Archive Levels Locked?

So I pretty much love everything about the Archives but there is one small thing that I kind of don’t like, and that is the archive levels being locked until a set period of time has passed. This means that you won’t be able to complete the archives/rift at your own pace, but instead be limited by this arbitrary time constraint. I just don’t really get it’s purpose, so I’m hoping one of the devs could share the reasoning for it?
Sorry to tag you but I’m just really curious about this.
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Yes, this is very unfortunate.
I, for example, have time to play only during weekends (and not every weekend). Then, I mostly play for like 8-10h, which is quite a lot time, but stretched in a relatively short time. And, as you say, I won't be able to progress in the Rift, despite I could.
And I am sure, that most adult players will have the same problem. Let's just hope they change it.
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Yeah I can see it being an issue in those instances. Plus I just don’t see the reason for it. What benefit does it give to anyone?
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It staggers content so people who only play periodically have a reason to return more frequently, perhaps? So it mainly benefits the company.
Tho tbh I don't really see how this is a problem even if you have limited time. Tomes never close if I understand correctly so you can still kinda do them at your own pace.
And also, the archive challanges are neither necessary nor sufficent to completely level up your Rift, you need the extra fragments from meeting the xp goals. So the archives being staggered won't be the thing stopping you from leveling up your Rift.
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Came here looking for exactly this. The only reason I can see is to hold back our progression to the rate they want us to go, and possibly force people to fail to be able to level the rift because by the time all the needed challenges come out, you have had something come up and cannot jump on and play like you could earlier in the rift? I get they want to give people a reason to constantly get on to up their traffic but...come on it is super inconvenient for some of us?
(By fail to level the rift, to clarify, I mean not being able to get all your Auric Cells back, and then have to pay for the next rift instead of basically getting it for free by putting in the time. While I can't be 100% sure, it looks like you will NEED all the levels of the archive challenges, likely from both sides, to really get to the end...? Maybe it won't be so much of a grind and not as bad as I'm worried?)
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Well, as of now, by FULLY completing both Level 1 & 4, you will gain a total of 178 Rift Fragments alone. That only amounts to 17 Tiers in the Rift. There is going to be a lot of necessary gameplay out of JUST progressing the Rift. It will probably not be enough to just rely on the Rift's Fragments. And the Challenges on Level 4 Seem Impossible without a SWF or extremely specific circumstances occuring in the game as Killer OR survivor. They're setting us up for defeat, but they know they can het away with it cause everyone is hype and buys the Rift right off the bat.