Killer main, trying survivor



  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    The biggest frustration for a solo survivor is other survivors. I'm not a very good player by any means. But compared to some of my teammates I look like Puppers. I think that's the one thing killer mains don't understand. They think survivor is easy. When half the time your team screws you.

    Bond and Prove Thyself really are great. As others have said already, the information from Bond can be invaluable. Prove Thyself is nice for the speed boost. Also the added blood points makes maxing Objective pretty easy. I've also found Spine Chill to be highly useful. If you prefer stealth it's fantastic. Even if you prefer looping it can help you get to a good spot by telling you to leave early.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    Those were the days when killers not yet had wallhack perks like chili or nurses calling. I think they should convert all these perks and add ons the same way they modified small game to no longer show the outline of traps or totems to survivors but give a sound queue....

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270
  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    I remember when I started this game with friends I questioned why you would ever play survivor alone as killer was so much more enjoyable when you don't have a clue how the game works.

    I quickly changed though and if I am playing alone (where the enjoyment is still nothing like playing with friends) I'll often choose survivor over killer now as I just find killer way to stressful.

    And man, you couldn't be more right about people who DC when they get downed, it's the worst when Ur doing good, 3 gens left, one guy gets outplayed and rage quits, suddenly you go from having a nice advantage to a nasty disadvantage

    - A rank 6 survivor and rank 10 killer (killer deranked from rank reset)

  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35

    I play a female survivor, one; because haha so quirky playing other gender, and also they take up less of the screen

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Same here. I change like that frequently. (if I rage at survivors or at killers i just switch to Killer and just hack at it vice versa lol)

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    No matter what group I'm with if I play survivor, I will get screwed by a bad survivor play. Either by running the killer right to us, or unhooking me just to be downed because they have no borrowed time... I can never win as survivor. Then again, survivors have no real win/loss parameters... so I just make mine to stun the killer with Head On at least once and get as many points as possible. I have a lot more fun because of that.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    When you get high in ranks you hardly have any camping

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 613

    The best advice I can give you is to realize that 'winning' doesn't mean escaping or killing all four survivors. Pipping is a better measurement, although it is by no means perfect. You can easily pip and die, or fail to sac them all and still pip.

    Once I changed my mindset about what it meant to 'win' the game was much less stressful. Good luck and have fun!

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    And that is where the ugly face of camping and tunneling rears its head. The main reason getting tunneled is so annoying, is because it prevents you from playing and do not even have a chance to pip. Or even safety pip.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Not sure if anyone answered your question about Bloodpoint discrepancy so here I go.

    The reason Killers get more BP in a match compared to survivors is due to item/add-on economy.

    A survivor can use perks to farm items and add-ons during a match and take them out of that match. Heck even without perks you can still do this in EVERY match.

    The killer must always spend BP in a RNG Bloodweb to replenish their add-ons.

    Due to this discrepancy killers are rewarded more BP so they can somewhat compete in the add-on market/upkeep.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Welcome to the survivor side. We have loads of fun in store (and a bit of rage)!

    Some tips right off the bat are to stick with one person to level up, as you have been doing so far. Don't worry about bringing other survivors up right now. That will come later. Focus on building your roster of perks on one person for now. When you buy your perks, buy things that fit your play style. It is more important to have perks that you like and fit you and not the meta perks because while some perks may be good for some, they might not work for your play style. You'll want to pick your play style right away. Either learn to be a runner (looping, distracting, saving) or learn to play stealth (not getting caught, doing gens, doing totems, etc.) If NOED seems to be a problem, bring small game. It works wonders on totems. For the most part, the rest is memory. You already know the maps, and I'm assuming how to play against killers. Now use that information in reverse against the killer. One of the hardest pills to swallow on the survivor side is that the killer is ultimately in control, they can play however they want, and you do not have the right to escape. These are the things that people get the angriest over. Once you accept these things, you can remain calm, and that helps you play more reasonably while also having more fun!

  • PotEtU
    PotEtU Member Posts: 44

    Looping has been a hell lately, got a ping of 20 most games but i get hit continuously through windows i zoom through with lithe, im like ten feet away and BAM still getting hit

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i agree on almost everything you said.

    but i dont want to start yet another NOED discussion, so lets keep it at "i agree".

    now, since you asked why killers get so many more points than survivors, i'll explain it to you:

    both sides have 4 possible point pools to gain points from, each maxing out at 8k points, allowing both sides to gain up to 32k points per match.

    the main difference is, that the killers 4 categories are all tied to one aspect of the game: the chase. as you said above, the chase is basically the entire killer gameplay, so all his point categories tie back to this.

    • chase awards points for finding survivors and being in chases with them
    • deviousness awards points for using your power during chases efficiently
    • brutality awards points for succesfully striking surrvivors and breaking their defenses
    • sacrifice awards points for succesfully catching and hooking / killing survivors

    that way the killer can fill up all 4 categories at once, letting him end a round with 25.000 - 30.000 BPs.

    survivors on the other hand have their objectives scattered around the entire trial, only gaining points in one category at a time, as they all are tied to different interactions.

    • objective awards points for repairing generators and open the gates
    • survival awards points for escaping death by eigther avoid getting hooked or escaping the trial
    • altruism awards points for healing and rescuing team mates
    • boldness awards points for interacting with the killer

    and on top of that, survivors also play in a team, which means that 4 players will try to gain as many points as possible from each of these categories, letting survivors individually end a round with 15.000 - 25.000 BPs.

    this makes it a lot harder for an individual survivor to outclass the killer in terms of points, as the requirements to gain points as survivor require you to do many different things, while the killer gets many points just from doing one thing.