Will we get any updates on the mid-chapter patch today?

Is it coming this week or next week or week after? Sorry if I sound a little impatient but be nice to get some sort of update on how it's going. Complete silence since Monday
"Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Withering Blight event is postponed until the release of the mid-chapter 3.3.0. We're working on getting the update ready as soon as possible and will keep you posted."
I know that the devs are obviously busy working on fixing whatever issue is causing the delay but surely it can't be that hard to just make a post saying "Sorry, we are still unsure when the update will be ready to release."
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I couldn´t agree more with you.
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If they were sure, they would tell us. So, we can safely assume that silence means they are still unsure and have nothing to report.
An update would be nice, yes, but if they're not giving one that means there's no update to give. If they feel confident enough to give an ETA, I expect they'll give one. Otherwise, we'll know what there is to be known as soon as the situation is stable enough for them to issue some kind of further statement.
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it is too hard tho.
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Golden rule is "Don't expect anything before it's announced." We know they are issues to solve and their are working to get the patch ready asap. I'm pretty sure, when she solve the issues and know exactly that the patch will be out at a specific date/time they will let us know then. So the question should be first "May we get an update about the release today?", rather if the entire patch is today. Because I think the later is less likely to happen without some announcement/communication coming from BHVR, I think.
And to be honest. In the end we have to be patient.
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Incidentally, I like to go by the motto of "expect the worst and you won't be disappointed". Try to think about what's the latest they could possibly release the patch, and tell yourself that that's when it's going to happen. That way, you can't be disappointed, and if it happens sooner you'll just be pleasantly surprised.
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It's gonna be so weird playing the Halloween dbd content on Xmas...
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But its really not hard to inform us.
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Remember how long Freddy's rework took? Yeah multiply that by 2 then you'll have the time it'll take to release the event.
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I only hope they get it before halloween
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Will we have a Halloween event on Christmas?
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We only want to know is it ready before Hallowween?
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yeah it will replace chrismast event XD
Edit: i ment winter event
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you guys never postponed anything so its ok if this happens once, alot of other games postpone patch updated too so this whole mess around postponing is invalid and silly
keep up the hard work you guys are awesome
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They’ve pushed updates before with game breaking obvious bugs. This must have been something really bad. I’m guessing MS or Sony didn’t certify the update.
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But we like beating dead horses here.
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Get your sound logic out of these forums! They have no place here!
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It’ll probably be out next week.
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Sure the console. Make no Sense but ok
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Are we there yet?
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How does it make no sense? If Sony or MS found something in the update and didn’t certify it, BHVR would delay the release for all platforms until its fixed. For all we know the issue has been fixed and it’s just waiting to go through certification again.
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but truth is we cant do nothing about it so the bast way to deal with it is just wait
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but if i had to bet i would say it will go out next week