What's everyone's beef w/ Furtive Chase?
Designed to be a mind game perk, yet only for those who use ears not eyes, FC is pretty good for one other case. I will say it benefits killers with w/ a smaller base terror radius more than those without, a key thing to remember is that everyone is affected by the decrease in TR when you're in chase. If it ever comes to where the survivor you are chasing leads to others, the other survivors would be less prepared for your sudden closeness. All 32m TR killers get a max of 16m TR using 4 stack FC, and 24m to Myers lvl TR range from 8m TR to Myers who gets 0 TR without M&A. Though I believe its general use is still effective since what your seeing is not the same as what you're hearing in survivor pov.
I personally use it to change obsessions and the decreased tr is just a bonus. I use it with STBFL so that I can also down the obsession