Patch Certification

Is the patch already sent out? Or do we have to wait until its finished and until its approved?
from what i understend it isnt sent out yet, but im not a dev and i can be wrong
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Since they did mention they're still working on fixes for certain things, they'll have to fix those first before sending out the certification. Probably won't be ready for another week or 2 I'm estimating.
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Didn't they also say they "We do not want to rule out the possibility of having the update ready next week." Its very unclear what that means. Does it mean the update is ready and needs a certification or does it mean it will go live.
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tbh everything is possible but the best we can do is not get hype about it
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The patch isn't ready yet to be submitted to Sony/Microsoft.
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I doubt it's been sent out. They just added that in as an additional reasoning (read: Excuse) for the delay.
They've made clear that they're still unhappy with all the bugs, crashed and problems. They've even said they haven't even managed to test the patch on some platforms. And they're not satisfied with the patch yet. Meaning the build is not done yet. There's no way they've sent it out for certification already.