Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Dark Isolation: Licensed Chapter Idea

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited October 2019 in Creations

"It's a life form, an unknown type, some kind of alien organism. It's extremely dangerous." -Amanda Ripley

New Killer: The Xenomorph

Basic Stats

Height: Tall

Speed: 115%

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Power: Adaptive Intelligence

The Xenomorph is on high alert, and can sense their pray from miles away. When a survivor performs an action, they will randomly leave a clue behind them that lasts for 30 seconds. 

The clue consists of:

  • The action the survivor was doing
  • How long ago was the survivor doing that action
  • The survivor's health state

The Xenomorph can see the aura of the clue owner if they are running while it is standing near their clue.

Upon secondary action, place a cocoon up to a maximum of 4 cocoons. Survivors who are repairing, sabotaging, healing, cleansing, opening, and searching within 16 meters will slowly activate the cocoon. When fully activated, a Face Hugger emerge from the cocoon and chase the survivor who activated the cocoon until that survivor leaves the Face Hugger's effective range. The Face Hugger will reveal its aura to the survivor who activated its cocoon. Once that survivor is out of range to the Face Hugger, the cocoon will decompose and the Face Hugger will immediately disappear into the ground. If a Face Hugger attacks a survivor, the survivor will be able to defend themselves, but if attacked for the second time, the survivor will be sacrificed on the spot by the Face Hugger.

Survivors can light cocoons on fire by interacting with them after succeeding 2 difficult skill checks in a row.

The Xenomorph Perks

Can't Run

Your lethality alone tests your prey's limits.

Upon damaging a generator, if a survivor was interacting with it within the last 15/20/25 seconds, see the aura of the survivor who last interacted with that generator for 5 seconds.

When all generators are completed, all survivors are inflicted by the Exhaustion status effect for the remainder of the Trial.

Hex: There's No Escape

You have a Hex tied to your thirst for blood.

Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is a dull totem remaining on the map, this hex is applied to it.

While the collapse is activate, each successful attack will increase the timer speed by 20% up to a maximum of 60%/80%/100%.

Once per Trial, while the collapse is activate, hooking a survivor will close all opened Exit Gates.

The closed Exit Gates can be reopened by survivors.

The Hex effects will continue to persist as long as the related hex totem is standing.


Your thirst grows in power the longer you're searching for your prey.

Every 15 seconds you are not in a chase, your terror radius decreases by 8 meters.

Actions performed outside of a chase are 30%/40%/50% faster than normal.

New Survivor: Amanda Ripley 

Amanda Ripley Perks


You are use to hiding when the situation calls for it. 

Upon getting unhooked, the killer will not receive a noise notification, and your status will be updated 4/6/8 seconds later than normal.

The killer will continue to see the hook aura as if you was still hooked until your status is updated.

Technological Progress

You will risk it all to see your loved ones.

After safe unhooking a survivor, Technological Progress activates.

The next time you repair a generator while this perk is activate, receive a difficult skill check.

Upon succeeding the skill check, your repair speed will be increased by 10%/15%/20% up to a maximum of 40%.

Perk resets when you are hooked by the killer.

Skills At Hand

Your knowledge with machinery gives you an edge. 

You recover from Exhaustion at double than the normal recovery speed while repairing a generator.

After completing a generator, you can determine the repair progress of all generators by the intensity of their aura for 80/100/120 seconds.


  • GeneralSpudmuffin
    GeneralSpudmuffin Member Posts: 311

    Very neat, well done! The power feels balanced, save maybe the pods, and the perks are intriguing. Same for the survivor and her perks.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    This is very good! I love this game a lot and it would be cool to see them. I like the idea for the eggs and all of the perks. The only one that would be a problem is Technology Progress. I personally don't care for gen speed perks, but people will complain about it, even with the requirement of a safe unhook.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That's why I added a lot of conditions to the perk in order to get faster repair speed.

    Also, autocorrect is my curse!!!!!

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    Being sacrificed on the spot by a facehugger is a bit overkill. I would say just getting injured so you can't just randomly die?

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019

    I like the concept a lot. However, the perk Hungry (I assumed that Huangry is a typo) is a bit strong, it's a better M&A, and the opposite of Insidious and Furtive Chase. Pair it with FC, and I could see it becoming very powerful.

    Undercover could be really strong though, I don't know how to balance that. The concept is very cool. Maybe have a timer on the hook aura to a killer? Maybe 30-45 seconds? Chances are they're in a chase by that point anyway, so you'll be long gone.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, it takes time for the Facehugger to activate, it's aura is shown to the survivor, and has a deceptively short range. I think it's balanced, and punishes survivors who don't act quickly enough.

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    To me it's still a little harsh to people who are slow on the uptake. Kinda like how the Pig's RBTs instantly kill players who try to exit the game with an active trap, instead of just blocking the exit gates.

  • Ersh
    Ersh Member Posts: 40

    Love everything about this concept, you've done a great job.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Theoretically, without addons, you can get to a box before the timer starts and take it off... same with after the timer starts, there are 2 minutes to get it off. You can get to every box before then if you hit only good skill checks. Usually a key is in the second one you complete, not because of odds increasing with each box, but how the key system works and your luck. Some addons make it more difficult to find boxes or to complete them, but very few pig builds actually set out with headpoppiing in mind, because many pig players know that it is very rare to get a headpop.

    However, most people will let a survivor get their headgear off before finishing a gen, so they have as much time to get it off as they need.

    Same with Alien Eggs. They don't sound replenishable, so they're not like Demo portals or anything. Once they're all placed, that's it. At least that's how it's described now.

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    I’m not talking about regular kills with RBTs. I’m talking about how you instantly die if you try to exit the match via the exit gates, which is harsh compared to just blocking the exit gates for that survivor.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    That is rarely a thing anymore with the changes to the RBTs at the Endgame. They won't activate just because it's endgame anymore, which I think is a mistake, since the EGC is pretty much the same amount of time as the RBTs by default. You can walk through the door and just leave if you have an inactive trap on you.

    You can still leave via hatch.

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    I'm saying that they KILL YOU once you try to leave via the exit gates if they're active. This is much harsher than just blocking the exit gates. I can't put it simpler.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019

    And I'm telling you they don't kill you if they're not active during endgame. You're ignoring that fact that they don't work if they're not placed before the last gen pops. They removed endgame pig from the possibilities of gameplay styles and it's a real shame.

    And the hatch has always been an option.

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    I’m comparing the harshness or instantly killing the survivor instead of blocking the exit gates to the harshness of instantly being sacrificed instead of just being hurt to the Facehugger thingies.

    Honestly I do think the Pig’s traps should automatically activate once all gems are done, but as a cost slow the EGC timer until it’s removed.

  • Ramosaurus40
    Ramosaurus40 Member Posts: 9

    I just posted with the SAME idea! Haha great to see more people interested in the same thing!

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    But they're the same since they both sacrifice instantly if you don't react to them... makes me wonder if you read it fully.

    In the end, both RBTs and the Alien Egg concept punish survivor mistakes. With RBTs, it's prioritizing gens instead of yourself, while with the eggs it's not paying attention to your surroundings. It's the survivor's fault for getting downed in the first place for RBTs to be placed on them... since good survivors can loop and get away from most killers.

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 67

    first power

    third clue is completely useless, u already see all health states

    like the power though, how close do you have to be to the clue to see the info, also DBD has never had numbers for killer huds that has to do with power, doubt devs would let this happen the info would have to not have words


    second power is basicly just a proximity alarm bell for killer, this will never kill anyone, but i dont think it should at least not right away i would make it latch to sruvivor and injure them and if sacrificed any time after they die on hook right away,

    you say they can defend themselves but how? define how the creature wins the fight and how the surv looses/wins, how fast is the creature all these things matter


    very rare but i love all the perks the first is esp good

    first - love it very themeatic fits name and killler, dunno how i feel about the debuff lasting forever this a huge counter to alot perks maybe the first 60 seconds?

    second perk - Once per Trial, while the collapse is activate, hooking a survivor will close all opened Exit Gates.

    does that pause the endgame timer cause it should, otherwise this is a super blood warden, yes i know its a hex but even then i would say its too strong

    third perk - so if u arent in chase for a min u have no terror raduis ehhhh, strong but it does take a while, if u cant find someone for a full min maybe you deserve a free hit, the faster action thing is useless u do really do actions out of chase unless u kick a gen even then a surv might of been close enough for that chase to start in that case u cant kick it faster



    first perk - u are not the first person to suggest this perk and u wont be the last even though it isnt orignal, its good and its balanced a perk that needs u to be hooked is can be strong cause its assuming ur bad enough to get downed, usally surv wants perks that help them avoid that so no complaints,

    maybe you could make this work both ways that if u unhook a surv urself it works as well maybe to strong

    second perk. waaaaay to strong, needs to be an obession perk so only one surv can use this at a time and max should be 25% and make it go away when damaged not hooked

    third - like it all until i saw time u can see gens progress waaaaay to long its a super, its a better Déjà Vu, it should only trigger on a gen u complete and only last for maybe 15 secs


    overall like this killer alot man good job, its not orginal but i could see this killer being added now we have demorgan

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Just going to hide this for the people who don't like gore:

    By lore, once a Face Hugger latches on to its victim, they are paralyzed until they are implanted. This process takes a few hours because the Face Hugger has to prep everything.

    Once the victim is implanted, they will soon die after a short while since there is an alien inside of them and it will burst out of their stomach. Time of death can vary, but can be determined by symptoms.

    Therefore, having the Face Hugger attack you and walking away from that unscratched is not normal.

    Having the survivor defend themselves from being attacked looks more realistic then having it deal damage to you.

    Besides, you get two chances before it actually kills you. :)

  • GreentheNinja
    GreentheNinja Member Posts: 71

    Yeah... I know. I’m literally just saying that it’s harsh. I’m not taking lore into account- this is game balance. Besides, the Entity doesn’t fully comprehend reality anyway.

    Also, I don’t think this concept excludes the possibility of Insidious camping around the area of the egg, then downing the survivor when they activate it to kill them, though that would be pretty hard to pull off.

    Or bodyblocking the exit to the effective range on activation, like in Autohaven’s garage generator room.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    I just don't like Xenomorph powers based off of facehuggers and not the xenomorph's abilities it has by itself :/

    Personal preference, since I just don't like traps in the game (and therefore obviously don't pllayer hag or trapper).