I lost progress

I submitted my ticket already and heard back. They told me to keep my game closed. How long does it typically take for them to give you your BP back?


  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    They told me they won't compensate for lost progress due to bugs

  • Lambda
    Lambda Member Posts: 105

    Developers have stated that it's just another random bug. They're looking to hopefully fix it by the next Mid-chapter update. For now just simply try restarting your game, I occasionally get this too and restarting usually fixes it.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    I lost 40 levels on my doctor too, should be like 2million BP but I would not do a ticket for that bloodpoints, I mean, you can make over 5million in 1 day, its not really worth it waiting for a ticket respond^^ But yeah, that progress lose sucks

  • coltjohnfit
    coltjohnfit Member Posts: 9

    Already restarted my game. It may not seem like a lot but I don’t get as much time as I would like to play the game. So it may be easy for some to grind all day but I don’t have that luxury unfortunately. They already said they were going too I just didn’t know if anyone knew how long it usually took.

  • RustyBenB
    RustyBenB Member Posts: 9

    I just got a loss of progress error after getting kicked mid game due to internet problems. I haven't reopened the game since then, I've heard that it's supposed to help. I have all of my survivors level 40, I'm not looking to lose that. Whatever happens; happens I suppose.