What makes you bad?

RailY Member Posts: 53

We are here today to answer the Question, how you know, you are bad.

-- Because you think fixing Face Camping will make you better.
It won't face camping is not why you are stuck at rank 10. You are just bad

-- Because you think escaping by using D.Strike makes you skilled.
It doesn't. Using a perk that is widely accepted as "busted" doesn't make you good.
it makes you a mediocre survivor with REALLY good tools.

-- Because you think Pallets and Pellet looping need a nerf.
They don't. When as a survivor the -only- thing you can do after getting spotted is haging a pallet
since no other option is available to you, Nerfing the pallets by just a little but can have a HUGE impact in balance

-- Because you think you are playing for the "Good guys"
You are not. Killers are not the "Good, Honest, Fair guys", Survivors are not the "Good, Honest , Fair guys".
Survivors' strength are in their team play (that's why good killers get 4-kills left and right when facing a group of Random
survivors, while getting wooped from a premade lobby)
while Killers' strength lies in Perks and Add-ons (In skill as well, but that's obvious for both parties)

If Killers are so bad, you won't get lobbies as a Survivor (we've seen that in the past)
If Survivors feel bad to play, you won't find games as a Killer (we see that right now, with 10-15 minutes for a game)

Your fun is SUPER dependant on the fun of your opponent unlike most competitive games.

-- Because you think Survivor items need nerfs
Some do , like the Flashlight timings, but in General nothing is compared
to the Burtal power Killer Add-on and Offerings add.
Mori ? Maybe 1 will survive from the Hatch
Tombstone? Too bad, this game is over before it begins
4 Blinks? Nothing you can do kid sorry
Insta-saw? Later boyz

If killer have the power to end games on spot, just with the use of an add-on or offering
Item balance shouldn't be much of a discussion.
It freakin feels bad because you are up against 4 Items, while survivors are up just against 1
but in terms of power level there is no comparison.

Making survivors able to only bring 2x of the same item per Trial would be cool.

BONUS REASON you are Bad !

Because you you've used the phrase "Sprint Burst has no condition" at least once in your life.
Sprint burst should be nerfed for many reasons.
But when your argument is "no condition"... please refund


  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    mass effort.  not sure why as the wall of text is so vast, that finishing the arduous endeavor of reading it is highly unlikely for even the most blasé of simpletons.
  • RailY
    RailY Member Posts: 53


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I read the first line and stopped, facecamping is no longer a thing in DBD :wink: