Love the proposed changes to Nurse's add-ons but need some number tweaking

CyberianFaux Member Posts: 232
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

As much as I hate the idea of fatigue immediately followed by a cooldown, I think this change is fine... if the numbers are right. Either the time you are on cooldown for a single blink needs changes or the add-ons for it need to be stronger. IF I am giving up a rare add-on for it, the number needs to be high enough that I have at most a 1 second cooldown for each blink out of fatigue for a total of 2 seconds max before blinking again with a chain blink in tow (fatigue also still exists for some reason stacking delay mechanics). Another way to make this feel better for nurse players is to make it so you don't fatigue on successful hits but still have the cooldown since survivors get a speed boost anyways. What matters here is to make it so the people who have played her previously won't FEEL like they have been completely nerfed and she should feel more responsive than before by getting rid of that fatigue effect but keeping the cooldown.
