Can we stop asking to nerf good Killers and rather focus on buffing bad ones?

I get it, Nurse and Spirit are hard to play against. But constantly asking to nerf them doesn't help the other killers. But many of you have them rathe out of the way, so you can bully killer players easier. Hard and/or challenging matches are not wanted. You just like to BM and Click to annoy killers. But then BVHR has finally listen to re-work a killer and BOOM shortly after: He's too hard, He's annoying, I can't escape, He can pressure really good... NEEEEEERF HIM... and the next killer is on the re-work list: The Doctor. Idk what BHVR has planned for him. But if they make stronger for red ranks, guess what's gonna happen. You come back out and cry to nerf him again. Same with Leatheface, who's also on the re-work list.
Guys, stop asking for constant nerfs. Be better at the game. Adapt. What do you think killer mains do? Do you think we like to get looped for hours? We find ways to make less viable killers work better. Play them in a different way then they are intended. And BOOM all the sudden survivors have a new challange... But then you just scream "NERF" ... You know The Plague... First: She is trash and a couple of months later people realise she is far from being trash and yet again you scream for NERFS.
I don't have a problem with certain aspect of a killer getting reworked and changed a bit, e.g. Prayer Beats should be Ultra Rares. I'm down for this, even though I used them only 3 times since her release. I focus more on speed and recovery.
But god forbid killers want survivor perks nerfed... now that's too much
Think about it... You can have challenging games or boring ones. Without good & strong killers, this game will die!
Stereotypes aside, a lot of survivors I see do adapt. Iron Will is meta now because of the spirit meta, a lot of PS4 survivors seem to be running spine chill which helps a lot against Spirit. This whole “us vs them” mentality is just silly and needs to stop.
People don’t adapt and others do, it isn’t a side, it is people.
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Oh you mean like, how we shoudl stop asking for DS nerfs and ask to buff all Survivor Perks to DS-level?
Sounds good to me. Let's doooooo ittttttttt.
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Two of my favorite perks against every killer.
As for the OP. I find your position a bit disingenuous. For the most part. People have asked for reasonable changes. There are outliers. But in general most requests haven't been too far out.
As for survivor perks being nerfed. They have been. Alot. Ds has been brought to a reasonable place. Borrowed Time isn't as strong as it used to be. MoM got nerfed into the ground. The insta heals are going the way of the dodo soon. Generally hardly anybody has felt these changes weren't fair.
I agree some of the weaker killers need some changes to be more viable. But you can't push them to the point that nobody new sticks around either.
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This depends on the power level we wish to be "average". It's unlikely we want every Killer to perform at Nurse level in the hands of a capable player.
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True and I don't ask for that. I like to see killers get quality of life changes, like Trapper starts with all his traps at hand, faster setting up and doesn't step into his own traps
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then remove her or why should someone who wants the best killer buy any dlc if the killers are under nurse lvl? where is the logic.
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Yeah the old 'adapt' mantra - then when they do adapt then come the cries of further nerfs.
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I think the maps are the problem. Of course killers like Clown, Doctor and Trapper deserves attention but big maps like Rotten Fields and unfair maps like Haddonfield is the true issue in my opinion. Also, I want to say: I'm tired to read the word Spirit. I do believe that she is not the main problem in this game.
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I mean aside from Prayer Beads I think spirit is not that big of a deal but I agree with you on the maps and I been pushing this at least far back since Legion came out, the maps constantly get worse for killers or for survivors.
I'm glad they are starting to rework some of them like badham (unfortunately I'm on switch so I don't get that luxerie) I just hope Haddonfield is next.
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Having to use a perk slot (or 2) to counter a killer isn't really fun. Limits loadout possibilities that are already very limited.
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Cool thats why BHVR take so long to Rework Freedy. What is with Legion? 2 Years again for a Rework? Because i think everybody know he is the badest Killer right now
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Cool thats why BHVR needs so long to Rework Freedy. 2 years again to Rework legion? Because i spend my money for him because he was fun. But everybody knows right now he is terrible and not worth any money
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Could you explain why? Presumably capable killers will be going up against capable survivors, so it should balance out.
I really enjoy this game, but it seems to have so many balance issues, that its hard to enjoy for long periods. I either get bored of the current meta killer that can actually compete, or I get frustrated trying the lesser tier killers and getting stomped on.
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I don't know how you linked those two things together, but you're trying really hard to spin pay to win as a good thing right now so I'm not even going to try to argue here. If you'd like to have a civil discussion about this without insinuating things, I'd definitely consider it.
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You say Dlc Killers are here for fun. But where is the fun for Legion? After his nerf he is useless und not worth to buy it. It was needet he was not fair before his Nerf but i dont get my Money back for him
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Myers isn't Nurse level, but I don't think I need to explain why someone would want to buy him.
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Never said you have to.
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You kinda do though. Without Iron Will if you're injured you're as good as dead against most spirit players.
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DLC killers should be on Spirit's or at least Billy's power level. Since these killers are definitely not op and still have a hard time against good SWFs, this would be far from "pay to win".
It has been a year since a high-tier killer has gotten released. We need another one.
With the current state of the game, increased mobility is a key feature of a powerful killer. When you want to bring weak killers to a good level, there is no way around adding such a mechanic to their power.
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Totally agree, since my new accound Legion is right now the only killer that I dont have because it is not fun at all and worth even bothering to level this killer.
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How come I can survive without iron will then? I’ve played against tons of spirits with and without it, I don’t always live but I never feel doomed without it.
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Hard to have fun when the killer them selves are weak, no offence
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@bendermac Obviously you weren’t here around when Mettle Of Men came out... and have you been missing the constant threads concerning “gen rushing” and “Insta Heals”.
But yeah let’s preach it.
“Get better and adapt!” Right?
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You probably don't face that many good Spirits then or your region doesn't have as many good Spirits. Maybe I'm just bad but I find it very difficult to be unpredictable when the Spirit can know my location 100% of the time and I don't have a hint where she is. Same goes while I'm playing her.
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It's easier to nerf 2 overpowered killers then to buff the rest, the whole idea of nerfing strong killers is that it allows you to make broader changes to gameplay like gen speed, healing speed, ect without worrying about making already overpowered killers even better. Kill Nurse/Spirit/Hillbilly/Fred and suddenly you have 17 viable killers instead of 4.
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Then waste a bunch of her time while at full health.
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MoM was straight up broken on release and now it's trash. I still believe this perk was a major mistake to put into the game. Insta heals .. you can't adapt on that. Gen rush is certainly something the devs need to look into. We need 2nd objective in order to get out.
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They really don't nerf killers very much or very often. I would say that survivors are more often than not the target of nerfs. End Game Collapse is massively in favor of killers. Longer heal times. Mettle of Man is worthless now. Decisive Strike nerfed. Maps constantly being changed to be less safe for survivors. During the same time frame, how much have killers been nerfed?
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Huh? How does nerfing strong killers make the others more viable? That’s absurd.
You have it backwards, if they buffed everyone to say Spirits level then it would be fine.
If everyone’s “OP” no one is.
BHVR’s expressed no interest in changing generator speed far as I’m aware.
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@bendermac Omegablink Nurse was also broken, Prayer Beads need to be adjusted to at least become an ultra rare add on.
Gen Rushing isn’t a “thing” if you’re a good killer, why aren’t the killers 4king in red ranks saying anything at all? Adapt.
My point is, you speak as though it’s only survivors that “ask” for things. This mentality isn’t very helpful and it creates a clear bias that makes people not even want to have a decent discussion. The devs don’t simply change something because someone cried “nerf!”, I’d like to think that their decisions are based on more than that.
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They definitely changed freddy a week after he came out cause people cried nerf. That was a bad decision.
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DS was rightfully nerfed and in the current state it's pretty good. Though, I'd lower the stun down to 4 seconds. 5 is a bit much.
MoM needs a total rework to something totally different. As I wrote before, MoM was game breakingly powerful. If you can't see that, then you don't know what balance actually means
Adjusting maps is important. Wy do you think killers groan and moan when havng to play on Haddonfield or the farm maps. They are massvly in favor for the SV. I don't have a problem if a map is a bit in favor for either site. But we've on certain maps it's just bonkers.
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I don't see why something strong, (that's a good type of strong,) is being nerfed. Which is upsetting. Nurse is now perfectly fine to go against, as she always was, really.
But, in general, I just don't know why they are nerfing something strong, because some can't adapt to it. Spirit, and Nurse, of course.
It's kind of depressing.
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Well i agree that some killer need buf i mean look at legion or even leatherface ; i know that all killer cannot be in the same "tier" but the thing is that even if you are good with them and killer in general you just can't win some match , especially at red ranks
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Then make BBQ&Chilli a free perk for all killers so there is no pay to ease the grind. Same goes for Ruin, PGTW, Nurses Calling. In your own statistics it is shown that that are the most used perks and some almost essential at higher level at play, or give us an alternative to earn the perks, beside the roulette that is the shrine of secrets.
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I think you misunderstand me. I'm not saying those things shouldn't have happened. Well, except they ruined MoM. There was room to make it worth using, but not overpowered. What we have now is a joke. But I digress. The point I was making is that it is just a fact that survivors are nerfed with greater frequency than killers. Again, I'm not arguing that the nerfs aren't warranted. I'm just stating a fact. Therefore it is a bit disingenuous for the thread to make it sound like killers are always getting picked on. It just isn't true.
The basic premise isn't very good either. The idea that if "something is too strong the solution isn't to nerf it, rather the game should buff everything else". Imagine if that logic was applied to survivors over the past 2 years. Instead of nerfing DS or MoM, they should just make all the other perks equally strong. That makes sense doesn't it? If something isn't healthy for the game then sometimes a nerf is the only solution.
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Of the ones listed only BBQ is behind a paywall. All the other killers (and thus their teachable perks) can be earned with playtime. Compared to many games they are rather generous with the free content. Sales on the game and DLC are pretty frequent too. No one can say this game is too expensive or that it is pay to win.
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Those aren't QOL change. That's a straight up buff.
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Because Nurse in the hands of a capable player destroys capable survivors. There will probably be a few god tier SWF commando squads that can also beat a good nurse, but there won't be many.
Nurse in general is very strong. You can watch those streams of that Nurse Main who goes around wrecking SWF in Rank 1 with no Add-Ons and Perks.
Raising all killers to that level is not a good idea.
Especially since all killers in capable hands are capable of competing with capable survivors.
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I could be wrong, by I swear I saw DLC perks in the shrine before I owned the DLC... I may not have tried to buy them with shards at the time though, so maybe I told have been told to pay up then.