Killer Poll (Survivor's Rules)

Theoretical_Heart Member Posts: 398

Do you as Killer abide by the Survivor's Rules for Killers? Meaning ALWAYS go as far as possible from the hook, NEVER EVER run NOED, NEVER EVER rehook/chase a recently unhooked survivor.

Killer Poll (Survivor's Rules) 207 votes

WINTERSJuyaGoodBoyKaruUberMorpthDecember_1863CorruptedGennyFromTheBlock 7 votes
twistedmonkeyDustinBoaris030Ark_the_BonsaiKebekStevoBrawlerMemberBerryOnryosTapeRentalskodiakyTWiXTItzNobodyVolfawottTriggered55GrimbergothMiriamGAcesthetiicMiniPixelsEleghostAkhaten 124 votes
Yes, but only if they are bad/new
GibberishPhantomMask20763Blueberry6yXJI0PeasantBravo0413starkiller1286AnthonyC2014grtf47TheGameZpro3BunnyTheHuttDrazenDoulldozerReynnBoosted_DwightShirtless_MyerssensualsatanGodNapSylorknagMysticAdvisor 35 votes
Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets
Dwight_FairfieldSpaceportal117Mister_xDACEvHEARTSStar99erWickedMilk03SleepyWillodanielbird11Broccoli_Jaegerindieeden7ShirokuroAztreonam78MisterCremasterAven_FallenMert_MKedgarpoopZwyczajneKonto123320AzurlynxyobudddArksnaVixone 41 votes


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I cannot pick an answer... I run by their rules if they ain't toxic, but I do run NOED for end game builds so... Also, if the unhooked player stayed put or ran straight to me, he's getting hit, not hooked though...

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    as long as they dont BM me, i dont BM them.

    i will still try to kill them as efficiently as possible though, so if they genrushed me like nothing, i'll do whatever i can to kill rush them.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    Yes, but only if they are bad/new

    Seeing them try to hide in the open makes me a little sadso i leave them alone when they either reach death hook or after i hook 2 other (better) survivors so they have a chance for more points.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    depends on the situation,if i got alot of hooks already and i'm in a good spot i will follow the survivor's rules but if i'm on the backfoot i won't

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Depends on my mood, but my most honest answer is this.

    In my first year, I was nice. I played to appeal both sides, I didn't camp or tunnel or run NOED.

    In my second and current third year, I could care less. Not to sound dramatic, but we should be aware of the phrase no good deed goes unpunished.

    Why should I comply by these made up rules just so that the survivors can have fun too? I don't care if the game ends in under 5 five minutes with 4 kills, I'm taking it. If I play Leatherface with Insidious and NOED, tough. But one thing is certain, i started playing nice but now as killer I rarely let one survivor go for hatch.

    I guess it kinda just wears you down, the toxicity and entitlement of some people. I've been there as well, but only raged on my own party and not on messages. Being a killer main you recieve a lot of salt, and it gets tiresome.

    Just keep in mind no matter who you are in your story, you're always the villain in someone else's life.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    Since i mainly play Survivor, i know how unfun certain things are to go against such as tunneling, camping, broken add ons, mori's, NOED etc.

    NOED is kinda different however, for me it's always going to be a reward for failing in a match. Totem's aren't the survivors second objective either, they don't even grant objective points. I only ran this perk when i was new to Killer. No surprise really that you always see the bad killers run this. Can't bring myself to use this without feeling bad.

    I refuse to use Mori's or add ons like Prayer Beads. I only make exceptions if it's an obvious SWF that have 4 items or a group i know that is toxic (minus NOED).

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    No I play how I wish.

    I don't camp, tunnel or use perks like NOED. Not because of some made up rules but because I feel I learn more by not doing them.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I play this game to have fun.

    If that means I use no one escapes death then so be it.

    If I see reason to camp or tunnel then I will do it ( Survivors being too altruistic, survivors camping hooks waiting for saves or endgame)

    As I've told multiple survivors who have messaged me calling me a scumbag camper if you give me a reason to stay by the hook don't be surprised when I stay by the hook

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited October 2019

    I do what makes the most sense in a given situation.

    If I hook someone, generally I am going to leave them to patrol generators, because I am not making progress by staying near the hook victim. But if I see scratch marks immediately nearby, I'm not leaving, because that's my chance to score a second hook on an overly altruistic survivor.

    You can also bet that if I'm playing Nightmare, I'm going to make every effort to hook someone near a gen, and then teleport back to that gen once some time has passed without an unhook. And if I'm playing Hag, I'm placing traps around avenues of ingress, and I am going to use them to punish the unhook.

    If I hook you in the basement, I'm generally going to make sure I have a clear path back there to catch someone on their way out. This is the entire function of the basement.

    If you get unhooked in my face, I'm probably going after the survivor who saved you, unless I find you particularly threatening/annoying and I'm confident you aren't protected by BT (or, alas, if I have a Mori daily, which I will sincerely apologize to you for once the game is over -- but blame the game in this case for heavily incentivizing this behavior).

    If doors are open and I hook you, all bets are off. Sorry, but you're almost 100% going to die, because I'm not gonna abandon you and fall for some obvious distraction right by the exit gate. If I'm playing Spirit, I will roundly abuse husk confusion to create a musical chairs hook crisis for everyone who's trying to save you.

    If you're the last survivor and I get to the hatch before you do, you'd better hope I don't find you with Whispers. At this point, I don't have to hook you; I just have to keep you here, and I am patient enough to loop you around a pallet until the timer runs out. If the doors are close together, you're not getting out.

    Also, I don't run NOED, because I feel like that's not a particularly great use of a perk slot. But I'll definitely Franklin's Demise you if I see a full stack of items in the lobby.

    And if more than one survivor disconnects, I'm probably letting at least one of you leave no matter what.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and if you're the last survivor and I'm confident you have Decisive Strike, I will absolutely follow you around and wait a full minute to pick you up if you were unhooked recently.

  • Blackowt_9120
    Blackowt_9120 Member Posts: 300

    Since I can kill them they should be more worried about my rules:

    1. if I see someone near a hook, I’m not going to pretend I didn’t see you to be nice
    2. if you run OoO expect to get tunneled
    3. if I think it’s advantageous to me to slug, imma do it
    4. i patrol hooks
    5. I don’t care about how much fun you have
  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    Yes i always do, unless they are VERY bm.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    I used to camp and destroy red rank SwF teams with Michael and get all the toxicity in my messages. Amazing times. But you can’t camp anymore and pip.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You do you, and I do me. Just don't cheat or be hostile post-game, and it's all good.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I try to play fair. Dont go out of my way to tunnel or camp. For awhile, after getting yelled at so many times for running noed on og freddy (no ruin either) i did my best to play overly fair. Even if it meant giving up the right play at the time.

    And of course when i started failing to kill people I'd get all kinds of taunts and brags in post game messages. (On console which i consider worse since end game chat isn't a thing and you have to go out of your way to insult someone. ) Of course this was when id be rank 15 matched up against a rank 16 and 3 red ranks. I would point that out and the reply would be get gud.

    So now i do run noed on killers im not very familiar with. If i come across a recently unhooked person, I'll slug. I don't intentionally tunnel but i don't feel bad when it happens.

    Camping only when situation calls for it. As spreading pressure is more important.

    Run devour hope almost all the time. And mori for daily.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Listen ain't no rules in the kill zone

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    actually you forgot , No BBQ , No Ruin , No NC , No Franklins , No traps not plainly visible and so on .

    For the most part I rarely ever use noed except a couple end game builds or one killers who just don't have better perks yet . I do everything I can to not tunnel or camp , but sometimes the survivors don't make that easy , if you unhook in front of me yes im gonna try to slug the unhook down , usually I leave them down and chase the person responsible for the -bp they just got . If im walking away and I see scratch marks headed right for the hook of course im going for that person , im not ignoring a obvious trail just to keep going to other side of map unless im running something that requires the distance .

    Mostly I play for bp's and for fun , so if I get 20k+ and I don't kill but one person and I had fun then its a win . But im not playing my game by some made up set of ideals someone else has because they don't like the perks I have available . do survivors typically stop running their meta perks , if not then they have no reason to complain about my perk choices . And yes I will use franklins when I see a group in the lobby with 3 toolboxes or 2 medkits or a bunch of flashlights or a key , why , because I assume the meds are insta , toolboxes mean they plan to gen rush , flashlights and key well just don't like em to be honest .

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    Depends honestly. I don't want to have a boring match but at the same time I wanna achieve something in it.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited October 2019

    I don't know what to vote because my answer would be "yes, when I can afford it". Certain situations call for a less survivor-friendly gamestyle (like when you are in a really bad map for your killer and survivors are good).

    I don't really give a ######### if they tbag or blind me.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    There are no "Survivors Rules" that's just a meme made by people because certain players like to dictate how you should play...

    When in reality we all can play whatever we want and do what we please as a Survivor or Killer (Within the rules of course...)

  • ArksnaVixone
    ArksnaVixone Member Posts: 30
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    If the survivors play decent i will play fair and try to give opportunities to have some fun and bloodpoints for all, but if they are completely ######### I wont give any chance to survive...

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773
    Yes, but only if they are bad/new

    usually I never do, I don't even give hatch most of the time, but if it's clearly 4 babies who have no idea what a "loop" is then I'm gonna go easy on them. No point in being sweaty too a bunch of people who don't know what a "Plague" is xD.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    "Survivors Rule Book for Killers; Page 1, Rule No. 1: The killer can't."

    This pretty much sums up all the survivors made up rules, and if I followed that, then I might as well go play a different game, because god forbid I try to have fun as a killer in this one.

    These are the only rules I go by when playing, and feel that if everyone went by them, we'd all have a good time:

    1 - Play how you want to play and enjoy the game.

    2 - Respect is akin to Newtons 3rd law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ergo, if you show no respect, don't expect any.

    3 - The Killers role is to kill, the Survivors is to survive... Both by any means necessary. Hate the game, not the player.

    4 - When the gates are powered... Anything goes.

    5 - You paid money for a multiplayer experience, and thus aren't entitled to win every match. Anyone who takes umbrage to this should stick to single-player games where-in you are entitled to win for the money you paid. Being salty because of a lost match is unbecoming, embarrassingly juvenile, and toxic to the communities reputation. We're all people pitting our skills, strategies, and knowledge against each-other. If you lose and have nothing good to say: Leave a "gg," calm down/lick your wounds, and move onto the next match.

    6 - (For PC players anyways) Post game chat can be closed using the ">>" in the lower right of the chat box, and will remain closed until you either open it again or restart the game. No one deserves abuse, so if you find yourself frustrated over excessive endgame chat toxicity: Just close it, and continue enjoying the game in peace.

    7 - This is a 4v1 Lobby and Match style Multiplayer game. When you queue up to play a match you are committing to seeing it through so that everyone can enjoy the game, and everyone else who queued up is depending on your commitment to the match in order to experience said enjoyment. The acceptable reasons for Intentionally Disconnecting from a match are as follows:

    1. A Game breaking bug rendering you incapable of playing a normal match.
    2. A Player(s) taking the game hostage/hacking/exploiting bugs or game mechanics/bullying or griefing you. (Report these ones after leaving the match)
    3. Influences and situations outside of the game that make your disconnection unavoidable in order to deal with said circumstances.

    Disconnecting from a match intentionally for any other reason is a practice in bad sportsmanship that Ruins the experience for all other players. Disconnecting over petty reasons doesn't do anything other than piss off everyone else, and makes you a worse player for it since you don't learn how to play any better by quitting. Too many DC's from too many players can also result in leaving the community as a whole with a sour experience, and could eventually kill the game we love. If you are frustrated with how a match is going; Take it in stride as a learning experience, see it through to the end, take a break, and decide if you want to queue up for another match. We all bought this game in order to play it with others despite how each match goes, and the majority of the fun this game offers is in the variation of each individual match.

    Don't be a petty DC'er.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    Give respect and you get respect.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    You right too though.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I shall play as I want as long as I'm within the boundaries set by the game/devs. If people don't like it, they can go chew rocks.

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    I play how i want, idc about the "Made up" rules. Funny thing is the other day i got a late sacrifice using NOED, a level 10 survivor messaged me to tell me i'm going to be banned for using that perk because it's "strictly against the rules". 😂😂😂

  • Happsta
    Happsta Member Posts: 79

    i play in a way to maximize pip outcomes and that's the only standard i abide by.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    They're my own "rules" actually, rules that make me have the most fun with the game.

    I want to chase people. I want to outplay them and experience them outplaying me as well. I want the "Gotcha!" moments as well as the "Where the hell did you go? You just vanished, nice one" moments. I get that the most of that by playing a very hook-and-move-on way that naturally leads me away from camping or doing "pre-planned" tunneling like proxy camping and the like.

    But I don't follow this so blindly that I handicap myself. If I see two people clear as day near the hook I'll be staying there, and if a recently unhooked person runs into me they're going down and on the hook if I don't have to worry about DS.

    But don't get me wrong, I'm glad that my way of enjoying the game generally means my opponents have a good match as well. While I agree that no one is obligated to ensure other players have fun, a lot of people almost seem like they take some sort of pride in making others have as bad of a time as possible. While I believe people can play however they want I personally find that completely pathetic.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Hell no. I have my own code.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    Yes, but only if they are bad/new

    New survivors shouldn't get the tryhsrd treatment. Maybe they will come to the forums and cry about spirit and nurse then.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    I do wanna add though, all you Killers saying you don't care if the survivors have fun? Yall need to chill. Like its a game man. Everyone is meant to have fun.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212


    I go where I need to go. I don't intentionally proxy camp with other options, but if you leave a 3 gen and I hook someone in the center of the 3 gens, that's your problem. I'll generally only camp if the gates are powered, I'm not walking to the gate just to have them saved when I leave and then everyone gets out, I'm nice, not an idiot.

    I don't run noed. I just prefer to play with 4 perks rather than build around the end game. I have no problem with people using it though.

    If you're the person I come across, I don't care if you got unhooked 10 seconds ago, a survivor is a survivor. Being hooked in a match doesn't make you immune to being hit, and that includes people who make poor choices when they have an RBT on.

    I really don't give the hatch either unless there's a very obvious rank 20 in the squad. I don't slug for the 4k a lot unless I have a good idea where the last person is, or they've been cocky during the match and I don't want them getting a freeby.

  • InfinyMage
    InfinyMage Member Posts: 236

    While yes everyone should have fun. When you have and us vs them game like this is for a majority of people. One sides fun is not the others priority. Is that an excuse to play like a douche? No. But everyone has their own definitions of fun depending on what side they are on and the developers have given both sides free reign in what that entails as long as your not abusing bugs and or holding the game hostage. So its not really anyones place to say chill out when we all have our own little versions of whats fun.

    I agree its a game and everyone SHOULD be having fun. But its also a game with 2 different groups who's objective is at the end of the day, to not let the other side win.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Noed Hag is just too fun.

    I havent even had noed trigger when I play Hag yet, but I just love watching survivors get triggered by the meer glance at it.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    Okay THAT makes more sense then just saying it in a way that could be taken as "Screw You Survivors!"

  • InfinyMage
    InfinyMage Member Posts: 236

    Yeah i feel like a decent chunk of people unfortunately do mean it like you said. Not all but an alarming number nonetheless

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157

    For a vast majority of the time, yes. Not exactly because of "the rulebook" per say but because it's much more satisfying for me to win fair and square and it gives everyone a fair and fun experience. I wanna chase and hook everyone. Tunneling and camping not only is lame, but unfair and unfun for both sides.

  • Tucking_Friggered
    Tucking_Friggered Member Posts: 636
    edited October 2019

    No, because I respect my competition. If I let you win I'm saying that you are an inferior unworthy of the respect of trying my best.

    Additionally, I wouldn't be preparing you for better killers who will not give you a pass.

  • marvelmovie
    marvelmovie Member Posts: 195

    I play by my rules and my rules alone, but I'm fair, most of the time but if their gen rushing you're getting tunneled or what they call camping but for the most part I get brutal so I did my job even if they escape

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    They don't refuse to cleanse my ruin when it's next to a gen, they don't 99% gens and wait 1 minute before finishing it so I can PGTW it, they don't dodge broken loops so I can potentially catch them. Why the ######### should I care about what any survivor main ever says?

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Game is meant to be played in any way I want.

    I'm a KILLER, only one who makes rules is me.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    I dont know which side you're regularily playing, nor is it important for the topic of this discussion, but honest to the entity,

    Have you ever met a survivor caring if the killer has/had fun?

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    Yes, but only if they don't Teabag or Blind at pallets

    I play Killer. Also I don't know, but i've met nice survivors.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    It's a petty to see so many people play by other's rule. I understand that some actions or perks are "toxic" but that goes both ways. I don't play by survivor rules but sometimes i follow them because it's the best strategy for me. If the things are not going my way but i still have time i'll tunnel the unhooked guy to eliminate him to make my game easier.

    Bottom line is that killers should play the way they want as long they are following the games rules (defined by BHVR).

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Why would I?

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Rules are subjective. I'm not going to answer because it's ridiculous for me to answer something that some might find right, and some might find wrong.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I don't follow survivors rule, if i did all i'd be allowed to do is stand there and do nothing. I have a set of rules i follow which i have come up with while playing as both survivor and killer. For the most part they line up with hat most survivors would want.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    There are too many survivor rules to respect them all.