Do You Use Thrilling Tremors For The Tracking, Or The Game Slowdown?

Forceful_Spork Member Posts: 87
edited October 2019 in Polls

Thrilling Tremors is just a better Barbecue And Chili in my opinion, because when you win a chase, it either shows you where Survivors are (provided they are working on Generators), or it slows the game down by blocking Generators (provided Survivors are not repairing them). Which of these aspects is more important to you? It can also force Survivors to make a bad choice: Either reveal their location, or hop off of the Generator when their teammate is downed, and slow down progress.

Do You Use Thrilling Tremors For The Tracking, Or The Game Slowdown? 60 votes

PeanitsTechn0DustinArk_the_BonsaiBlueberryTapeKnotAjritokaSletitrocksDimekantgnsteaWaffleFalafelLordGlintGroxiverdeBoosted_DwightMrPenguinPoisonNDr_LoomisAhoyWolfjasonq500pichumudkip 48 votes
CetrenAshleyWBTheLegendDyl4n1TheRockstarKnightHoodiedUistreelGreentheNinjaAwkward_FiendDecemberManGhouled_MojoXeticusKagato 12 votes


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Typically if someone isnt on a gen during that time...theyre not gonna be on that gen in the following few seconds anyway.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I tried to track with it, hated it

    So I combine it with surge and its beautiful

  • Forceful_Spork
    Forceful_Spork Member Posts: 87

    I know, but there are a few cases. I personally have gone against Thrilling Tremors, when I have been running to a Generator, only for my teammate to be picked up, and then I have to sit there for 16 seconds.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    I use it especially on killers who don't have BBQ. I just wish they get rid of that cooldown or reduce it a bit. I sometimes pick up 3 person on a single cooldown period. It is a bit annoying.

  • phantasmal
    phantasmal Member Posts: 144

    Where's the both option?

    Tracking certainly seems the main use but locking down a regressing or a 99% gen can be really powerful.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I think BBQ is just better because of the extra points and that it isn't restrictive to only gens.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985

    Im surprised everyone likes it for tracking. It was a tough choice for me, but I just figuratively asked, if I could only have one of the effects, which would I rather have? I think slowdown is the obvious choice. Also its a super fun perk to run with surge.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    I wholeheartedly agree. The tracking it gives is nice, as it will even reveal survivors working on gens that are closer to the hook than you would've expected. In which case it's actually better than BBQ&C, but there is a couple of problems with using it for tracking only. The first problem is survivors adaptation; once they realize you have TT, they often adapt to deny its tracking potential by simply abandoning the gen as soon as they see their teammate go down. The second problem is activation time; TT has a long cooldown in comparison to most other perks, which makes its activation happen less often than we'd like if using it for accurate tracking.

    As for the slowdown, it's only 16 seconds of stalling a gens completion, but that 16 seconds can mean all the difference in the world. Nothing feels better than combo-ing it with PGTW, Stalling a gen at 99%, and then punishing the gen with a massive 25% drop in progress once the TT timer runs out. Again Using it for slowing down gen completions has the same problem with activation frequency, as while its activation does become a hindrance to survivors, If you can't capitalize on it... it amounts to little more than a mild inconvenience that doesn't activate often enough to be effective for this aspect of the perk.

    It's less about using it for 1 reason or the other, and much more about using it for its combined effects: potential tracking and stalling gen completions. A Player who can capitalize on both of these aspects simultaneously makes running TT far more worthwhile than a player who uses it for only 1 of them.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well there is no option for "both". It's a great perk, and if people are gen rushing that means there will be just one or two gens being worked so you can track them easier. And sometimes if you're closer to a gen the survs working on it will stop to hide, and it's cool to see when they come to the generator and see that it's blocked.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2019

    Even calling it a "slowdown" perk is a stretch. The perks slowdown is near non existent. If it was designed as a slowdown perk at all it is a failure of design. Tracking is about all it's genuinely good for in any meaningful capacity. Blocking gens that no one is working on for an insignificant amount of time is quite pointless.

  • Xeticus
    Xeticus Member Posts: 71

    I'm necro'ing an old thread but....I use it for both. it is really good with Pop. It can lock down a gen I know they were working on for 16 seconds. Time for me to get there and Pop it.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 989
    edited August 2020

    Thrilling Tremors is much more of a tracking perk than a gen slowdown. However, even it's tracking is pretty imprecise. Other perks just do this job better so I think it is almost a worthless perk using.

    Edit: I didn't noticed this post was necro'ed. My bad.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    I never thought of this perk as a slowdown perk, it does that job horribly imo.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I like that it offers a little bit of both. It's because it offers both that it's a really decent perk, and it doesn't really make sense to me to choose between the two when they're both present in the perk.

    I mean, that's why I like running it in the first place.

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265
