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What should be altered to make NOED feel fairer to play against?

ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
edited October 2019 in Polls

I've seen several people complaining about NOED and I thought I'd make a poll with some suggestions. Personally, I don't find NOED overpowered as it triggers exceptionally late in the game and most of the time only guarantees 1 sacrifice, however I can see how it feels unfair to play against if you're the Survivor on the receiving end of the perk.

Below are my suggestions on how to make NOED feel fairer to play against whilst trying to not take away its power.

What should be altered to make NOED feel fairer to play against? 93 votes

Add a totem counter to the UI
Mc_Hartyvampire_toothyArk_the_BonsaiStevoRepliCantJetTheWaffleCat0h_DoctorarslaNbrokedownpalaceStinkyAven_Fallenad19970JawsIsTheNextKillerMert_MKAzurlynxmutabletiger4KralleBoosted_DwightNullSp3cMysticAdvisor 30 votes
Survivors are informed of NOED when it activates, not after a player is hit
zacmangamingTheRealHansGruberAxX7891CreeRoyaltyDrVeloxcityCritical_FishDarootLeafstorm[Deleted User]xRemKacperLenczewskistylisticx 11 votes
NOED provides an additional bonus after 2/3 generators are cleansed to hint at it's presence (see Devour Hope)
AnthonyC2014grtf47 2 votes
NOED feels fair to play against
MandyBossWhite_OwlGibberishAdelooOnryosTapeRentalskodiakyMister_xDFibijeankatoptrisDaddyTrappersGirlSpartagone45Xpikselgrayon444Ramxenoc445shepherd404AssassinZodiacanarchy753Knex4545Micheal_Myers 48 votes
HuR dUr AdReNaLiNe!!!3!
8obot1cmrmeowskeeen 2 votes


  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    *Typo on 3rd option. Supposed to say generators are fixed, not cleansed XD

  • MissGamer456
    MissGamer456 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2019

    NOED is not big an issues because I generally think every killer is running NOED so i spend the beginning or mid-game just cleansing totems to prevent NOED, but I just hate those survivors who just walk pass dull totems and gen rush. Now NOED becomes an Issue when Killers have Ruin and NOED Like if we can't find ruin and the killer is tunneling I just push through RUIN and it completely unfair that you A: Have ruin to try and slow down the game B: your'e tunneling and camping everyone C: you have NOED on top on that. It just scream "I'm a sorry crappy killer trying way to hard". NOED is just unnecessary if you are a good killer. If you are running Ruin not tunneling or camping NOED is your clutch perk because you fail to kill everyone before endgame. Now if killer is not running Ruin then it's a gen rusher punishing perk. If you are tunneling and camping with NOED you're just a trash killer. If you are running NOED on and insta-down killer you're just pathetic.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I feel it's unfair to ask the solo Survivors to take a perk to counter an opposing perk that may not be in-game.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    As said, I personally don't think NOED is a problem when playing against, the issue lies with how it feels to play against. When a Survivor who cleansed 3 totems gets insta-downed with no warning, you can understand what they are probably feeling.

    Although DBD is a team-game and there is some expectation that all Survivors pull their weight and cleanse totems on sight, in reality, there are Survivors who are playing with different strategies in mind and there will be totems that no-one will stumble across. Plus, it doesn't feel right when 1 Survivor is punished for another Survivors actions.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I think you misclicked when voting, the option you wanted was the next one down.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,025
    NOED feels fair to play against

    I honestly didn't know what that one meant

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    It's an voting option for 3 particular types of players:

    • Those that say "take Adrenaline" and leave the discussion at that (I see it very commonly in discussions regarding anything about NOED/Adrenaline)
    • Those who ignore some issues and group everyone who complains as noobs, idiots or ignorant meta-slaves
    • Those who love chaos
  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    It's an option for 3 types of people:

    • Those who suggest taking adrenaline and leaving the discussion at that
    • Those who ignore issues/suggestions and group everyone together under 1 category (noobs, meta-slaves, etc)
    • Those who love chaos
  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    *Poll seems to be currently bugged, may be delay or lack of response when interacting

  • NOED feels fair to play against

    I totally agree, just because a perk is meta does not mean that you should run it every time. You should take into account how you like to play and build on off of that. Hate hex’s? Run small game. Hate tunneling? Run DS. Hate camping? Run kindred or BT. Noed and all other hex perks have the easiest counter play of any killer perks. Complaining about easily counterable things while you run the perks spurgmaster69 said are god tier that don’t counter the things you hate is no one’s fault but your own.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I'm definitely not against a totem counter. Swf have one so I think solo should as well.

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158
    NOED feels fair to play against

    I feel like Small Game should provide a totem counter, or even just add one to base kit, but I also kinda like the idea of NOED activating like Haunted Grounds when the last gen pops to give the game that "oh shoot" moment. Either would be good, but I'd say both would be nice as well.

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587
    NOED feels fair to play against

    NOED is completely fair at this point in the game. I'm not gonna get into all the second chance perks both sides have but at this point, if you don't cleanse totems, it's your fault. It's not hard to take 15 seconds to cleanse a totem. Remember when it was just a perk that activated? Not tied to a totem? That's when it was unfair.

  • shepherd404
    shepherd404 Member Posts: 20
    NOED feels fair to play against

    i dont have a problem with NOED, its fair. What this does is force a choice imo - if your clear to escape you have to decide if your gonna risk running around exposed to save others. Saving everyone and tea-bagging at the gate is actually not mandatory

  • BloodyBunny
    BloodyBunny Member Posts: 114
    edited October 2019
    NOED feels fair to play against

    To fix noed i feel the issue of genrushing should be addressed because it is a way of fixing genrushing and honestly i feel you cant really fix noed until you fix genrushing but because nerfing noed would be easier to do and half the playerbase constantly ask for it/demanding it the devs will probably nerf noed before they find an actual way of solving genrushing but really its pretty fair just cleanse the totems

  • Stevo
    Stevo Member Posts: 121
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    While I personally think NOED is balanced as it is, a totem count would be a good QoL change for solos, given SWF will have this information anyway. It’d be better than having to guess if your team were competent enough to look for totems or not just to get screwed over because they didn’t. Worst thing is when you as an individual cleanse 4 totems and get killed because of NOED. One of the worst feelings in the game without a doubt.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    NOED feels fair to play against

    Instead of an instadown, I think it should have a really quick attack cooldown and a better speed boost, so it's still powerful but feels more fun to play with.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    The poll is aimed at making NOED feel fairer to play with and against, and not about changing it for being overpowered/underpowered.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    But you don't know everyone is exposed until someone is hit?

  • shepherd404
    shepherd404 Member Posts: 20
    NOED feels fair to play against

    @ChiTenshi I believed you see that you are exposed, like when Myers stalks you you get the Status HUD icon for exposed. Is that not the case?

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    That's indeed not the case. The exposed status only reveals itself once a Survivor has been hit.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    NOED feels fair to play against

    I don’t mind noed, I usually do bones.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    NOED feels fair to play against

    Couldn't care less about NOED.

    It is such a perk of desperation imo. Most killer that use it will probably camp the ######### out of somebody who was hit.

    Gives the rest enough time to do the totem. rescue that guy and go out. No need to do totems at all.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    NOED feels fair to play against

    there should not be a totem counter on the UI.

    add it to Small Game, so you at least have to sacrifice 1 perk slot for it.

    killers also dont have one unless they equip Thrill of the Hunt.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    NOED feels fair to play against

    Noed threads are never getting old :P

    While noed is in my opinion a noob perk, i think it is fair. The Killer is running the whole game only 3 active perks, it can be cleansed by doing bones, and against a potent team, it does not really help you get more then maybe one kill.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    Noed is, by itself, fine. There really should be a UI counter for both sides though. Being able to know how many totems have been broken would be incredibly useful for decision making on both sides.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2019
    NOED feels fair to play against

    I think a totem counter would be overkill, especially in the hands of swf teams that can tell the others where the totems have been already cleansed. Counting to 5 is not hard afterall.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I think a totem counter would be a good change to help out solo survivors, however I also have a suggestion of my own that I didn't notice as an option in the poll ;

    I believe that totems should be given a more objective reason to be part of the game rather than just being tied to hex perks. If we look at lockers for instance, over the past few chapter updates we've seen them receive buffs and perks to make them a bigger part of the game by allowing them to block auras, muffle sounds to make it harder to hear an injured survivor and perks such as iron maiden and head on which revolves around lockers. Inner Strength in my opinion was a great way to give totems more purpose but I believe that the next step should be giving a baseline reason to do totems rather than the fear of a perk or for the sake of bloodpoints.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    You're a fine example to my 'different play-style' argument. Although there is an expectation for players to do totems, everyone has a different mindset and play-style in-game.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    Sacrificing 1 perk slot to bring a Solo Player closer to SWF standard is a bit harsh.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    Totem placement brought up to par.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    A totem counter isn't going to benefit a SWF team as they have the communication and counting capability to know when all the totems have been cleansed.

    A Solo Player however, doesn't have this knowledge. They can't talk to the their allies and have to scout the full map to figure out how many totems have been done.

    A totem counter would only benefit Solo Players and help shrink the gap between them and SWF groups.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    It's getting better, but that's more of a different issue that affects several perks.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,486

    Make it so that if I cleanse four totems and NOED still procs, the other survivors immediately go into the dying state and I don't suffer from the exposed effect. Boom, perfect.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    Bones or death, I love it xD

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79

    If there's a totem counter, it needs to be for both sides...but overall I strongly disagree w/ adding this.

    I still say there should just be a default "spotting" wheel w/ messages based on context. Look at a totem, press the "spot" key or bring up the radio wheel and it says "Claudette <player> notices a totem..." and when completing an action (other than generators, which don't need any context), "Claudette <player> cleanses a totem..."

    Basically a "combat log" which gives the data, but up to the player to digest and analyze it. Of course, this is very sparse and vague...intentionally. But it wouldn't tell you anything SWF wouldn't already know and wouldn't "count" for you, etc.

    Oh, and it fades away after a few seconds...and/or visible only if within so many meters of a person doing said actions.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I do agree, totems should be given more reasons to cleanse but BHVR are slowly expanding on that. With the addition of Inner Strength, hopefully we can look forward to more interesting interactions around the bone-y shrines.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I think the "combat log" (no matter how vague it is), would provide a lot more information.

    A totem counter says how many totems are left, simple.

    A "combat log" gives location, where it was cleansed, etc.

    And I'm not against a totem counter being added for both sides, could be developed towards some more interesting interactions and game-play.

  • Marcurie
    Marcurie Member Posts: 79
    edited October 2019

    If you look at my example, the log wouldn't provide any of that (unless location-based).

    My vision of it would be similar to the text-based nuances of the old WoW log where it would create sentences instead of straight <player> Cleanses <totem> etc.

    Claudette <player> found a totem...

    David <player> is hooked, awaiting the Entity...

    Not everything needs to be written this way...such as hooks, etc. They have visual queues. However, none of this is "more" information as I think it best these "entries" in the "log" would only be visible by survivors or, preferably, filtered so that killers may not see certain entries.

    As I said, all of this information is already there for SWF. This still allows a solo player, the only one who would benefit from this since SWF are in Discord discussing it, the ability to track certain "entries" mentally: "OK! I see Claudette has cleansed a totem, that makes two now..."

    This doesn't mean they will...but the information is available to the solo player, information SWF already have and/or are discussing and keeping track of. It's like, give the solo player a way to basically keep in touch, without breaking the BHVR-esque "no communications" precipice.

    Just straight giving folks a "counter" is way too easy when totem placement already makes for a decent issue since their use is so particular to begin with.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    I only have a nitpick with NOED activating when the Hatch is closed, which means it's just 1 Survivor VS 1 Killer...its already in the Killer's favor unless the Survivor is good at hiding and slow opening the Gate OR if the Gates are far enough..... NOED feels like overkill then.

  • SinisterDog
    SinisterDog Member Posts: 48
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I do think it's fair to play against but for simplicity's sake totem counter should be added anyways

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    I personally don't have an issue with NOED, but more information for solo players (that SWF would already have) couldn't hurt anything.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634
    Add a totem counter to the UI

    Ark makes a good point. c:

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    NOED feels fair to play against

    But adding a totem counter could help tbh.

  • I dont think it should give a speed boost since the actually effect is strong enough