will they ever change legion?

oh_0k Member Posts: 712
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

They went over board with nerfs ruining him. Stopping the deep wound timer while in terror radius and stopping him from downing people in FF but why the other nerfs will the devs every revert some of the nerfs or buff. I would like to see his power gauge go down slower when out of chase but he moves faster when in chase

Post edited by oh_0k on


  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    I don't LOL

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,094

    Better more Nerfs than too less Nerfs. This way they can start buffing Legion.

    Old Legion is one thing I will never miss. He was not even good, he was able to chase one person down, while losing the game because it took so long and he had no Map Pressure at all. He was basically a Nurse in one aspect (ignoring Survivor Defenses), but thats it.

    I also think that removing FF on a Miss was a good thing. It was not scary at all, it just looked dumb. And it was kinda braindead to have like Unrelenting over 9000, to be able to miss like 5 times to get Hit Number 6 in.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I miss when legion didn't have a useless power

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Buffing Legion? When? I'm a Legion main and never used any of those bullshit exploits but i'm stuck with being crippled cause the main playstyle I like is nerfed into a smoking crater the size of Russia.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Note that I am not saying Old Legion was good. But the nerfs they got were ridiculous.

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    Legion's power has been flawed since the beginning and it is still flawed. His power is even worse now as it doesn't help at all in a chase.

    Legion needs a power rework. The idea of being able to chain first hits on survivors is nice and unique but the implementation has either been extremely toxic or extremely underwhelming and weak.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the thing with all the legion changes is, that they were not implemented with the intention to nerf the killer, rather to get rid of the unfun aspects of his power.

    that, in fact, is the case with every single "nerf" he received during that time.

    other changes that do not tie directly back to preventing the old legions unfun aspects can also be found, though those ended up buffing the killer (-> mms increase from 110% to 115%)

    here's a list of changes and the reasoning behind them:

    • the reduciton of Legions FF movementspeed: it was too easy for leggion to catch up to survivors after entering FF. there was no way of escaping the chase, since he would just press M2, ignore all your defenses and have cought up to you within just a few seconds. there was no skill needed to use the power.
    • the vault speed reduction: this actually ties back directly to the very first change, though it was not intentional. it seems like the legion could vault things as fast as he was moving, so a reduction of the movement speed lead to a reduction of the vaulting speed.
    • the legions attacks during FF no longer reducing the deep wound timer: because everyone hated that. he pressed M2, hit you and repeated that until you went down. there was no way to avoid that at all.
    • the legion losing his FF after missing an attack: thanks to the 0 cooldown legion had after missing an attack, he could just spam the button until he hit someone. it was not possible to outplay a legion, as they would recover immediately and attack a second time right away. you could just not avoid being put into the deep wound status effect, so now a legion gets punished for getting outplayed.
    • the deep wound timer not ticking down while in the killers TR: to avoid the legions moonwalk "tactic", where they would just turn around and follow the blood and scratchmarks of a survivor until the timer ran out and the survivor fell / they cought up to the survivor and just M1ed them.
    • the killer no longer being able to see the deep wound timer: to avoid someone abusing the change above to track survivors. it would be like a pocked whispers, where you could always tell if someone with a deep wound timer was inside your TR or not.
    • the stun increase after leaving FF: since legion is no longer a lethal killer during FF and has to break out, it would be very strong for them to just press M2, hit you, break out immediately and M1 you. thats why the stun they receive has been increased, so the survivor has a chance to get away.
    • the increased FF time: to make up for the loss in movementspeed, the devs increased the overall time you are in FF. fun fact: with that change you travel more distance than before, even though the movementspeed is slower.
    • the general movementspeed change from 110% to 115%: since his power is now only a secondary power, they have to be decent at normal chases without their power.

    i believe thats it...

    if i forgot something, just @ me and i'll add it to the list.

    (i wont include add on changes... that would be waaay too long of a list then xD)

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Yes, and it still left them in a crater the size of Russia.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    He had a counter. Almost everyone forgets that Legion cannot see scratch marks in FF chase. And also that sloppy butcher and bloodhound was kinda meta to them to get around that. But that is a tracking ability that is strong on every killer, Legion just could make use of it the most because of the ability. NB that this eats up half of your perks, so it's gotta be good.

    Leaving that aside, many survivors did the pallet bait wrong. They returned way to fast to the pallet so that you could see their head. You need to time that right, and many people didn't do that. If someone knew how to do it right, it wasn't so difficult to get past the 6 seconds. I even managed some times to crouch back to the pallet, Legion get past me and then I didn't fault back over the pallet but followed Legion, to make him turn around and me leaving behind his back. No scratch marks for the win. Of course this doesn't work when already injured (without Iron will), but feels great when you manage to outplay Legion like that. And that's not the only situation where you can make use of the missing scratch marks. Breaking LOS and Quick and Quiet was pretty strong against them.

    I used to main Legion also before the change and had regular 0 - 4k games with them. After the change I simply hate them. Nothing that was fun to play is left. The power simply gives an easier first hit, after that it is just pushing through the loops. If a survivor is too good at looping, I even go to tier 3 with Myers if I feel like, just to get the speed boost to hit the injured loop god. Legion has simply nothing.

    And to be honest, for me it was no problem to "have no counter play" against Legion. I enjoyed the chase as long as it lasts, trying to buy as much time as possible for others to do the gen. I don't need to make a fool of all killers by any means. If I can't because of his power, I'm happy to take the advantage of longer chases by default and try to maximise it. And be even happier if I still manage to escape. And for example that the FF was ready within 2 seconds? That also means if Legion tried to optimize the Frenzy distance, a single 360 could be enough to get the stun and another distance boost.

    But it is easier to just complain about all that doesn't fit into your playstyle than to find a way to deal with it.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Thank you. This was the best way i've seen this put and much better than I could have said it. All of your points I agree with, and I feel the pain as a Legion Main now. Also... just as a sad side note... Legion can't see blood or scratch marks now in FF...

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @UlvenDagoth I know about the blood. This was actually one of the HUUUGE points that I totally did not understand why they changed it. There was literally no one complaining about it. The only complaints about that was the moonwalk abuse to track survivors backwards, but that is "outside" of the Frenzy! When they opened the questioning to ask things they should answer in their stream I asked them about taking position to every change and what they addressed with it. Sadly that was not asked often enough, they stated some of the changes but not all. And I'm pretty sure there is no straight answer to this change

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    I miss old Legion as well, but there was little to no counter play to a good Legion back then and many of the addons made Legion terrifying. He needed so many changes to be more balanced, but they dropped what I originally liked about Legion which was having to stab people repeatedly to down them. He's not the worst killer after the change, but it's sad those aspects are gone for good now.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    He is one of the worst. Trust me I know. I main them.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I enjoy Legion... I still play them cause I like the playstyle... but playing any other Killer I feel like in an anime when the fighter takes off his weighted clothes or something. Legion is in a terrible spot and I keep seeing people say they just nerfed them to buff them later. How long has it been? When am I really gonna have fun again?

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    I play Legion often also. they were my second favorite before the change and they still are. I agree other killers just feel easier, but Legion's killer instinct is a great asset to have. But when the time comes when Legion one day receives a buff, we will rise again.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Sziosis well, so far just talking about the basekit here. Franks mixtape was broken and combined with the powder an almost guaranteed 4k.

    But Legion is not the worst killer cuz it is 115% now. Every killer at that speed can manage to be good. And the multi stabbing was actually the great fun part, for me also on survivor side. Because of the 110% MS Legion was not really a threat when injured, but there was always a massive slaughtering once you teamed up with other survivors. Actually it was a bit funny to me to see screaming survivors spread into all directions, I really loved these scenes.

    @UlvenDagoth I think Legion needs a complete rework. Most survivors still hate them. I think sometimes, for no resaon, just because they got used to hate Legion, but anyway. The massive slashing and chasing down multiple times needs to get back, but in a way that makes it more counterable and not a waste of time if you loose a chase.

    Maybe like stacking up wound tokens with each hit, that slows down your speed by 3% and needs 10 seconds to heal per stack, maybe 5sec when healed by others. But you are downed if you receive the 4th stack. So you can decide if you take more stacks and risk the down or if you take the slowdown. Just a rough idea, but definitely something completely different from what it is now

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Oh that's a fun idea! I like that. Keeps with the Feral sadism too.

  • phantasmal
    phantasmal Member Posts: 144

     since legion is no longer a lethal killer during FF and has to break out, it would be very strong for them to just press M2, hit you, break out immediately and M1 you. thats why the stun they receive has been increased, so the survivor has a chance to get away.

    Nah, this has more to do with the increased base movement speed. The stun is set-up so the survivor can have ~9 seconds headstart after the stun wears off.

    Old Legion: 3*1.3=3.9m, catching up at 0.4m/s = 9.75s

    New Legion: 4*1.3=5.2m, catching up at 0.6m/s = 8.67s

     to make up for the loss in movementspeed, the devs increased the overall time you are in FF. fun fact: with that change you travel more distance than before, even though the movementspeed is slower.

    Fun fact: you cover more distance by NOT using new FF. Any FF lasting <19s is a net loss of average speed, which wasn't true to old FF.

    i believe thats it...

    if i forgot something, just @ me and i'll add it to the list.

    Old FF could be used partially charged. A real pointless change since they removed the DW damage mechanism and increased stun. With those two changes it's just an overkill.

    Additional stuff: removed seeing blood from FF (not sure why?), increased TR (because new base speed), and you loose less charges from normal M1 hits (prob cause longer recharge time)

    Personally I think that missed attack canceling FF is a good and healthy change, prob the one good thing they changed about them. It moderately increases the skill required to use the power, zero-punishment attack spam (even though it was a core identity of Legion) is like a 5-blink Nurse, just too many second chances to land a hit. Everything else is pretty much garbage tho.

    One cool idea I saw in a thread was allowing you to down injured survivors with Frenzy IF they currently don't have DW. I think that would add back lethality to FF while avoiding the former 'unavoidable death' and tunneling problem.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Playing a 110% killer that took longer to down anyone than other killers and a killer that 90% of the perks in the game wasn't compatible with. A killer that took absolutely no brain capacity to use. Yeah sounds fun and interactive.

    Without going into the details on the survivor side, I'll say good riddance to old Legion. They were garbage and anyone who played them and wants that version to return are probably garbage too.

    The new legion is better in most ways, they (BHVR) just need to pull the trigger and finally give them the buffs they need so that they're actually fun to play again. Buff the speed of the traversal and make the vaulting not so #########.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    I would modify legion like this: You press m2, and you enter feral frenzy, for each hit dealt to a different surv your power reset and last longer, if you hit all 4 survivors(or maybe 3 idk) you can down a survivor with feral frenzy. Or something like that.

  • Captain
    Captain Member Posts: 39

    Sounds like this is you saying "I miss receiving hate messages after using old broken legion".

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    I would play old legion when I felt like cheesing the game for some easy points, didn't care about the kills but I could chase brain dead. That was fun but everything about old legion just wasn't good, and neither was their "buff"

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Yeah I feel ya dude. Sometimes I miss old Decisive strike bc it was so fun to completely ruin the killers game with a zero counterplay free escape. Why did they have to go and rework it again? /s.

  • Noobsaibot5768
    Noobsaibot5768 Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2019
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Just run dark devotion.... EZ

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I agree, they went a bit overboard with the nerfs and some have no sense after they made FF non-lethal.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    If you think old legion was bad then you must have not been around for base 3 blink Nurse and Instant T3 Myers.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    This would work, if the devs actually buffed Legion. They refuse too buff killers because, IMO, they fear the backlash for it. They just need too balance the game for red ranks and buff weak killers like Legion and Bubba.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,094
  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    After how many years of begging? Stop being snarky.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,094

    Same for you. Poor mentality to spread lies like Killers dont get Buffs.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree I mained old Legion without using the exploit or franks mixtape (only on toxic swf) and I had alot of fun. Now I even force myself to do the Legion dailys because this killer is honestly worse then Leatherface in terms of streangh AND fun.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    They don't. Killers really don't get buffs.

    1: It took almost 2 years for Freddy too get a rework.

    2: Legion got massive nerfs and hasn't been touched since despite the communty begging for it.

    3: Bubba is pretty much useless unless you're basement camping.

    4: Trapper is still not that good a killer and he's one of the three original

    6: Wraith is too easy too spot even without Object unless on a small map, even if he does sneak up on someone he only can get 1 hit in before he has too enter Pallet Town.

    7: Pig is just an M1 killer with traps that sometimes slow the game, but usually will get pulled off in the first or second box.

    8: Doc's shock has a really bad delay that make's it's one good niche null.

    8: Clown can't put pressure down too save his life.

    All these killers need buffs, and they have needed them for a while, but still the devs refuse too touch them because they don't want to make the low ranks mad. It's not lies, it's facts. Killer's do not get buffs even when they need them.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Thank you. I agree with all of this.

    ALSO: Everyone, this isnt really him saying "I MISS OLD BROKEN LEGION." He's saying "I wish Legion was worth using."

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    His feral frenzy needed to go, singly handedly almost killed the game. Who in the world liked getting spam frenzy slashed to death. I think addons need reworked most all. Deep wound study is useless bc of frenzy nerf

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    what about hag? also, Doc will likely be getting the next add on rework, and they've said they're looking at Leatherface and Pig as well. they're slow to buff killers yes, but they have and are going to do it.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    You say that, but we have people yelling about Nurse and Spirit till they are blue in the face and still play the game. The Old Legion had an exploit. That is really all that needed to be fixed. But you see what they did to them. I'm sorry, but nothing you say can change my mind that they went WAY over board. As I said earlier, i think the real title of this topic is "I wish Legion was anything close to good."

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    But it shouldn't take years like it has with Freddy. And just because they say they are looking into them doesn't mean they will. They said that Hitboxes are being looked into, and yet nothing has been done about them.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    I love the concept of legion but man do they suck. And not only do they suck but they suck to play agaisnt because their really good at harassing but not at killing so it just draws games out into an unfun mess. Idk what they need to do but they need to do something since they finally buffed freddy and legion took his place at the bottom.

    Bubba would be next but he's still completely playable, if he was never buffed it wouldn't be that much of a tragedy. Legion is the only killer that is straight up bad, they buff him and the cast of killers would all be viable

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Umm.... Clown, Wraith, Bubba.... in fact Half the roster is bad. All you have to do is look who is played in Red Ranks. I assure you it's none I just mentioned.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    By that logic only Nurse, Spirit, and maybe Billy are good at all. Im not talking about top teir im talking about usable, clown and wraith both have powers that can help ypu win. Legions power gets you a free hit and then they basically have no power. Ive only had one game where someone died to the timer and they were probably just new. Compare FF to bubbas insta down or wraiths cloaking, even tho the latter two don't compare to the top teir powers they still do something and can work to your advantage.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I played new Legion for the first time and was pleasantly surprised by his blood point and ranking up potential. I had many games I thought I had depipped, but Legion got the Brutal. I even got a Merciless with one hatch escape.

    The scoring system is kinder to Legion than other killers. In particular Clown and Michael.

    I also had some good comebacks with Legion in games I thought I would lose. The add ons seem pretty weak, but overall I am enjoying the points and steady rank ups.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I'm just saying that " they buff him and the cast of killers would all be viable" isnt right.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    Bubba and wraith are still frequently played to great success tho. Im at rank 10 and can still get a 4k with bubba and wraith (i actually don't have or ever seen clown really but people who play him seem to like him and i know his power does have utility) also even if you wanted to make the argument that those killers are as bad as legion (they're not) they still wouldn't suck to go up against. Legion is the weakest killer but he's only hated a little less than nurse and spirit by survivors, there's obviously something more wrong with that then bubbas hour long hissy fit lol