Dead by Daylight Chapter Contest! IN SPACE

thisdude9001 Member Posts: 96
edited September 2019 in Creations
  1. The chapter must fit the theme of the contest. For our first contest, we want to see a chapter which surrounds the concept of space.
  2. Your chapter must be posted in this thread.
  3. You may only create one chapter.
  4. Until the contest is finished, do not publicly post your Chapter anywhere else, other than the discussion thread for these contests. If you are found to have done so, that chapter will be disqualified (though you will be allowed to post a new one if you wish, within reason). Privately sharing your work is acceptable.
  5. Your chapter must be complete by 11:59 PM Central Time on Wednesday October 16th. After that, I will put up a voting thread. Any submissions or edits after that point will be considered invalid. A two-week extension will be implemented if at least three requests are made in the chat thread.
  6. Have fun, be respectful.
  7. Please only post contest submissions on this thread, Here is the Chat Thread.
Post edited by thisdude9001 on


  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Bumping this to the top because i missed it and others may have also

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358
    edited October 2019

    My submission

    Chapter name - Blind Fear

    Name - The Fear

    Standard killer stats. Tall. 32m. 115% Weapon black tendril whip like thingy.

    Backstory - A hunter from another world. It feeds on fear. It is of a parasitic race, that has spread through the cosmos for food. Ever hungry and capable of taking the shape of whatever it's prey fears most. It's race has been known throughout the centuries by many names: ghost, vampire, monster. Whatever elicits the most of a victims precious fear is what it becomes.

    Though never subservient, the offer of an endless supply of food in service of the Entity was a deal it couldn't pass up.

    Now both the Fear and the Entity are gorged.

    Powers - Fear of the Dark

    1) A being of shadow. You are susceptible to light. It takes half the time to flashlight stun you. The tradeoff is you can see very well in the dark. And tapping your power button allows you to channel pure darkness throughout your terror radius. While channeling you can not attack but can see outlines of objects and people. This lasts up to 10 seconds, but tapping the power button again ends the power early. Survivors can not see more than 4 meter away from them. Also, inflicts the deafness status effect. A flashlight will illuminate what it points at but doesn't remove the darkness completely. Has a 30 second cooldown. If power ends early the remaining time is removed from the cooldown.

    2) Survivors inside your terror radius suffer from aura blindness status effect.

    3) You can interact with an object, generator, hook, chest, totem. That object gains a terror radius equal 16 meters. Can be cleansed by survivors. This has 2 uses and both can be active at the same time. Effects persist until cleansed. When cleansed you can use this again. Takes 5 seconds to apply. When Fear of The Dark is active these additional terror radius' also become darkness for any player inside of it.

    Add ons


    1(horrible at naming things) slightly increases terror radius by 2 meters

    2 slightly decrease time it takes to give an object a terror radius by .25 seconds

    3 slightly increase visable outlines of survivors while fear of the dark is active

    4 increases survivor sounds by 10% in darkness

    5 Fear of The Dark no longer defend, instead gain 100 extra bloodpoints in deviousness for every second a survivor is inside the darkness

    6 you can see your terror radius


    7 replace your terrior radius with a semi circle that extends an entra 8 meters infront of you. Doesnt stack with other terror radius perks or add ons

    8 slightly reduces cool down of Fear of the Dark by 2 seconds

    9 moderately decreases time to apply terror radius to objects by .50 seconds

    10 gain a temporary speed burst when ending fear of the dark. 2% bonus

    11 add a 3rd terror radius to objects while decreasing that tr by 4 meters

    12 moderately increase terror radius by 4 meters, slightly increase survivor action speed by 5% while inside a terror radius while fear of the dark is active

    13 increase terror radius by 4 meters

    14 increase survivor sounds by 15%


    15 reduce fear of the dark cooldown by 6 seconds

    16 gain a notification if someone in your terror radius enters a locker


    17 gain 3rd terror radius on objects and increase their range by 4 meters

    18 gain the ability to interrupt survivor actions while Fear of the Dark is active


    19 survivor auras are revealed to you while in darkness. Your movement speed is decreased by 5% while fear of the dark is active.

    20 your terror radius encompases the entire map. You can no longer apply a terror radius to objects. Fear of the Dark power time is reduced to 8 seconds. Power cooldown is increased to 45 seconds

    21 when you activate fear of the dark, all survivors caught in the dark are stunned and unable to move for half a second.


    Hex- Light to Dark- All active hex totems except for this one appear dull until this is cleansed.

    Focused Fear - You are one scary killer and illicit new levels of fear in your prey. You become obsessed with a survivor and can only be obsessed with one survivor at a time. Every time you hit your obsession this perk gains a token up to 2 tokens.

    For each token, skill check success areas decrease by 10/15/20% for every survivor except your obsession

    If your obsession is killed you become obsessed with another survivor.

    If your obsession changes, you lose all tokens.

    Silent Demise (or No One Can Hear You Scream)- Survivors don't get an audio notification when someone is hooked and the hook aura isn't shown for 10/15/20 seconds to survivors more than 24 meters away.

    "Cat got your tongue?"

    Mori - The Fear grabs the survivor and black tendrils of darkness envelop them. With the face being the last to be enclosed. The survivor releases a terrified scream that can be heard map wide like the demogorgon growl. The Fear drops the survivor and moves on.

    How to play. I wanted another killer with jumpscare potential. Imagine playing survivor and the lights go out and when they come back the killer is staring at you in your face. Or lights come back on and nothing is there. You think you are safe until you turn the corner.

    Basically confuse people with multiple trs, mind game the heck out of them. Shut the lights out and laugh as people jump.

    Also because of the form changing ability, it unlocks a cosmetic based on any killer that is level 50p3. Similar to leatherfaces masks.


    Johnny Winger

    A professional trick bike racer. He spends more time in the air than the ground it seems. His career derailed when injury after injury became life threatening. He got used to the pain meds, which led to harder drug use. He lost his friends, his family and all desire to live. He decided 1 last ride to end it all. He found a highway on a steep incline and sped off the side.

    He woke up in a dark realm, without the need for drugs. Through the lens of sobriety he realized he wanted to live and is fighting now to hopefully regain what he lost.


    Just a Flesh Wound

    Injuries are no big deal. Wipe it off and keep going. You bleed 50/75/100% less when injured and ignore the mangled status effect completely.


    You have always loves the spotlight. While running your scratch marks are more visable and emanate in a 6 meter area around you. They will have the appearance of going through doorways or on the other side of vaults.


    You've lived on the edge for your whole life. As such, situations that would scare most people don't faze you a bit.

    Ignore killer terror radius PERK effects by 50/75/100% (anti-unnerving presence and coulrophobia)

    Map- Derelict Space Cruiser the Annointed

    The vessel the Entity pulled the Fear from. Contains multiple levels suited for the Fear's powers. The atmosphere is dark as lights flicker due to power losses. Each floor is different with one being a farm like area that food was grown, to another being crew quarters and mess hall. The 3rd is the cargo bay. Each floor having a unique feel. 

    Will try to come up with names for add ons but like i said im horrible at naming things.

    Also will try to add a picture when i feel artsy enough

    *edit power slightly based on suggestions and reworked some add ons and Silent Demise perk. Added purple rarity which i forgot about

    *edit 2 added chapter name

    Post edited by csandman1977 on
  • VoodooMan7995
    VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2019

    My submission:

    Chapter Name: The Final Frontier Chapter

    Killer: The Martian

    Height: 6' 5"

    Weight: 197 pounds

    Nationality: Russian (Mother's Side), African (Father's Side)

    Real Name: Zoe Mandell

    Age: 17

    Terror Radius: 27

    Weapon: Alien Spear


    Entity Tech Neptune-

    Place a small pod on the ground which when stepped on by a survivor, can reveal their location to you for 7 seconds through their screams, and teleport you to the nearest generator that is being repaired. If a survivor is there, you automatically grab them off the hook. You can place up to 3 of these pods, and while one is activated, the others cannot be activated until the next time a survivor is unhooked by another survivor. Pods are silver and give a shimmer when within 5 meters of a survivor, and can be removed by survivors after 15 seconds of cleansing. Pods take 6 seconds to place, and add-ons can take it down to 4 seconds.

    Mori- She drives the Alien Spear through the back of the victim and twists it in circles as she sits on them. She then places a new type of pod on there head that teleports their head right off, not to be seen again.

    Backstory: (Sorry its kinda long) Zoe Mandall was just a girl. She was the great Granddaughter of a russian cosmonaut who was the first man to successfully colonize mars in her dimension.

    He sadly died, and the company that sent him to space decided to send Zoe to space in honor of the amazing man. She was sent with a crew to attempt to travel to travel to collect samples of Saturn's outer ring (as tech in her dimension allowed travel there, but it was never done).

    On the way home, another astronaut on the trip decided to make jokes about the death of Zoe's Grandfather. She punched him, and he pulled a knife out of his pockets and stabbed her. The entity sensed this rage, and watched what happened next.

    The other cosmonauts walked in the room and saw what happened. The man stabbed and slashed until everyone he saw was dead. He took an escape pod back to earth, not realizing his twin brother was also still alive on the ship. He was napping in his room on the shuttle.

    The entity spawned an alien meteor which crashed into the side of the ship. It then awoke Zoe and turned her body into a deep blue colored alien form with a sharp rib cage and still almost human face. Her black har still on her new alien scalp. She was filled with rage for the man who snarked at her grandfather, and wanted more than anything to cause him pain.

    She was now the martian, a being of great power armed with a spear, forged from tech inside the alien meteor. The entity did not tell her that the last perosn alive on the ship wasnt the man who made fun of her lineage. So she was destined to hunt him upon the shuttle, which now crashed on a habitable planet in the entity's realm of shadows.

    Survivor: Boris Farmer

    Nationality: American

    Weight: 205 pounds

    Height: 5' 9"

    Age: 21

    Breathing: Medium

    Overall Size: Medium

    Groans: Quiet



    -Saturn's Bars: Your rage spreads to the moon and back. When survivors spawn over 50 meters away from you, you see them for the first 20 seconds of the match or until they enter your terror radius

    -Red Rust: Blood trails turn bright pink for all players, and last 3 seconds longer. Generators 'rust' which slows the fixing time down by 10%

    -Mars Meteor: 1 generator per game is gaurded by a firey meteor shell until 2 other generators are completed


    -Astronaut Toolset: All items last 2x as long, but keys become more rare. This makes you 5% slower in chases and speeds up healing and sabotaging by 4%

    -Astro Physics: Toolboxes are 5% more efficent until only 2 more generators are required.

    -Final Frontier: When the gate is closed, all hooks are left together, and provide double bloodpoints for dismantling them.

    Map: Space Station

    -All gravity is still on, no anti-gravity.

    -Hooks are designed like giant robotic arms, that glitch and spark a bit.

    -The map is decently large, but is just a lot of large rooms similar to the hospital/asylum.

    Post edited by VoodooMan7995 on
  • thisdude9001
    thisdude9001 Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2019

    Chapter Name- Eldritch Beings

    Killer- The Aberrant

    Standard killer stats. Tall. 32m. 115% Weapon Short blast of force from head (average weapon reach/lunge)

    Appearance: Tall slimy figure with squid skin, its face has many tentacles hanging over it's mouth. Dressed in moss covered robes and cowl.

    Mori: Killer flips downed survivor over, if no parasites left in inventory then he bites face, if parasites left in inventory then he plants one into victims brain killing them.


    Mind Pulse- You spend a short duration focusing your mind to fire a blast of psionic energy over a short distance. Any used pallets get destroyed and generators become damaged, objects that are blocked by terrain are not effected.

    Mind Parasite- After knocking down a survivor you can implant them with a parasite. The survivors must find a serum to kill the parasite. Survivors infected by a parasite will begin to see the world start changing, skill checks will become more difficult and the survivor will begin to see imaginary pellets appear around the world. If a survivor dies or gets sacrificed while infected the Aberrant can consume the parasite, after consuming a parasite The Aberrant's base attack increases in range of 15% for each parasite consumed. You begin with 5 parasites and whenever you consume a parasite you regain one.

    Killer Perks: Focuses on finding survivors and punishing them for their mistakes.

    Mind's Wrath: Your alien nature corrupts the mind of survivors. If a survivor stares directly at you for 30/25/20 seconds they scream and reveal their location.

    Failure's Wrath: Your preys failures fuels your power. Whenever a survivor fails a skill check you move 15/25/35% faster for 3/4/5 seconds.

    Narcissist's Wrath: Whenever your at least 34 meters away from a hooked survivor and they go down a hook phase any survivors not in chase will gain the exposed condition for 15/25/35 seconds.

    Survivor- Tycho Brahe- Wealthy astronomer

    Survivor Perks:

    Celestial Map: You can mark generators, exit gates, black locks, and chest by staring at them for 5/3/1 seconds. Whenever you mark an object you can see its aura for 20/28/36 meters.

    Secrets of the Entity: You learned how to work around the entities rules. You can untwine the entities grasp on the world, when you approach the entities claws you can make a skill check to remove them. In addition you can vault through windows an extra time.

    Tweaked Equipment: While your holding a toolbox or a med-kit you can begin to make skill checks with it, using an item in this way still consumes its charges. These skill checks are more difficult and every time you succeed you gain a token. You can spend tokens on skill checks when healing or repairing generators allowing you to automatically succeed the check.

    Map: Similar to The Underground Complex but with more tentacles

    Post edited by thisdude9001 on
  • thisdude9001
    thisdude9001 Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2019

    Chapter Name: Eldritch Beings

    Killer- The Aberrant

    Standard killer stats. Tall. 32m. 115% Weapon Short blast of force from head (average weapon reach/lunge)


    Mind Pulse- You spend a short duration focusing your mind to fire a blast of psionic energy over a short distance. Any used pallets get destroyed and generators become damaged, objects that are blocked by terrain are not effected.

    Mind Parasite- After knocking down a survivor you can implant them with a parasite. The survivors must find a serum to kill the parasite. Survivors infected by a parasite will begin to see the world start changing, skill checks will become more difficult and the survivor will begin to see imaginary pellets appear around the world. If a survivor dies or gets sacrificed while infected the Aberrant can consume the parasite, after consuming a parasite The Aberrant's base attack increases in range of 15% for each parasite consumed. You begin with 5 parasites and whenever you consume a parasite you regain one.


    Mind's Wrath: Your alien nature corrupts the mind of survivors. If a survivor stares directly at you for 30/25/20 seconds they scream and reveal their location.

    Failure's Wrath: Your preys failures fuels your power. Whenever a survivor fails a skill check you move 15/25/35% faster for 3/4/5 seconds.

    Narcissist's Wrath: Whenever your at least 34 meters away from a hooked survivor and they go down a hook phase any survivors not in chase will gain the exposed condition for 15/25/35 seconds.

    Survivor- Tycho Brahe

    Celestial Map: You can mark generators, exit gates, black locks, and chest by staring at them for 5/3/1 seconds. Whenever you mark an object you can see its aura for 20/28/36 meters.

    Secrets of the Entity: You learned how to work around the entity's rules. You can untwine the entity's grasp on the world, when you approach the entities claws you can make a skill check to remove them. In addition you can vault through windows an extra time.

    Tweaked Equipment: While your holding a toolbox or a med kit you can begin to make skill checks with it, using an item in this way still consumes its charges. These skill checks are more diffcult and every time you succeed you gain a token. You can spend tokens on skill checks when healing or repairing generators allowing you to automatically succeed.

    Map similar to underground complex but with more tentacles

    Post edited by thisdude9001 on
  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Chapter: Buffy the vampire slayer

    Killer: Glory / The master / Angel

    Survivor 1: Buffy Summers

    -Super strenght


    -Can resist fatal wounds

    Survivor 2: Willow Rosenberg

    -Can wield magick

    -Very smart


    Map: Sunnydale highschool

  • thisdude9001
    thisdude9001 Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2019