Why is there people that insult for free because you did badly?

I don’t understand why people always insult me when I do badly on killer(we have all bad games).I JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND and it hurt me to read all the trash talk on me.When someone is doing bad or tunnel me I won’t text the person and insult him even if I’m angry.I don’t understand people that are mean, it is disrepectful and I don’t understand...


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Typically if I have a bad game, and the survivors CLEARLY outplayed me... I go ahead and say my GGs and compliment individuals. "Dang Feng, you did REALLY good". It quickly becomes a dick move for anyone to be such a bad sport. You'll sometimes see their own teammates turn on them for being rude.

    Yesterday, I had a game where all 4 survivors were still alive by the time the last gen popped, but I managed to down someone in the basement... This kept turning into abunch of trades until EVENTUALLY... they all managed to get out of there. I managed to down and kill a Laurie on the run to the gates however. That Laurie immediately started throwing shade for "camping", something I didnt do AT ALL until that basement situation after the gens were done. I like to think it was because of my GOOD sportsmanship that his own teammates told him to STFU.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Had a game the other day, the guy were in swf and completely destroyed me.

    They even let me attack them at the gate because of how much of a stomp it was.

    After the game the guy send me a message saying "im soooo sorry u experienced that"

    So you know... nice people still exist :)

  • BearJaw
    BearJaw Member Posts: 56

    It's the problem with most competitive games, trash talking will happen often. My advice is ignore it. How you act is your karma, how they act is theirs.

    Remember that ultimately it's a game, have fun and smile and if you lose you lose. Doesn't make them better, or you when you win. The best athletes in the world at their own respected sports still lose sometimes. Like you said bad games happen sometimes and that's all it was. I've had many on both sides and many other games, For Honor being one with also high toxicity.

    Try to keep it positive, dont let people get you down because they want to be rude.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Alot of times ppl let you attack them for points. You get points for getting hits, and they each get points for escaping a chase.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    People who insult you after outperforming you are usually those who lose... A LOT and thus get overly "energetic" if they win for once and typically try to get rid of all the anger/frustration that's been buildung up as a result of their previous games/losses. Don't take their statements personally. That kind of person usually quits the game sooner or later as they can't handle losing and... Well... Everyone loses in DBD sometimes.

  • MasterMax64
    MasterMax64 Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2019

    Thanks to all of you for all the positive comments!!It is good to see that there’s more good people than bad people in this game.

  • Theoretical_Heart
    Theoretical_Heart Member Posts: 398

    Often the ppl that feel the need to do that are ppl who don't win much. Thus when they do get a win, all of that built up frustration from their failures is poured out in a gloating msg.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    They really should be charged for it.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Honestly, I wouldn't let it bother you much. I play on Xbox One, and when I get literally owned, I get messages gloating and saying how I should uninstall the game, go back to Fortnite, the usual brainless messages. On the otherhand, when they get owned by me, I get the I cheated, I'm abusing perks, I tunneled/camped. I just don't understand where the days that gaming was all in good fun went. If we all had a good time, then hey, it was a win all around. No need for some many toxic players nowadays

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Free? I like free stuff! Where do I sign up!?

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    I got called a noob killer when I 4k as plague.. So you get insult no matter what you do.. just say gg and turn off the chat

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    'Cause they have nothing else to do in their loves other than bully some pixels around.

    Really tho, one of the richest salt mines I got was when a team of 4 Claudetts went against my Legion on Mount Ormond, and 2 players ended up dcing. I kill them both, and got bitched at for "not even giving the hatch after 2 DC's".

    The absolute headassery.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    They weren't expecting snow when they readied up it seems.

    Also, I tend to have an urge to go easier on Ormond, as I feel Legion would feel nostalgia for the place.

  • InfinyMage
    InfinyMage Member Posts: 236

    Sorry your dealing with some peoples BMs. I switched over to console because i couldnt handle the post game chat on PC. But someone recently told me that i could have hid the post game chat? (Unsure if it would have to be done every game or if it would stay hidden)

    At least on console you can choose to block messages from non-friends. I seem to go back and forth since sometimes it is nice to get a gg or anything thats not someone being intentionally douchy

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    You'd be amazed the lengths people will go to insult...

    My experience on PS4 has been this:

    Get nasty DM messages. Disabled dms

    They can't DM? They bypass the system by sending a friend request which has its own message system.

    So i disabled friend requests.

    They can't friend request or dm me so now they spam follow/unfollow to fill up my notification inbox.

    So i disable that too.

    Now they spam me party invites sometimes with insulting usernames that ps support won't remove. I cannot turn off or friends only party invites for some reason so i can't block this.

    Toxic people make DbD incredibly frustrating and some of them find ways to get to you in areas outside of the mods control.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    I personally dont really like Ormond. Just a wierdly designed map.

    I'd like Yamaoka, if it wasn't the size of Alaska.

    Farm maps can die.

    Autohaven, oddly enough, I dont despise.

    I like The Game, but I have to be prepared for it.

    Lery's is actually my favoirte map for both sides.

    Macmillan needs to erase half of the jungle gyms it has.

    Crotus is cool, just has shite totem spots.

    Red Forest can die.

    Swamp must be multiplied in my chances, because I get it way too often.

    I like Preschool, but I get it a lot. At least there's variety now.

    Haddonfield... Eh. Little too survivor sided.

    And I've only played Underground Complex once as killer and a couple times as survivor. From what I played, I like it, I just wanna play more.

    Sorry for the wall of text, wanted to just bring out my opinions on the maps.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Most of my map likes and dislikes boil down to when the game starts if I go "I hate this map" or not

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Yeah, I don't get it? Why are they doing such fine work for free. I mean I reserve my insulting services only to those who pay me to do it. Don't work for free people or people won't value your contributions to society.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773
    edited October 2019

    I've never understood this type of behavior, both in games and irl.

    It's just people feeling the need to be a prick so they feel better about themselves *shurg

    Edit:Every time I've wrote shrug for the last few weeks i've put shurg. I'm keeping it

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    People who have a disappointing real life often want to make themselves feel better by bullying others via the anonymity of the internet.

    Ignore it. Turn off the after-game chat on pc/disable messages on console for those who aren't in your friendlist.

  • MasterMax64
    MasterMax64 Member Posts: 26

    Yesterday I event receive a message from the killer because i looped him and he got me after a certain time, I don't understand I was just playing and trying to survive and he said I was trash because of that like #########?

  • MasterMax64
    MasterMax64 Member Posts: 26

    So in any case, I always receive hate messages when I play survivor or killer and there's no way I feel good playing this game with these messages... I ignore them and it don't affect me as much as when I begun playing this game but I still don't understand how you can treat people like this a geting satisfaction out of it...

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    Because they can and unless they go over the line they probably won't get punished for it.

    Personally I don't think they should as long as it stays within the realm of "regular trash talk". I'm by no means one of those "LMAO you can't deal with the BANTER 😂" sorts of people, but drawing the line gets a lot more subjective when you don't have a line as simple to understand as "don't encourage people to hurt themsleves or call them straight up harsh slurs?" it gets a lot more subjective, and you'll never truly please everyone.

    Some people genuinely do believe calling people garbage players and telling others to uninstall should be part of any competitive game, while others are hurt by even the most constructive criticism. Meanwhile the vast majority of people can agree that encouraging various degrees of self harm or spamming racial slurs is something that's best to ... gently eject people from the game for.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    I usually say gg in endgame chat even if we escaped without being hooked.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited October 2019

    Yeah, that's happens on PC and console.

    My suggestion is, if you have thick skin, leave the chat open and report them if they say anything disrespectful under the in-game guidelines.

    This will get them banned and multiple bans will get them permanently banned — they can't come back to insult you or anyone else when they are permanently banned.

    However, if you don't have thick skin, which is okay because I don't have thick skin, just close the chat before they start sending hate. On console, block them and report them to Sony or Microsoft, not on Dead by Daylight because they only handle things that occurs on their end.

    I'm so sorry to hear your experience, but remember that there are people who care about you and would want you to improve instead of discouraging you to improve by using insults.

    If you want, we can talk through my Wall! I'm always open to discussing if you're feeling bad! 😁❤

  • yakul1nausicaa
    yakul1nausicaa Member Posts: 128

    Unfortunately in life some people are just cruel bullies, but equally you'll encounter a lot of positive people. Ignore the toxic nonsense :)

  • MasterMax64
    MasterMax64 Member Posts: 26

    My god thanks for all the messages again this is very kind!

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    Am I the only one who enjoys the trash talking? It feels so good, destroying a bully squad and then receiving their salty messages.

    But, in your case, just ignore them

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206
    edited October 2019

    It happens for many of the same reasons any other type of bullying does. Usually that kinda behavior stems from personal problems and I’m sure it makes them feel better about the times they lose. Usually people have a lot more courage to say nasty things when they have complete anonymity and don’t have to look someone in the eyes.

    I wouldn’t take anything negative people say to you to in game to heart. They’re not even truly saying it to you. You are on the other side of a screen, they probably don’t even see you as a person. Some people have no sense of empathy online. Just let it go and move onto the next game.

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    THIS. Best answer I've heard to this question in a long time.

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    The answer is insecurity.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    You could turn off game chat/ ignore the messages. You can also report these people (as long as you go to support with screenshots), Not completely sure about the console side of things tho.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Most ppl just love beeing on the "winner" side but if they ######### up they just shame dc. I had one day kind of 20 4ks in a row, I played huntress for a while ago and was obviously pretty bad with her cuz I didnt play her for a while. So all 4 escape and they teabagged me and wrote ezzz game baby huntress camping etc.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited October 2019

    If you destroy them, yeah the salt feels amazing but if you get destroyed, not really.

    Some people play the game just to bully killers or annoy survivors and they can't handle it when they lose. You see rank 15-20 survivors that intentionally deranked to bully killers.

    I recently played against a 4 man swf as demogorgon. They set up macros to rapidly click the flashlight, tried to annoy me the entire game. I got 2 kills and someone disconnected because they couldn't handle dying. They said I was trash because I "camped" when they refused to leave the hooked person. At times like these I ask myself, why do I even play any killers other than nurse, spirit, freddy, billy?

  • Nitemare
    Nitemare Member Posts: 3

    I was playing swf with one of my buddies the other day. I think the other two survivors were also together. My friend and I were working on gens while the other two were being chased by the killer and we would save then when they were hooked. Eventually one of them died and after we finished the last gen my buddy and I were body blocking so the other guy could open the door. The killer ultimately had noed and both my buddy and I died while the other got to leave. The person who had originally died was sending me hate mail because we were working on the gens instead of getting in chases. Im sorry but isnt the point of the game to finish gens. And when they were hooked we would go save them and then go back to working on gens csn someone explain to me what his problem was with that?? Haha

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Honestly, that's why I'm of the opinion that the "sweet spot" for playing the game is around rank 10-12.

    Staying in those precious 3 ranks will give you the best experience for both sides. As survivor, your teammates will be competent and share their knowledge if you misplayed in the game (in my experience at least).

    As killer, you don't have to worry about being overwhelmed by Survivors and you still get encouraging letters from those nice few who just want to have fun like you do ^^ It's always nice to read a lengthy response as to why they enjoyed the match. Though a "gg" is also nice. It means they acknowledged it's been a fun game.

  • toxic_wraith
    toxic_wraith Member Posts: 8

    i just had a game and it was so bad everyone escaped and in chat someone told me to ######### and i chase so bad, im rank 13 and im going against rank 1 of course im gonna be worse than them

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The "hide chat" icon exists for a reason. If you are sensitive to insults it's best to hide the chat and close your DMs.

    Also survivors insulting for free? DbD swear box when.