DBD punishes me for playing the game consistently
4 months ago I had a sort of a dbd breakdown where I couldn't play killer anymore because it was too stressful.
I took some killer time off and played survivor and got better, then the blood hunt and the new changes came.
During the BH I played DBD, both roles, a lot and now I am back to red ranks in both roles.
This is painful because I ABSOLUTELY despise playing in red ranks, and without the - 2 pips for DC it is almost impossible to get out of red ranks.
Every match is sweat and try hard and the queues to play a game are unbearable (ps4) it takes 3-5 mins to start a survivor game and 5-7 mins to start a killer game.
This problem is made even worse when playing killer because finding a lobby takes so long and I still often get the 3 man lobby bug.
So why is the game punishing me for playing a lot?
I do NOT want to queue for ages before a game
I do NOT want to play every game like it was the most important game ever not to be destroyed
I just want to play a chill game, like the green ranks game, where I can play to have fun, make a lot of BP and let everyone do saves, healings etc
I would like to play some games where I use killers like Legion without having to try super hard to not get stomped.
Essentially I want a game where I can get relaxed matches.
On the survivor side: every match is hex: ruin and pop goes the weasle, tunnelling off the hook, get slugged to avoid ds (and I started to bring unbreakable instead of ds), get slugged randomly (yahoo how fun is to spend 1 minute on the ground!!!) and when you escape you often end up with 15-17k BP (WOW!!!)
Plus there's the addition of Freddy with chains, thanatophobia and dying light WOW WHAT A GREAT GAMING EXPERIENCE
I am so frustrated with this game where I cannot simply play a casual game
Red Rank Survivor feels like a punishment.
I hate it, but I am enjoying playing the game again. I just wish it was harder to rank up so I could stay in the green rank area.
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Oh my gosh you are SO RIGHT!
Green ranks are the best ranks, unfortunately it is so easy to get out of green ranks :(
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BHVR should make a non-ranked mode that uses the Player Level rather than the rank. There, you’ll always be put with other players with about the same level of experience rather than skill, and you won’t have to worry about gaining or losing ranks.
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Also, the biggest joke of red ranks is that your teammates still play like potatos most of the time.
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I really don't know what to tell you, other than try to stay out of red ranks. I understand your frustrations completely. I'm in purple ranks for both Survivor and Killer, because I've been playing considerably less.
On the flip side, the people you're facing are using legitimate builds and strategies to ensure their own victory. To some, fun and victory are synonymous, and they'll go to any length to achieve this. When I was in red ranks with Spirit, it took me all I have to stay there. Prayer Beads, meta perks, other strong add-ons.
My point is, you're right, just think about the killers.
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You no longer lose 2 pips for DC?
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Next bloodhunt you should farm instead of killing.
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Deffo feels like Killers and Survivors are punished for playing well :/
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i always farm, even out of bloodhunts. can confirm, farming considerably increases amount of fun had and tremendously increases amount of bloodpoints every player gets
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I don't disagree with the desire for a casual mode. But I do question your lobby times as a red rank killer on ps4. I've found that to be the one up-side to gaining rank. I've gotten lobbies much faster than lower rank. It's anecdotal evidence, but it seems fairly consistent to me.
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I agree with you, each match both survivor and killer feels very tense and I am not really enjoying them at all.
I would rather have some more casual games where I can relax a bit more.
How do you manage to stay out of the red ranks? I essentially need to play a max of 3 games per day to stay out 100% but I would like to play way more but if the punishment is red ranks then I won't play
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unfortunately no :( previously I could play 6 games averaging 3-4 pips and do a couple of dcs to stay at my rank but now it is not possible anymore :(
@Mookywolf @Mr_K I did essentially farm, or better I usually play a normal game until everyone has been double hooked then I stop trying (this is when I am winning obviously) and let everyone escape BUT YOU STILL pip until purple ranks give or take.
I should have been more careful but my queues as killer were so long during the BH than I was trying my best to make points and sometimes I ended up killing people to maximise my sacrifice gain.
In hindsight it was a mistake!
Still I find it odd that if I play a video game, the way it is supposed to be played I end up punished in the nasty ranks
@Dreamnomad I don't know what to say about wait times on ps4, in my experience it takes time to create a lobby, time to have it filled and sometimes (2/10 times) I only have 3 survivors with the 4th not showing up for minutes. It is frustrating, if lobbies were faster I would simply play and lose 3 times in a row but this would require at least 40 minutes wasted each day, I do not have this luxury :(
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Rank resets is in 6 days, just suck it up.
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Just go in as survivor and get chased. You can waste the killers time as a survivor being chased, and help your teammates. While the whole time not gaining much in emblem points.
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They should just increase the number of ranks to 50, so people who really tryhard can get to rank 1 and people who are good at the game, but just play for fun don't reach rank 15 or below. It's really painful how it is now.
This would also solve the problem of the people who purposely depip to destroy newcomers.
You start at rank 50 with 2 pips per rank. When you reach rank 40 you are UNABLE to come back, even with rank reset. People who ended at rank 40 would still be on rank 40. People who ended at rank above rank 15 would go to between 30- 40 depending on the the rank they were before.
I'll make a general idea of how I would put ranks:
- 50-41: 2 pips per rank, you can't get back to these ranks the moment you reach the next ranks.
- 40- 31:3 pips per rank.
- 30-16:4 pips per rank.
- 15- 4 :5 pips per rank.
- 3-1: 2 pips per rank, but each depip would result in resetting back to rank 3 with no pips.
This way, people who wanted to have fun, could have their fun without bothering with tryharders and toxic swf. People who want to be the best at the game, could get a challenge and try to reach rank 1.
No, it wouldn't make the game more competitive making a more complex ranking system, because it would make the player's skill/fun factor more precise and, having no rewards for ranking up, you wouldn't need to rush to rank 1 and make the game even more frustrating than it is.
The emblems should be reviewed to go on par with these changes. People at rank 50-41 would need, FOR EXAMPLE, only 2 silvers and 2 golds to double pip. This would be really good, and the matchmaking would have a better time finding people to matchmake. They should be on the same color.
EDIT: SWF should be matched with the highest rank of the 4. It brings no problem if someone at rank 15 or bellow plays with a rank 50 person because, if you are a competitive person, you shouldn't play with a friend of yours that doesn't know how to play knowing what's coming for them. And because you want the rank, not the fun. If you're above 15 you should be playing with people that like to have fun too, so it shouldn't be a problem too.
Post edited by NullSp3c on5 -
This is a great idea, I think it would help a lot :)
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Even if this doesn't solve it completely, at least gives a much bigger distance between when you play with tryharders or not.
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Normally when I reach a killer rank that I find too sweaty I don't play for a month or so and enjoy playing in the lower ranks again when I come back to it.
That's just what works best for me. I do agree with you OP, the killer experience just becomes frustrating and stressful at a certain point.
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Yes that's also what I am planning to do.
Although I find it hard to believe that a company like bhvr isn't doing much to allow people to play more of the game.
They should try to make the experience better rather than forcing us to stop playing because red ranks are frustrating
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It works well for me now but only because dbd isn't my number 1 game anymore. I'm happy to play other stuff. Wouldn't have been the case a year or so ago when it was all I wanted to play...
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Yes I agree I just bought world war z ps4 as an alternative.
Still I think it's bad business for bhvr as I am a high spending customer who is essentially forced away from the game by a frustrating experience
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I think this is a fantastic idea
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I think as the one guy said, extend ranking levels to like 25-30, spread out the skill levels a bit wider, might give more scope for matchmaking too. also the idea of games that are specifically done on player level is great
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I agree that was an excellent idea indeed
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Extending the ranks will extend the queue times. Having players more spread out will only thin the rank you are trying to play in. Besides, just playing the game normally will get you to top ranks given you play enough.
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It will not extend the queue times if you match people by the rank color or dozen. There will be a lot of people on the same color or dozen. Idk which is better to make the matchmaking.
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Same could be said for now but look at queue times.
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Don't forget that with increasing the rank wide, increases the number of people distributed by every rank. There will be less people at the low rank( if you saw my idea - ranks 50-41) and then there will be a lot more people on the ranks bellow.
Now you have a lot of people at purple/green/red ranks and as it is now, purple and green ranks are very close to each other and everyone is mixed up.
With a lot more ranks, people at red ranks will be MUCH MORE far away from people at green ranks, for example.
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I could agree if the player base was much larger than it currently is.
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We got a lot of people with stranger things, and that just means that this is a long-term solution, which is what it should be.
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Your position is understandable, still something needs to be done.
I'm back playing f13 because of red ranks, it isn't a good business decision on bhvr
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I would prefer staying at red ranks if queue times were decent. I have to wait for the 1st of the month to start ranking up.
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That's certainly a factor as wrll
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I feel like even with a "casual mode" you would still run into your frustrating issues. I think a lot of people's complaints really are about people having different play styles. The problem is at the higher ranks the style of play becomes extremely homogeneous because people are trying to check all the boxes of what they need to do to get their pips.
I'm no expert by any means. Rank 16 is the highest I've gotten so far. But I've been keenly aware of how my style has changed. I've also been keenly aware that there are people who hate you no matter what style you play.
When I was brand new I was very cautious and stealthy. I would get trashed on in end game chat and called a potato. As I got better and started getting tired of everyone else getting way more bp I became more outgoing and daring. However, I admit that I will usually escape the game first chance I get. If I try to help a hooked survivor during egc, there's a 99% chance I will be sacrificed. As you can imagine, I've been called a trash teammate for putting my survival first.
Even in casual mode you would have people that slug you and facecamp and do all the other things people don't like. My biggest wish for this community is that everyone didn't have their own internal rules about what makes the game fun or not. If you like to farm, GREAT! But you can't expect everyone to always have that same play style. Sure there are things that annoy me, but I also know that in a bout 10 or 15 min I'll get a fresh chance to do it all over again. But I can see how red ranks would be frustrating because if the single viable play style.
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I wish I was at rank 16, those were the times :)
Unfortunately I think if you try 20 games at red ranks you will see that they are repetitive and frustrating.
I don't know, t I s only happens to me in dbd no other game does this
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Since I'm not great with most killers, I try to play killers I'm not confident with when I'm approaching red ranks. Knocks me down and I learn something.
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And doesn't it bother you to get stomped? It makes me quite stressed to see gens popping left and right :(
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You've just gotta break the habit of spiraling at that sound. The more you do it, the eaiser it gets.
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ahhahah it still gets me anxious after more than 2 years