Should Noed be removed considering killers have one shot insta downs?

Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112
edited October 2019 in Polls

I feel like a lot of killers take advantage of this on top of their one shot kills to slug everyone. Majority of the time it makes the game unfun when they start to slug.

On Facebook killers troll and make fun bout that. But facts are, most killers camp their totems/hexs. And not everyone in game will run around looking for totems.

Should Noed be removed considering killers have one shot insta downs? 22 votes

Remove noed
36% 8 votes
Rework killers one shot kills
27% 6 votes
Killer slugs, two lives end game
36% 8 votes


  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    So survivors should get nerfed to the ground, making the game completely unfair? What will happen when there's no longer survivors to play because the killers are all op with perks and attacks?

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    nah, it's fine as is. I do really think there should be a totem counter in the game though

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    I think it's op personally. Especially when killer already has one shot attacks like the chain saw, head traps and head shot hatchets that all insta down.

    Though I do think it'll benefit greatly to have a Totem counter that'll count down after each gets removed. Or at least highlight the totem when you have small game and you're near it.

  • Siverious
    Siverious Member Posts: 12

    I think it should be removed because it's a bad perk that basically rewards killers who weren't able to stop survivors from doing their objectives

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Sorry but every killer that relies on noed is probably bad at the game.

    The perk is a wasted slot, you do not have to bother to even cleanse dull totems due to the fact the time is better used spend doing something else. So noed activates at the end of the match, oh no, now you have to look for the totem. It will be cleansed in what a minute?

  • Irvin
    Irvin Member Posts: 130

    I completely understand your frustration when it comes to 1 shot downs and I agree it is a little bit over powered and some things could be reworked but as for NOED it is very much counter able but you don't see it as often the higher you climb in ranks. If you are really concerned about it however then I suggest that you personally ensure all totems have been cleansed. Either by bringing perks such as Small Game / Detectives Hunch or you could bring a Rainbow Map / Map with Red Twine.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    I've played with some of the higher ranks. As well as my brother being rank 1. He would see it often being used as well as ruin. Yeah it can be countered. But not everyone goes looking for those totem especially when the killer downs one, and then just runs around slugging everyone. I use small game. I am usually the only one running around getting totems and I'm at rank 8. But it still doesn't help when you have killers camping by their hexs. Plus other traps also triggers your small game. I dont use the map much since I normally play king and either carry a tool box or med kits for others.

  • nightfall
    nightfall Member Posts: 31

    I think it should stay because it punishes survivors who ignore easy side objectives.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    There is no "no" option because there shouldn't be. This is mainly for people who feel/view otherwise. To express without the fear of getting harassed by killers who feel so strong to keep it when they in fact don't need it.

  • Siverious
    Siverious Member Posts: 12

    Maybe if they had more of an impact to our objectives people would do them more but it doesn't and most dont cleanse because it really makes no impact to the main objective it's an optional thing, not to mention it's hell coordinating with randoms to even get them all.

  • Cpt_Vunderbar
    Cpt_Vunderbar Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 53

    NOED should be left alone and remain as is.

    Survivors have countermeasures to NOED. It's called breaking the totems. Having trouble finding them ? Survivors have a countermeasure for that too. It's called Small Game.

    I know, I know, Survivors can't possibly have fun unless the Killers are reduced to a punching bag that they can flashlight stun, teabag, pallet stun, loop, and gen rush into oblivion.

    Here's some food for thought though. If you keep nerfing killers, you won't have a game left, because Killers will be nonexistent. Survivors are a dime a dozen and outnumber Killers 4 to 1. Keep asking for nerfs to killers and you'll run out of players to bully.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    As I stated above, small game also reacts to traps. If they're going to keep nerfing survivors, their perks and items then they should do the same to the killers such as noed. Survivors get nerfed more then killers do in my opinion. And significantly. While it's 4 to 1 killer, killer can still one shot survivors WITHOUT having to use any perks. Survivors get a 4% to get unhooked on their own. None the less now they're changing insta heal because killers keep complaining about it. So the moment someone says otherwise on noed, there's a problem?

    Killers are a dime a dozen too. It's easier to find killers then a group of survivors. Many times in waiting endlessly in a lobby with a killer.

  • nightfall
    nightfall Member Posts: 31

    Well then clearly NOED is not an issue if you don't want to bother turning it off.

    You don't even really need to try hard cleansing it either. Even without totem locating perks or maps, the chance of NOED surviving would be incredibly low if survivors simply cleansed every dull totem they saw while running around doing main objectives.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    No. Not every killer has a one shot, and those that do either have to use their ability (which is weak like Bubba and GF), or addons (Huntress and Clown). Getting rid of NOED does two things:

    1. Encourages toxic SWFs to be more toxic at endgame.
    2. People to pick certain killers even more than they already do.

    NOED is a safety net perk. Not just to get used to a killer, but also to try new things and rely on it if it fails. It's already weak in the fact it's a hex that, under the current game, has no reason to remain intact if a survivor sees it.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited October 2019

    Some buttons are missing such as "No" or "just nerf noed".

    I would let noed nerf in that way that you need a requierment to get the effect, something like you need to hook every survivor atleast once. Or down a specific amount of survivors.

    Noed is fine how it is but it is annoying that some bad killers get some free kills with noed for no effort or skilled gameplay, WATCH OUT SARCASM! (just go afk, get noed and then some ez kills or hooks and then camp the until they are dead.) WATCH OUT SARCASM!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491
    edited October 2019

    In video games, the monster's final form should be more difficult to beat than its original form. Players shouldn't reach a point in the game before it's even over and be like, "Woohoo, it's easy street from here! I'm home free!" Once those exit gates are powered, the killer becomes much weaker; NOED makes the killer dangerous again.

    I don't like dying to NOED, but there are multiple reasons why I don't think it should be removed from the game. (Other reasons: It counters Adrenaline. It encourages survivors to take some time away from gens and cleanse dull totems. It can be used for an end-game build.)

    The perk Small Game should have a totem counter.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Then... why even make a poll, if there's only one answer people are allowed to give?

    I'm a survivor main, by the way, I barely play killer except for dailies, so this isn't coming from a killer who just wants easy wins. NOED is one of the most easily countered perks in the game. If some people don't do totems to counter it, that is 100% their fault. If killers want to use it in conjunction with a power that lets them instadown, how is that any different to a survivor choosing perks that compliment their choice of item?

    We can't remove a perk from the game just because it works well with the powers of certain killers, that's lunacy. Killers are allowed to have good loadouts, and they're allowed to employ strategies that make it easier for them to get kills. Again, this is one of the most reliably counterable strategies in the entire game, so it's not even that great. There's really no call to remove it altogether.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452
    edited October 2019

    It may seem that way but NOED is easily counterable and you are fully capable of disabling NOED before it's active.

    What you lack is the capacity to deny NOED before activation.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I don't really feel it's unfair when i verse it.

    Plus they said they also feel it's fair.

    None of these choices are close enough to my opinion, unfortunately.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Kinda just defeats the purpose of a poll if you're not gonna add the other answer there.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Noed is fine imo, I have no problem cleansing totems when I’m a survivor.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I pick no because doing totems isn't difficult.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    NOED is literally just a anti-genrush perk. It's fine. Break the totems.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694


  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    Lmao there is no "no" option. Deal with it. Don't like the poll, there is such a thing as ignore. There is no 74% when you don't hear the survivors side. I see a lot of survivors talk about it. And for the millionth time, I always run around doing totems while others don't.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    There's more toxic killers then there are swf. Which I don't see a lot of swf. I don't even okay in swf. Once in awhile I see ppl in FB group asking and not everyone joins. It doesn't encourage anything. It makes things more fair for all players in my opinion. Noed is over kill.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    Its not an anti gen rush. Lol noed doesn't stop rushing. It encourages slugging for the end game. X'D

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2019

    If you're not going to vote on what's listed, then don't bother trying to put a "no" vote just because you feel a type of way. This isn't to encourage toxic killers. This is for people who genuinely feel this perk needs either a rework or removal. If you want to vote for no, go vote on the other poll that was clearly made by someone who's upset by my poll. Lol

  • Siverious
    Siverious Member Posts: 12

    This is so true it hurts I legit said it's a perk to reward bad killers, and most of the ones who use it are indeed horrible

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The survivors are being heard. I'm a survivor. Half the people who've said no on this thread are survivor mains. We just happen to recognise that killers are allowed to have powerful strategies too and shouldn't be crippled for no good reason.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    edited October 2019

    It literally punishes you for genrushing mate, what are you talking about.

    Do the secondary objective (ie Totems) and you wont get punished.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You can't get useful data from an incomplete poll. Even if people vote on it the yes's are meaningless if there wasn't a no option listed.

    And there is a no option, there always is. You didn't list it but all opinions on the topic are valid regardless of if you are keeping track of them or not.

    You can't stop people from disagreeing with you and attempting to make a badly written poll to try is futile.

    @Phoenix_Wright add 1 to your no count plz.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    I doubt that they all are.

    Either way my poll is what it is. There are others that feel differently and should be able to speak up without others having to be rude or harsh. There's a lot of survivors that use small game. We aren't stupid. There's also survivors that play with others and not everyone does totems. I see noed being used a lot in higher ranks. I run around doing all totems. The game isn't for survivors to always lose on favor of the killer. It's supposed to be balanced. Survivors can't attack a killer. Killers can attack, use traps ect. Survivors don't get traps. Instead they get nerfed to the ground. Now they nerfed insta heal because killers get mad that they heal before they get out down.

  • Siverious
    Siverious Member Posts: 12

    I actually don't mind them removi g adrenaline as well as noed both are dumb endgame crutch perks and the thing that annoys me most about noed is it encourages slugging and toxic behavior from the killer. If it activates they slug everyone if it doesnt they face camp anyone they catch. Adrenaline is a get out of jail free card and also needs to be removed

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    If there was a no option I would have put that. Clearly it's not there so no there is no no option.

    It's not a badly written poll. Yeah people can agree to disagree. But the majority are being extremely rude for no reason which is sad and childish. Lol this is to encourage those that feel other wise. It's obvious that people that like noed will say no. But it's not for that. It's for people to express why it should be.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    It's an Asymetric game, each side does different things.

    Survivors can't attack a Killer.

    But Killer's can't repair a generator.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    Totems isn't a 2nd object. And there is no gen rushing. Yes a gen can be done fast if there's two or more on one gen. There's 5 gens.

  • Nyxis_Fier
    Nyxis_Fier Member Posts: 112

    I get that. But regardless killer has more advantages. Aside from undoing gen work, having attacks and traps, they also have perks to do one shots, slow gens ECT.

    What I think should also happen is, if a killer is going to camp around their hexs, they have the entity blind the killer.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Your question allows for a no even if your poll does not.

    14 people explicitly chose the no option and a few more implied that they would if asked. Your poll didn't record it because your poll assumed the answer to the question when giving the answers, but it is their answer regardless.

    If you want a thread to express a specific opinion then don't make a poll. That's not what a poll is for and it just makes you seem like a blatantly entitled ######### that refuses to address the other side to the point where you will literally ask a yes or no question and declare that you can't answer no. That's not a question that's a demand.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If the Killer camps the hex just leave. He's not defending gates or even a Survivor on a hook so you have no reason not to just open a gate and get out.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Survivors have fast gen completion times, windows, pallets, a free radar that says when the Killer is nearby most of the time, a 3rd person camera, second chance perks (DS/BT/Adrenaline/DH), toolboxes to speed up gens even further, keys and the hatch.

    If you want to talk advantages Survivors have plenty.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Survivors are not always losing to the killer. You only have to look at the survival rates to know that. I am 110% in favour of people with different views being able to express their opinion, but you can't expect people not to call you out on it when you create a poll whose only purpose is to be an echo chamber for people who share your ideas. I'm not being rude or harsh, and I don't think you're stupid. I'm just telling you respectfully that I think you're wrong.