Is there an allowed crosshair for huntress?

Before the judging starts, she isn't my main or even someone I play like ever. But for dailies I would like to not struggle sooosooo much.
Is there any white-listed crosshair for her, preferablly lightweight, trustworthy and if possible free or cheap?
scotch tape
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Honestly thought about it but I only play her maybe once a week, every other week. I used to trash dailies but I ended up getting stupider ones like open the door with Jake
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It was mostly a joke tbh. I tried it when I first started, but eventually... having something cover your screen is only gonna be detrimental. Best way to get better at landing shots is just practicing. Eventually, you'll know where a hatchet is gonna land. Sorry that this isnt really the answer you wanted to hear, but theres really no shortcut to aiming. I also recommend you stay away from the windup addons while you're learning her. Theyre REALLY helpful, but getting too use to them ultimately just becomes a crutch when you dont have any left.
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I feel that way about all killers, made the mistake of learning Billy with insta saw and I really had to adjust to not using it
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With Huntress... alot of it is learning patience. If you watch alot of the good Huntress players, you'll notice many of their shots...they have that hatchet primed for AWHILE, lol.
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No cross hair option unless you want to use stickers or tape. Her hatches took me awhile to get but you eventually develop a feel for them.
I find its more about aiming where a survivor is going to be, and not directly at them. Survivors can be pretty predictable.
If you want to practice without the stress try and get a kyf group together, attach the infantry belt :)
Good luck!
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I really wanna find a picture now of Huntress yeeting the hatch.
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I will put that in my idea folder for when I draw ;)
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Certain monitors for PC have a "gaming" function that lets you add a crosshair to the screen. It won't even show up in recordings.
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I wont advocate third party programs but people do use them for screen overlay. The overlay the screen itself and does not change game files. The devs have said that you "probably" not be banned but you will definitely go to hell lol.