachable perks that I wanted and got the builds I want to play for the time being on the killers I play the most.
That said, is Ghostface worth leveling? Keep in mind, I'm not hunting his Teachables at the moment. They're not ones I will be using in the near future. I'm just wondering if he's worth the bloodpoints over all. How does he play? I enjoy Myers and Pig, but would I enjoy him?
Or should I level Plague? She's another I am considering.
Also, since I don't play Survivor much unless my son wants to play, since I refuse to play the side enough to rank-up and take away his fun when he does (rarely) want us to play together, is Demogorgon worth the $12 price tag, since in essence I would be buying the DLC just for the Killer?
(Plus, not a huge fan of the show, so don't care about Steve and Nancy. I'll stick with good 'ol Ash Williams, thanks.)
If you like Pig and Myers, then you will most likely enjoy GF too.
There is just one annoying problem that is frustrating for a lot of people and that's the reveal mechanic for both sides. Getting revealed when the survivor shouldn't have been able to. Or when you should have revealed GF as a Survivor but the game is like "not today". Getting revealed by the hooked survivor is possible too, it's a nerf to camping which is good but it can happen even when you're on the way to your next target. I remember doing this as a Survivor, he decided to throw the game and facecamp me for it xD. Overall i think his stealth mode is nice and can even be used in loops to mindgame.
Other than that he does have some other issues compared to high tier killer's but i'm assuming that isn't what you care about at the moment so i won't go into that.
Regarding Demo, you could just buy the 500 Auric Cells Pack and buy him with that if you're sure you don't want Nancy and Steve.
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Personally I do a lot better with ghostface than I do with plague. Ghostface for me is a stronger killer. His night shroud is really good for sneaking up on unsuspecting survivors as long as they aren't running spine chill or object of obession and you can insta down them.
Problem I have with plague is her power isn't as convientent since if you want corrupt purge you'll often have to go out of your way to get it. Also she has no stealth. Survivors will know she is coming from a mile away so it's very difficult I find to catch survivors off guard and they'll be off to their favorite loops before you know it.
Some people do really well with plague so it's all a matter of how you play. Personally I like ghostface a lot better.
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If you never use GFs stalk and only use zero terror radius + anti healing build, he's really good. Really don't use his stalk, it's not good.
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@FriendlyGuy Funny story, when I first got him and was just messing around to test him out, I kept forgetting to stalk and was just using Night Shroud for the sneak attacks.
Next thing I know, some Streamer or someone said to do the same thing, and I was like: 🤣
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marking survivors can be used in some situations playing this way but you should really only do it about 1-3 times a game depending on the map and how often they notice you in shroud before you get close enough for a regular hit. I find that if i can get a stalk on someone its best to 95% them and get as close as possible before i fully mark them.
As for plague if you have not already unlocked most of the really good game slowing perks like thano, dying light, ruin, or pgtw wait until you do since those perks are needed if you dont want to get gen rushed. she is pretty fun when survivors cleanse, very strong when going against people who always cleanse, and with at least 3 game slowing perks she is usable in high ranks if the survivors dont cleanse at all. you can also use an apple addon to get a corrupt fountain and using it often makes people cleanse to avoid being instantly downed.
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@AChaoticKiller Yeah, I watched a couple YouTube videos on him, and that was basically what they advised for stalk. Go to 95% or so, get close, finish it, strike.
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@AngryFlower Does sound fun, though. I'm mainly an Overwatch player since 2016, so I've nothing against learning on the required higher skill curves. Doesn't mean I'll ever get good with them, but I've nothing against trying.
Except Nurse. The learning curve on Nurse frustrates me. One day, though, one day . . . 😂
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I'd always encourage people to pick up demo, he's definitely not an amazing killer, but he's super fun to play as and against. But he doesn't really fit into a stealth killer style, since it's up to you. If you don't want to buy the whole DLC, you can always buy the demo by himself for 500 auric cells. Plus since the DLC specific cosmetics are only for Nancy and Steve, you won't be missing out on any cosmetics or anything.
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@Cetren I'm probably going to end up buying the entire DLC just for completion reasons. I own every other Killer and Survivor already.
I only play about 20% survivor, and have to be careful about my survivor rank now since sometimes the 9-year-old likes us to SWF once in a while (he mostly plays around on Killer), and as you can imagine he hovers between Ranks 18-20, but I played against Demo a few times and enjoyed it.
As Killer, since my video game play time is limited and we reset ranks every month, I'll however between Ranks 15-17 or so, so I'm not in the higher ranks where killer choice matters nearly as much. I'm likely getting Demo.
I like the Stealth killers, don't get me wrong, but after some matches as Myers, Pig, or learning GF, I like a different style. That's why I also do Legion and Clown. I have Hag at level 40, and might pick her up a little more, haven't decided yet. So, Demogorgon sounds fun.
Hey . . . which should I unlock first, then? Trilling Tremors or Surge? I plan to do both, just curious which to go for first.
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Personally, I'd rather run surge, but I do think thrilling tremors is the better perk. So if you like surge, go for it, if you're looking for the best perks, get thrilling tremors.
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Ghostfaces best build has nothing to do with his stalking, thanat and nurses calling + his stealth is insane. Makes for good jump scares
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@TheRealHansGruber Thana is a Perk I do not have yet. I have Nurse's Calling from the Shrine, but was waiting for the Shrine for Thana instead of popping BP into Nurse to get her to Level 35.
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I thought he's trash, because his stalk is not rewarding, but this playstyle is actually good. Found out by vsing some good killers.
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@FriendlyGuy I'm still not sold on putting GF into my killer rotation. The inconsistency of the reveal mechanic irks me to no end. I have no problem being outplayed, I'm not a great DbD player and expect it. But I draw the line when a specific mechanic is inconsistent enough to cause it to happen.
If I had paid more than the $3 that I did for him via the recent sale, or even more than the normal $5, I would have sought a Steam refund over the issue.
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As soon as you mark an survivor he notices. As i tried to get used to GF, i used his stalk multiple times, but if a marked survivor gets to a loop he is sometimes able to loop you for the entire marking time. Myers can't get broken out of his ability. That's why Myers stalk is viable and GFs not.
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Yeah, his reveal mechanic is completely broken, i don't use him too atm.
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@FriendlyGuy Yep. GF comes off to me as a guy in a costume wanting to be Myers, but just being a nobody. 😂
Of the two, I'll tale my Myers any day of the week.
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definitely buy demo. he is so much more fun to play against. as for being the killer he can be quite hard to master but so are most of the killers. he is the most easiest to use compared to other killers, in my opinion, and the most fun.
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Thrilling Tremors is a really nice perk to see which generator you should go to after hooking a survivor.
I'm All Ears is nice because it shows you where survivors are in a loop and you dont have to even try to mind game on certain structures such as Jungle Gyms or T-L Walls.
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@DrVeloxcity Hmmm, didn't realize that about I'm All Ears.