About Undetectable killers - ghostface in particular

Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
edited October 2019 in General Discussions

In the last few patches (and more coming) Undetectable killers seem to be more and more common:

  • wraith, especially with silent bell / all map bell
  • myers tier 1
  • ghostface
  • crouched pig
  • freddy when in dream world
  • demogorgon after teleporting
  • (spirit with prayers beads - technically not undetectable, but still basically 100% stealth)

Now, I'm happy that Object of Obsession is getting nerfed against those instances, it basically breaks the killer mechanic especially in a swf scenario, but aside from OoO there are more perks to take into account, like

  • Alert - a perk that is already not very much used, is becoming more and more useless
  • Kindred - again, a noob friendly (and solo player) perk, that doesn't work
  • Borrowed Time - we all know is broken right now, I think they'll change it eventually

And that's the first point: some perks should need a rework imho, or at the very least break (even momentarily) the Undetectable status for killers which are interacting with something (e.g. like when wraith uncloacks when kicking a generator, I expect Undetectable to go away for a few seconds during similar actions for every killer).

The second point is that the Undetectable status, while adding some very appreciated variety to the game, changes drastically some dynamic of the game which are well established, namely Terror Radius and Red Stain, and this must be taken into much consideration when balancing the killer.

Take Myers T1 - yeah, he won't have a TR / RS, but he can't lunge nor run very fast, that's a big downside.

Wraith needs to uncloack before hitting, pig is very slow while crouching, freddy has his lullaby, demogorgon screams before teleporting.. but Ghostface?

Ghostface just needs to lose LoS to go stealth, the reveal mechanic is somehow broken right now due to camera-player-ghostface raytrace collision, and most of all there's no penalty at all for GF being revealed - a part from him being a bit slower than normal killers.

I think something should change - maybe a mini-stun like Legion post feral frenzy when coming out of stealth (not necessarily that long), maybe a channeling for when the killer goes into stealth like it is for wraith (even an audio cue wouldn't hurt and could add some interesting counter play). Undetectable is so strong that I think a very big change could still be ok, something like:

  • Remove exposed status effect when a survivor is stalked.
  • In order to charge its ability GF needs to stalk (note: stalking is only possible when the survivor is not looking at GF) - activation is automatic once a survivor is fully stalked.
  • GF can be put out from Undetectable only by the survivor that activated GF ability, either by revealing him through LoS or by being hit. In any case stealth is removed once any survivor is downed.

Well, as you may have noticed I don't like very much the current state of GF :P, but the post is more like a "hey BHVR, be careful about Undetectable, there's a balance that can be broken very easily if you experiment too much!"

P.S. ...and what if an Undetectable killer would not only have his aura hidden, but couldn't see survivors auras as well? That would be a huge downside for a perma-stealth ghostface using sloppy + thana + nurse calling - and downsides are very much needed in a game of choices, otherwise there's really nothing to choose.
