Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

RIP red rank diversity



  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Yep, and destroying MoM will end the survivor ranks. Serious over reaction. Nurse changes are mostly reasonable. Nurse was easy mode before and a crutch for killers with no imagination. I always here how she is the only way to compete with the 4 man SWF, yet I've done it with Trapper at red ranks. Win some, lose some. I've seen very good Huntresses and Freddy's own those groups. Granted, Pig and Doc likely won't fair well.

    Enough crying already. Wait and see first.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,835

    Adapt and overcome :^)

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,003

    Maybe learn to play other killers and suck it up when you lose

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited October 2019

    I mean, you still have plenty of killers that fulfill all the the requirements to be competent at rank 1, you just dont want to learn how to play them and prefer to stick to the holy trinity

    • Freddy
    • Demo
    • Myers
    • Hag
    • Huntress

    All can apply pressure in some way and have decent chase potential.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    most of the addons have been made redundant with the rework, YES omega blink WAS A PROBLEM, base kit WAS FINE. they nerfed the base kit to being on charges, basekit is now you get 2 charges and each blink consumes a charge, they recharge at a rate of 1 per 3 seconds. A BIG NERF to nurse. and with the addons some of them are stupid by nerfing nurse but rewarding for more BP, because SO MANY PEOPLE use those addons (not really) like "blinking near a survivor causes them to scream and you get bloodpoints" SO USEFUL! I do like the creativity with some of them like how if you blink and get a hit you become faster as nurse for a while etc. but I feel like to many of them have been made redundent

  • SupaSlay3r20
    SupaSlay3r20 Member Posts: 139
    edited October 2019

    I'd say it won't be too long until the spirit nerfs. It will be mentioned as small nerfs and tweaks, but end up being like the legion and the original freddy nerfs.

    Post edited by SupaSlay3r20 on
  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    This isn't adapating. You can't adapt to survivors running so far away you need to do 5 blinks to catch up (from stun time to recharge time after the boost from hit + loops and LOs breaks) minimum cuts down what made her powerful and now she's just another m1 killer with a cooldown to sometimes use.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    I totally see survivors saying legion Needs to be fixed, so does Clown, Leatherface and Doc. Oh wait they don't care. They don't want to learn how to Play, survivors nowadays are just bad.

    There is not a single english Video on how to juke a Nurse. Not because you can not but because this community is About who cries the most, gotta feel good that there are just most survivors.

    How About you call marth and say you are Ready to destroy him and his Squad with Trapper and other m1s?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    The rest of his squad quit so that isn’t possible.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    And sometimes you are playing very good and two survivors escape through the hatch. Entity displeased.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    How about we get another squad going?

    Meanwhile you fire up your pc and get dbd Ready to Show us where it is at, i mean as ps4 user dont take it wrong but you are not affected by this talk About Nurse at all since she was no concern on ps4 anyway in red ranks Right?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Oh please, how many people play at his squad's level? A very small percentage are at that level. That is like calling for major Huntress nerfs based on Zubat's level of play. No.

    Try again.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Yeah so far i have yet to see a Trapper in r1 that actually is threat, also you say you beat 4man SWF with Trapper. Yeah no Problem dude, i also lost Matches vs wraith because we clowned around and not every 4man SWF is the same.

    Nobody says you can not win as x that was never the Point made. The original Argument however was that god nurses are too strong that is why we Need nerfs. How many god nurses do exist?

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    I mean, test out new nurse and see if it really is drastically different that it will prevent you from doing any good

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Marths depip squad was destroyed by a few nurse mains. This is a SWF all on comms with plenty of in-game experience, but still got smacked. Nurse was not fine and was seeing too often being used on none Swf groups with zero communication. Winning versus a Nurse with a bunch of random in solo queue was rare vs a competent Nurse. The nurse can make a ton of mistakes and was still fine in a majority of my matches in solo queue.

    The killer was overturned. Time to come to grips, not every lobby is a 4 man swf.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited October 2019

    I know.

    Don't get me wrong i wanted Nurse to be nerfed as well but just the add ons. I think they overdid it on her. I play both at r1 and Nurse is more fun to me than spirit. In both playin as and playing against. The other Killers are so meh they will never recover from any mistakes made. I think most nurses are bad and need the add ons so toning those down to just have the base kit she has now would be fine.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2019

    Exactly this; other killers need to be brought up to be on par with billy, but that doesn't also mean we should have killers stronger than him, because as many of us agree, he's perfect in terms of game balance. And having and OP killer is no better than one that is UP.

    Actually I say this, but Freddy has had exactly that done; he, as far as I'm concerned, is just as viable as Billy.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Should have defended us. Now no one is left to defend you.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I don't think it was about "God" nurses. It was about Omega Blink, which was not hard to find, 3+ blinks, and how nurse was easy mode due to breaking all the rules. The only real changes to her are ones that were seriously needed. If you get 3 blinks, you can no longer blink outside los and omega was ditched.

    Seriously, looking at her addons, you can make some really nice combos. I like the amount of stun reduction addons as that was always my aggravation with Nurse. As someone who can't see scratch Mark's, to have a character who takes her eye off the survivor if you miss or don't swing is really frustrating. I might actually try her again with these changes.

    I am aware that not all killers are considered viable, but I'm also aware that people who are good, or tricky with killers can be viable. I hold my own just fine at red ranks with Trapper and Hag. I have seen numerous streamers do the same. I therefore reject that they are not viable. They are just harder to use in viable ways. You have to think outside the box.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    That is a problem with the ranking system, nothing to do with the killer.

    @SteelDragon I don't think her base kit needed touched but I don't think that killed her like everyone wants to say it has. The only nurse add-ons anyone used before was the range or increased blink add-ons. Now there is about 6/7 different add-ons that could be used which I like. Unfortunately I don't think killers have a diverse enough set of add-ons and I like how the nurse can now be played multiple different ways like Myers.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,133

    Console is obviously much more fun to play on when it comes to this. I've been a red rank survivor for 2 years on PS4 and I've always faced a good variety of killers. Never ever has it been sided to one or two specific killers.

    In fact Nurse is one killer I see the least. So this doesn't really make any radical difference either way if Nurse players do choose to stop playing her.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    You can replace a perk. There are dozens of perks to pick from and the effect of just 1 being nerfed isn't going to do anything to Survivor base gameplay.

    Nerfing an entire Killer though is another thing.

    There are just 17 Killers in total and only 2-3 of them are high rank viable. Nerfing Nurse effects the entire Killer roster and makes it so even less are viable or worth playing as you face more skilled players.

    MoM was replaceable, Nurse isn't. Not till there are more viable Killers at least.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @GrootDude This is probably the wrong place to ask but can you give me some LF advice? I am so bad with my Tubby boy T_T

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Maybe just wait and test the New Nurse before complaining?

  • From what I can take from this post, killers hate SWF, consoles have more killer variety than pc, some survivors are scared they will have to go up against spirit every match, and grootdude also plays trapper

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Bubba tips

    1. Use your chainsaw while either very close or right behind survivors.
    2. If you notice people going for a save, try to stop it. You’ll either scare the savior away or get one/both of them.
    3. Try to hug walls if survivors run around them but also stay far enough that you don’t become a rampaging bubba.
    4. Don’t be afraid to use your chainsaw at certain loops if you’re using speed add ons.
    5. His chainsaw speed add ons are his best add ons
    6. You can chainsaw through windows if a survivor is still vaulting

    Here are some basic tips :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I play a new Killer every new match, so this doesn't really matter to me... and i'll still bring a variety to some players I face during my match spree.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Again, I'll reiterate my points here:

    1. Overreacting before testing is a lose/lose. People overreacted to the MoM changes, and almost all changes. Try it, learn the new play style, then judge it.

    2. Though some killers are more viable than others, I've seen good killers use "not viable" killers at red ranks to great success. Some require you adapt to specific strategies and many players don't want to. For instance, Trapper play at red ranks requires patience and out of the box trap placement. You can't try to pressure the whole map, you pick your fight and trap in ways not always expected. Not everyone is willing to give away half the map and keep pressure on just 4 to 5 gens.

    3. Nurse was really the easy way out for many killers. Omega Blink Nurse needed to be reigbed in. The current changes seem reasonable, but we will only tell by giving it an honest try.

    This community tends to cry hard at every change, killer and survivor.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120

    well marth said they lose cause they had made some mistakes against those nurses.

    like it matters. it's the same as saying not every lobby was created by a god tier nurse.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    On PS4 I see a range of red ranked killers, in fact I see more Billy's than nurses so this isn't much of anything to me

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    No it won't create diversity, in fact it reduces it. As long as mid tier and low tier killers aren't viable at red ranks, the majority won't choose them for red ranks. Most of those low tier and mid tier killers don't have mobility, and some don't have chase potential. You guys are just going to face spirits 90% of the time, and cry for more nerfs.

    Diversity only happens if the killers can be at red ranks that are viable.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2019

    I don't care what marth said. I only mentioned him because people like to bring him up when it comes to balance. The fact stands his team still lost on Comms while sitting on gens to Nurse.

    Not every lobby was a god tier Nurse, but before the change you didn't need to be a god tier Nurse. You can recover just fine before and beat the majority of lobbies all the while being very average.

    4swf is using outside VOIP, but Nurse players were using in-game feature to deal with them. Is this really hard to understand? Am I in the Matrix?

    Nurse players were using this on heavy demand on non SWF lobbies in solo queue. Go play her on the PTB it's not even as bad as people are making it out to be. A lot of panic crying going on in the forums.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120
    edited October 2019

    yea, but those mistakes still count sitting on gens wasn't their main issue. very average nurses lose a lot of times at 1-4 ranks. yea cause VOIP is able to make that in-game feature useless. lol and survivors including me use swf against other killers, not only against the nurse . i don't play the game now cause it's boring for me.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Considering they're the ones who constantly tell people to "adapt" and "get good", Nurse and Spirit players seem pretty scared to have to adapt to changes

    Kinda ironic

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316
    edited October 2019

    Don't play the game but you sits in the forums complaining about Nurse changes?

    Sounding like a Nurse main who is just salty at this point. You had years of boring people with same old nurse crutch gameplay. Learn to adapt like everyone else. No game meta stays the same forever. Things change.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Sure shows people's true colors when they're asked to do exactly what they demand everyone else to do

  • Kasaki
    Kasaki Member Posts: 155

    That's not true , on his YouTube they were gonna make a comeback had a video and everything to hype and then didn't , and it's because the game isn't like it was then with recovering exhaustion, infinites with no entity blocker, vacuum pallets etc... they can't talk the same ######### they did back then, they took a big break from the game and then when Marth came back he got clapped hard enough to start a new experiment that was seeing how long it took to make rank 1 from rank 20 on a new account it's obvious why he didn't continue to try the depip squad and it's because they couldn't dominate like they used to , don't believe me? Just watch Marth stream and you will see he's not able to do that stuff anymore

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Care to explain why Survivor meta hasn't really changed but since the game launched?

    Everyone hates to change, but my point of view sees Killers have adapted far more than Survivors over the years. In both builds and playstyles.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120
    edited October 2019

    lol i played as the pig and the doc most of the time. as for the nurse, i played as her only against try harders. swf still stays the same and people adapt and then those killers get more nerfs. using things which are allowed by the game isn't crutch and survivor meta stays the same lol.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204
    edited October 2019

    Just nerf spirit now. red ranks should be filled with billys and Huntress

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Sure you did, bud. Also, the reason you picked Nurse versus Try hard SWF on comms is because she was OVERTUNED. Thanks for proving my point.

    Plenty of people were using this OVERTUNED killer on a daily basis on non SWF for easy matches. Or for a free Rank 1 when they sucked on every other killer.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited October 2019

    your perception of nurse is wrong, NURSE'S design ALLOWED YOU IF YOU WHERE SKILLED ENOUGH WITH HER to COMBAT try hard SWF, being a TRY HARD SWF should NOT mean It is GG everyone/almost everyone escapes EVERYTIME that is NOT BALANCED. a killers MAXIMUM potential should be determined by the SKILL OF THE PLAYER USING THEM, not the limitations of the kit made by the developer like so many killers nowadays. nurse had the HIGH SKILL CIELING unlike many other killers, similar to spirit but that is a different type of skill set of mindgames and prediction. where the skill of nurse is prediction, reading, getting your blinks just right and quick reaction.

    it wasn't that nurse was OP, it was that the players playing her got SO GOOD at nurse that it made her SEEM OP. it is the killer version of a 100% fully optimal survivor that knows where all the pallets are, all the totems, all possible vault loops, possible god loops, how much distance exactly the killer needs to get a lune M1 on them, how many loops they can use a loop for, how to conserve pallets, etc etc etc. NOW you see what red rank viable means, that a killer Is able to COMBAT these types of survivors IF you got enough skill. it shouldn't be where if you are at that level with survivor you just never down no matter the killer. because the point of the game is to BE DOWNED AND USUALLY KILLED. DEAD by daylight. the POWER ROLE is the killer IT SHOULD NOT BE THE SURVIVOR. that is why there is 4 SURVIVORS.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Look bud, your rant isn't changing my mind. It wasn't hard to pick up Nurse for a vast majority of people. The players behind that screen didn't have to work that hard to master Nurse. She ignores all mechanics of the game and blinks through obstacles, and to do this day it remains the same. You don't have to learn close to as much as an optimal survivor had to learn to run a killer. The maps are RNG for god sake.

    Also, your perception of red rank viable doesn't apply to everyone. There are plenty of other people having success with other killers at red ranks even vs sweaty teams of 4. Just because you aren't having success at it doesn't mean it's not happening.

    Those sweaty SWF in my experience always play for saves as well. You always have more chances to slug all of them and GG the game even when all the generators are done.

    Anyways, I'm not here to change your mind either. That's just my opinion and you can have yours, but from what seems to be happening with the changes, it seems the devs and vast majority of people agree. GL

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    OMG, I literally fell out of my chair! I can't, hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha This is just too much

    When they inevitably balance Spirit, we will see. My hope is that perhaps they will figure out a way to make the lower tiered killers (I love you Clown) more competitive at the red ranks.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453
    edited October 2019

    Lol after they nerf spirit, survivors will cry for a billy nerf. You really underestimate how much survivors will cry nerfs on high tier killers, bhvr said they would rework the add ons for billy, and so far it's looking like they will not only rework the add ons of billy but probably nerf billy's basekit just like the nurse's basekit. This game is going on a downwards spiral and I'm already quitting seeing that nurse is being trash, and the next two killers will be spirit and billy. After they nerf billy, they will somehow find a way to then nerf A tier killers, and B tier killers. The cycle never ends.